
Other places you can find me (2024)

  Probably about time I updated my links to the other places you can find me on the Internet. Bluesky : my place for short caps and silly posting now twitter has succeed in chasing all the cool folks off. DMs open Tumblr : the old standby still almost functioning after all these years.  Chyoa : A whole bunch of sexy stories by me and many others. Ideas and contributions welcome. Discord: I technically have my own discord group but since I never use it probably best to message me directly if you want to chat. 

Wicked Reflection

  Model Romi Rain I wished to escape my mundane life and become rich and powerful in a world of fantasy and adventures. But stumbling through the magic mirror to a faraway kingdom, I found myself cast in a different role. Instead of a questing Knight or a handsome Prince, I was reborn in the body of the wicked queen. My new reflection showed a darkly beautiful woman, as lovely as she was imposing. I felt dark magic crackled across my finger tips and watched a cruel smile twist my regal features as new thoughts and desires filled my head. Oh yes, I was going to love being bad, and no goody-goody heroes had better try to stop me.

Three-way split

Model, Adriana Sage Retirement wasn't everything Malcolm hoped it would be. A lifetime as a workaholic had left him financially secure, but without a companion to share his twilight years. So when a friend of a friend offered him a potion that would "at least half his age" he jumped at the opportunity for a second chance at finding love. The fulminating potion burned inside him, causing him to groan and shake as his body began to change. He felt himself twisting, changing, tearing apart like clay in the hands of a skilled sculptor. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, but it was unsettling. His vision blurred doubled, then snapped sharply into focus after a disorientating moment when it seemed like he was looking in multiple directions at once. "Mio Dios!" she gasped, looking down at her beautiful new body with its tanned skin and soft curves, "I'm a woman, and, Latina?" Her mind burned with new knowledge, a whole new identity. Alongside her me...

Request: Cursed Clothing

Model, Aiden Star The fear and panic that had seized him when the cursed clothing first wrapped around him began to subside. He knew the unnatural calm smothering his brain was wrong, but not even the sight of long blonde hair tumbling past his shoulders or full breasts swelling from his chest could shake him out of it.  The more womanly his body became, the more distant the idea that she would want to be any other way seemed.  After her physical transformation from male loser to latex goddess was complete, the numbing calm began to slowly drain away, taking any lingering attachment to her former life with it. Freed from the tedious burden of manhood, not to mention all that tiresome morality that had held her back all these years, she eagerly embraced the intoxicating power of being a hot bitch. A cruel smile tugged at her lips as she thought about how wicked it would be to seduce the married stud next door. Even better, she thought, a warm thrill of excitement making her new...

Point of no return

Models Miley May & Veruca James  '"So tell me Jeff, still think stealing our daughters' bodies is gross and immoral?" Chris smirked with Miley's pretty face as he plunged slender fingers into his friend's borrowed cunt. "Still want to go back to being a pair of balding, frustrated, old men?" "I, I, oh god yes!" Jeff moaned in Veruca's sultry voice, "We are terrible evil perverts and we are definitely going to hell for this. As soon as we're back in our bodies I'm going to destroy that damn machine. Now stop gloating and fuck me you bastard." "I think you mean bitch," the blonde laughed as the dark haired girl writhed under her touch, "and don't worry about the machine I smashed that while you were freaking out in the bathroom. We are Miley and Veruca now, their bodies and lives are ours forever, isn't that great?" The new Veruca tried to protest, to beg Miley to say it wasn't so but ...

Request: Fitting in

Lily Roma Everyone was super nice my first day working at the soap store. They just laughed when I mentioned feeling out of place as a guy working somewhere so girlie but not in a mean way. They even gave me a gift bag of free goodies that I just had to try when I got home.  I guess a pink bath bomb and a good soak was just what I needed to put things in perspective because suddenly I feel like I'll fit right in. Request via Bluesky

Request: Converted

Kayla Green, Latex Lucy The alien goo coated my skin, transforming my body into a latex fetish dream, corrupting my mind, and reducing me to little more than a helpless horny toy. Luckily, as much as it took from me, it more than gave back to my boyfriend Tim. It enhanced his body from a shy, average looking nice guy to a blonde futa goddess and awoke her dominant side.  I worshipped her as my queen, unable to resist her slightest desire. Eager to service her huge new cock while she explained my new purpose. I was to be the first in her harem of submissive latex drones helping to spread the black goo far and wide.  First, though, she intended to breed my hungry cunt, so I'd always know I was hers.  

Request: Free show

 On reflection, it was a mistake to pay the stripper from our joint account.  Of course, if I'd known Becky's talk about coming from a family of witches was more than old world legends, I might have done a lot of things differently. I don't think I've ever seen my wife so furious, not even that time I made a pass at her sister, and not even the promise of a new car was going to save me this time. Her eyes flashed with green fire, as dormant magical abilities burst free.  My clothes burned away the body underneath, twisting and changing, smooth womanly curves taking the place of my manly form.   After it was done, I looked like one of the girls from the club, right down to the tramp stamp tattoo in the small of my back.  To be fair to Becky she did try and change me back, once she was done laughing her ass off, but whatever spark of power she had seemed to be used up. In the end, I had to deal with the fact that I was stuck in this body. Now I'm shaking...