
Showing posts from June, 2018

Butterfly Effect

Professor Frink had spent years cracking the secret of time travel and months planning his first foray into the fourth dimension. His calculations told him that the slightest alteration to the time stream could have far-reaching and profound effects in the present so he had taken great pains to ensure his jaunt to the past would be completely harmless. He selected a small rural town for his target destination, a place where nothing of significance had ever happen. Where the people lead quite unimportant lives and rarely even thought about the wider world beyond. The kind of place that history seemed to have bypassed completely making it the perfect destination for the cautious time traveller. He made sure to acquired correct period clothes stripping himself of anything anachronistic and checking and rechecking his calculations. Then, with a flick of a switch and flash of light, he  was hurled  hundreds of miles across the country and decades into the past. An instant la...

One time offer

Amazing free software! Download now and start your adventure today! Kevin smirked when he saw the banner add it seemed such a transparent scam but he couldn't help but be intrigued despite his better judgement he clicked on the link. In just a few minutes the program was downloaded and installed and when he opened it he found it was some kind of photo manipulation software. He was almost disappointed it just opened a window with a prompt saying load target photo here. He shrugged curious to see what if anything the programme would do. He skimmed through his porn folder until he found a picture he liked and dragged it onto the prompt. Immediately the picture of the dark haired girl vanished and was replaced by a photo of Kevin. He blinked surprised to see his own image on the screen, obviously, the programme had hijacked his laptop's camera to snap him, he decides that installing strange applications was maybe not such a good idea and reaches to shut it down but before he...


Are you sure having sex in these bodies will switch us back? -Honestly? I have no idea, for all I know sex will make the change permanent but don't tell me you aren't dying to know what it feels like from the other side. What?!? You mean I could be stuck with these tits and this wet little pussy? -Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying it's a possibility. Personally I'm quite enjoying being in your body and I've got to admit I wouldn't mind staying this way I just wasn't sure how you felt. So I can experience being fucked as a girl but I could be stuck with this gorgeous body? Well hell, that sounds like a plan with no drawbacks! Come on baby let's do it.


Damn it Jeff will you stop dicking around with that thing don't you think you have done enough damage already?  I mean look at us we've gone from regular dudes to trussed up bondage queens with sexy female bodies and supercharged libidos in the space of about five minutes I really don't want to see what else you can fuck up. -Ah shit, sorry Ben it's hard to work it with these gloves on but I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Hmm, okay as far as I can tell this one will either turn us back normal or give us even bigger boobs, but maybe I should just leave it. Yeah, um, unless... well actually this starting to feel kind of nice and I'm getting this weird urge to show this body off.  Ah fuck it if we don't change back i think having big titties could be kind of fun. Well what are you waiting for? press it and let's get the party started!

Could be worse

Mmm, that's so nice. Even kissing is better as a girl. -I know, right? These bodies are amazing. I don't miss being a guy at all. And to think you were worried about owing all that money. - Yeah, I feel pretty silly now. Those guys were so nice. They gave us these hot new bods and a way to clear our debts and all we have to do is stay here and have fun with whoever they send us. Oh hey! This must be our first costumer. -Hi sweetie we were just getting ready for you. Why don't you take those clothes off and can have some real fun!

Working on his walk

Ow! God damn it this is impossible. Haven't I done enough?  You've already blackmailed me into wearing this slutty little fetish outfit that gives me a girly figure and forcing me to wear this wig and makeup that makes me look like some kind of sexy doll. You can't seriously expect me to parade around in these ballet heels? I can hardly stand in them never mind walkIng! Now now  hun don't pout, I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it. That is unless you want the whole team to see those pictures of you trying on your sister's clothes? I don't think that would do much for your reputation a lady's man or help you keep your position as the star quarterback. No! Please I'll,  I'll try harder.  I, I (shit I can't believe she is making me say this) I want to be a good sissy. Good  boi , I knew you'd see it my way.  Now try again and this time  give  that cute butt a bit more of a wiggle, I've seen truckers with sexier walks! *...

Gender flu: Making adjustments

Since I fell victim to the gender flu my girlfriend has been nothing but supportive, helping me adjust, showing me how to dress, how to stand how to walk, even how to fix my makeup. I think we were both surprised by how well I took to  being  a girl after just a couple of month you would never know that I used to be a guy it just seemed so natural being this way. I knew that my girlfriend missed the old me but over time she came to accept that guy was gone, well mostly. You see one day she came home and told me that she loved me but she had been raised to be kind of old-fashioned and she felt that a relationship should have a man and woman and since I no longer seemed up to the job of being the man it fell to her to take on the responsibility. Before I could ask her what the hell she was on about she showed me her brand new strapless dildo and before I can say a word she has me half naked on the bed. She starts fucking my tight little pussy as I moaned and complained but ...

Tastes too good

Oh no! No please I was so close. Just a few more hours and I would have been free of this curse, free to return to my life as a man. I just need to go twenty-four hours without sucking a cock, it should be simple despite how I look Iā€™m still a man inside thought of having a dick in my mouth should make me sick. I tell myself over and over that, I donā€™t want it that I just have to hold on a little longer and I wonā€™t be a weak little girl any more. But then I see him and I just get so hungry, he walks in the room and he doesnā€™t even need to speak. The next thing I know Iā€™m down on my knees and Iā€™m taking him deep in my throat. I hate him, I hate myself but, oooh, he tastes  soo  good!

Easy rider.

I still love the same things I did when I was a guy. Beer, sports and most of all riding my dirt bike. In fact that's even better now and I don't even have to leave the yard. I just fire this baby up and let her purr.  Mmmm!


ā€œFucking whore!ā€ muttered Jack as he received yet another rejection from his online dating profile his anger bubbling to the surface yet again ā€œHow dare she reject me just for being honest, so what if I told her I was only interested in a fuck itā€™s not like she wasnā€™t thinking the same thing.ā€ It never even occurs to he that he is being an entitled dick or that his little outburst would have such disastrous consequences for him. He logs off and goes to fix himself something to eat but halfway to the kitchen he starts to feel strange, weak and dizzy, he stumbles and when he raises his hand to catch himself he sees that it has changed. His hand is suddenly slim and delicate with long red painted nails. He feels a weight on his chest a suddenly pulling him forward he stares in horror at the huge tits that are now jutting from his chest. His hands fly to between his legs and a high pitched scream escapes his feminine lips as he finds that his manhood has been replaced by female equipment....

#NewGirlProblems 22

Problem?  No, I don't have any problem with suddenly being a girl.  I just wanted to show off my fantastic new booty! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 21

I figured the one up side to being a girl had to be not worrying about getting kicked in the balls any more. Boy, was I wrong about that. Turns out that is still a pretty sensitive area! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 20

You've always assumed that if you became a girl you'd still be the shy type. But now it's happened all you can think about is sucking cock! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 19

Ever since I swapped bodies with a cheerleader everyone expects me to be some wild party girl but I just want to curl up with a good book. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 18

This! This right here. The other stuff I can almost handle, sitting to pee, dealing with cat calls and pickup lines but theses bloody things! They are uncomfortable, they never fit, and who's stupid idea was it to have them fasten at the back? #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 17

Wow! I look fabulous. I could never look this good when I was a guy. My problem is I just hate how long it all takes. I mean, look at my hair. It took an hour to put these curlers in. I just hope my boyfriend appreciates all this effort. #NewGirlProblems

#NewGirlProblems 16

Okay, you'd think that as a former man I would consider this a problem. But then I feel my daughter kicking inside me and all I can think is how happy I am. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 15

New girl problems? Do I have to spell it out?  Yeah, I love having a pussy but there are just a few days every month when I really wish I had stuck with my boy parts. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 14

OI just needed a few things to go with my new body since none of my old clothes fit me now. Just some panties and bras, then some jeans and new tops. But then I thought I better some skirts and accessories to go with them and , well, I guess things got a little out of hand. Not that I mind having all these lovely things. It's just that now it takes me forever to decide what to wear! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 13

You'd think I would have gotten used to it by now but I still get confused about which restroom I should use. I'm so embarrassed.  Still, those guys didn't seem to mind. In fact, some of them looked pretty happy to see me. Hmm, maybe I should go back? #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 12

As mush as I love being a girl now I still miss my old equipment sometimes. Luckily my girlfriend bought me this thing. It may not look much like my old junk but it sure feels nice for both of us and, best of all, it never gets tiered. Sometimes we just keep going all night. I think tonight is going to be one of those nights! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 11

Just when I think I'm starting to get used to being a girl and having these things on my chest I'll be in the shower or getting changed and they'll get all sensitive and I'll get all distracted and then I'll be late for work! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 10

Even simple things like driving are way more complicated now. I mean, look at this. Why can't they make seat-belts that actually fit women? #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 9

I just want to dress like I used to. T-shirt, jeans, simple stuff but my girlfriend thinks it would be a terrible waste to dress this body like a boy. I wouldn't mind but it's starting to feel just a bit too comfortable. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 8

Just because I have boobs now some of my friends seem to have forgotten about the concept of personal space! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 7

Sure, they look good and of course they feel fantastic but holy shit, these things are heavy! #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 6

You are no longer sure if this is gay or not. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 5

You love showing off your new legs but hate wearing heels #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 4

Everyone suddenly seems much much taller than you #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 3

Waking up every morning to see this.... Okay that's not so much of a problem. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 2

Going dancing with your girlfriend and realising that you are getting more attention than her. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

#NewGirlProblems 1

Suddenly  having boobs but not knowing what size bra you you need yet. #NewGirlProblems Unconsidered downside to sudden gender reversal. Inspired by

Payback's a bitch

No fucking way! It is you in there Mike, but how? Why? ~Shit how did you figure it out? Uh, I mean, that is, I'm not Mike, he's my brother and um, uh... oh fuck it, what gave me away? Well, we've been best buds since kindergarten I'd know your body language anywhere. I wouldn't worry about anyone else recognising you. You look exactly like your sister you even sound like her. But how did you manage it, is it some kind of disguise? ~Uh no not exactly, you see I have this, well I guess youā€™d call it a power, I can possess people, take total control of their body for a while. I donā€™t use it very much because it feels kind of weird to be in someone else's skin but since your little prank got me grounded I figured the only way to come to Stacyā€™s party was to hitch a ride. Wait, wait you are telling me you have a superpower? ~Well kind of... That you could have taken the body of anyone here? ~Um, more or lessā€¦ And that you chose to become a girl? ...