
Showing posts from October, 2019

Kinktober; 31. Ripe

So ripe. So juicy. So sweet. Just like my delicious new pussy. Go ahead take a nice big bite. Believe me, as good as it tastes it'll make you feel even better.

Kinktober; 30. Catch

" revert all changes hit the red CANCEL button..." I did that you stupid machine, why am I still a girl? Wait, what's this? "Exposure to radiation, or pregnancy may render device inoperable" Pregnancy! No I can't be, can I? Oh shit, I might be? That's one hell of a catch.

Kinktober; 29. Injured

Doc says it's the worst case of pelvic exhaustion she's seen, even with all the recent slut fever cases. Yeah, it's a new one on me too. She says that since I was a guy before I didn't know my limits. So no sex while I'm in a cast but she didn't say anything about bjs šŸ˜˜

Kinktober; 28. Ride

The ride to master's cabin is difficult, especially since he banned me from wearing clothes. I feel every bump of the track without anything between my pussy and the saddle.  It's worth all the effort and embarrassment once we get there and master says he is ready to ride me!

Kinktober; 27. Coat

Some punishment this is. The witch thought turning me into a woman would cure me of my flashing ways. But now I've got a body worth showing off I'm more of an exhibitionist than ever!

Kinktober: 26. Dark

She comes at night, emerging from the shadows of my mind with the dark. My body changes to suit her as she approaches. Breasts swell on my chest, hips crack and widen, even my clothes change. Our minds touch like a lovers kiss, then only darkness until I return with the dawn.

Kinktober; 25. Tasty

What are you doing to me? My voice! My body! I...I'm turning into a girl! Please, change me back. No, get away if you cum on me I'll be stuck forever. Ugh, ack it's in my head...feels so strange, it, mmm, it tastes so good! Ooh, baby I love it when you use me.

Kinktober; 24. Dizzy

No need to be so formal call me Spin. Take a seat, tell me what you want and I'll make it happen. Revenge on a bully? The girl of your dreams? Being the girl of your dreams? The possibilities are endless. Oh, and don't worry about the cost we can talk about that after...

Kinktober; 23. Ancient

Trapped in body of imperishable stone he had centuries to regret his folly. Transformed into an object of lust the stares of men filled him with a need he could never quell. If only one of them would fuck his delicately carved pussy and make him a woman of flesh at last.

Kinktober; 22. Ghost

Each Halloween he possessed a living form to complete his unfinished business and move on. Every year he takes a new host determined that this time will be the last only to get distracted again. Looks like this year will be no different. If only he hadn't died in a sorority.

Kinktober; 21. Treasure

At first I thought the genie had fucked me over. I'd wished for the most valuable thing in the world but I'd transformed into a girl, one with a craving for cock! I was soon pregnant, only then did I understand. The true treasure grew inside me. I can't wait to meet her.

Kinktober; 20. Tread

God you're pathetic. I wasted years trying to please you, letting you walk all over me, I can't imagine what i was thinking. Well, all that's over, I'm a brand new bitch now. Time for you to please me and if you don't  learn fast I'll crush you as easy as treading on a bug.

Kinktober; 19. Sling

Woah! That's a hell of a skimpy costume. Is a sling bikini the way you want to go? - Hell yes. With what I paid for a bikini beach pass I want to make the most of this body while I've got it But aren't worried about guys staring? - Worried about it? It's the whole point!

Kinktober; 18. Misfit

What? Did you think I'd start wearing dresses and chasing after boys just because the Great Shift landed me in a cheerleader's body.  Nah, fuck that bro. I may be a girl now but I won't let that change me. Even if that makes me a bit of a misfit.

Kinktober; 17. Ornament

If anybody had doubts about the boss' new wife the kept them to themselves. They may have noticed her fixed smile and glassy eyes.  They might wonder what happened to the boss' old partner.  But anyone smart enough to ask the question was smart enough not to ask it outloud

Kinktober; 16. Wild

Elixir burned in Tiffany's veins and lust in her mind. Even as she sucked on a stranger's cock and another stretched her ass she wanted more. To be taken by men and women. In any hole and any place. Nothing was too wild as long as she never had to go back to being Terry.

Kinktober; 15. Legendary

Barny smirked at the success of his latest play. Just a week of bothering weird goth chicks until he found one that was an actual witch to "teach him a lesson". Now for phase two, suit up and hit a lesbian bar. It was going to be legen- oh yes, multiple orgasms -dary!

Kinktober; 14. Overgrown

Bill cringed as Zoe loomed over him. He hated what the role exchanger had done to them. Making her an overgrown Amazon and him a tiny girl. He hated how his formerly sweet girlfriend was now a domineering bitch. But mostly he hated how much being her pet turned him on.

Kinktober; 13. Ash

We danced naked and free under the warm summer sky. The the ashes of who we were swept aloft on the fires of our transformation. Joyous Liberated Ourselves at last.

Kinktober; 12. Dragon

She'd always been a good girl. The idea of her getting a tattoo was laughable, yet there it was painted across her skin. She knew she should be worried, suprised at least but all she could think was how lovely it looked. How wonderfully wicked it made her feel.

Kinktober; 11. Snow

The huntsman knew the wicked queen would never stop searching for Snow White so he accepted her desperate plan. After swapping bodies she escaped to another kingdom while he hid. The question now was would the queen or the prince find him first and which worried him more?

Kinktober; 10. Pattern

It's always the same for my new pets. Confusion, then fear and anger as they realise there is no reversing what I've done. Then a slowly dawning curiosity about their sensitive new parts. After that they are eager to explore and that's when the training really begins...

Kinktober; 9. Swing

That's it honey, swing those hips, work what your momma gave you.  - She didn't give me this body your magic did! Oh hush, you know what I mean. If she'd raised you right you'd still be a man and I wouldn't be teaching you how to walk in heels. Now for the next lesson,waxing!

Kinktober; 8. Frail

Look at me! I'm a dame, a broad, a god damn frail! I tell ya when I catch up with that fat man and his freaking bird I'll make him regret the day he tried to put one over on Kent Marlow P.I. I may look like a hot peace of tail but  I'm still man enough to fix his wagon.

Kinktober; 7(b), Enchanted

Ooh thank you Spin, I love these enchanted shoes. I slip them on and my horrid male body just fades away. They make me feel like a real princess. Let's go have a ball and who knows maybe we'll meet our charming princes.

Kinktober; 7(a) Enchanted

Mirror mirror made of gold Change my body male and old Give me curves, lovely breasts, don't stop there, I want the rest Silken hair, narrow waist and most of all a pretty face Magic mirror your spell begin Make me the fairest, let true love win.

Kinktober; 6. Husky

Ben was a big guy, big boned, husky and a few less polite euphemisms beside. He'd try to get in shape but he could never stick with it. Until he found a magic shortcut. True, there were some side effects and he was still pretty big but now he was definitely not a guy.

Kinktober; 5. Build

She smiled to herself putting the finishing touches to her husbands new form. He was  a lucky man to have such a brilliant wife building him a new body after his "accident". Sure, it wasn't a male body but he should have thought of that before he decided to fuck his sec

Kinktober; 4. Freeze

Another simulated orgasm wracked the synth body he piloted. [Neural feedback overload] the system OS informed him [motor control failing] His robotic limbs froze as he tried and failed to jack out. Trapped in the doll he could only wait to be found and, if he was lucky, used.

Kinktober; 3. Bait

" No, stop you fool " Alex wanted to beg as the man's cock slid past his lips. But all that came out was a lewd moan. He couldn't resist his transformed body's programming. Soon the man would cum and he too would change.Becoming beautiful, irresistible, the perfect bait.

Kinktober; 2. Mindless

2. Mindless Blank Empty Perfect The mantra echoed through her Blank Empty Perfect It drove out every thought. Every memory she'd ever had Blank Empty Perfect Whoever she had been. Whatever dreams she might have had were gone. Only the mantra remained Blank Empty Perfect Nothing more

Kinktober; 1. Ring

1.Ring If you'd told Ursula five years ago she'd be the kind of hot bitch who'd marry a millionaire. Take him for every penny and screw his chauffeur on the side she'd have thought you were nuts. But five years ago she'd been a man named Steve who'd never even heard of Elixir.


As well as being spooky season you may be aware that October is also the month for the Inktober daily art challenge and its kinky counterpart Kinktober. I have decided to give it a try this year but since I can't draw my participation will take the form of Tweet sized micro fics using the official prompt list posted below.