
Showing posts from March, 2020

Realm of the Dragon Lords: Character Creation

Original art by xiwick Realms of the Dragon Lords was the very latest thing in total immersion gaming. An amazingly detailed fantasy world where the players could become almost anything imaginable. Inhabiting the body of a mighty warrior or a mythical creature as if it were their own. Best of all the system ran at a greatly accelerated speed. Users could pay for a day and live out an entire year as their character. No surprise then that even with the considerable fee the company charged there was a weeks long waiting list for new players. Sam hadn't minded the wait, it had been an opportunity to learn all about the game world and plan exactly what kind of character they wanted to play. So, when the time came to enter The Realms they breezed through character creation clicking on the pre-selected options without a second thought before being reborn in the virtual form of a powerful centaur steppe-lord. At least that was the plan. What he hadn't planned on was becoming a cent...

Sooo wasted!


The Shifter's dilemma

The toughest thing about being a shapeshifter is settling on just one body for any length of time. One day I'll be a blonde the next a brunette. Busty then perky. Cute to sultry, there are so many possibilities I could never choose. The only thing I know for sure is I'm never going back to being a man.

X-Change: Crash Course

Shit! In hindsight it might have been a mistake for us both to take X-Change. At least if one of us still had a dick weā€™d have some idea what we were doing.  Like thisā€¦? How exactly are two straight guy supposed to figure out lesbian sex before the pills wear off? ~Jack and Sam: Taking a crash course.

The Wizard's Gambit

Becky thought it was a stroke of luck finding the gold necklace. It would go so nicely with the outfit she'd picked out for her big date that night. Her opinion was confirmed later as she slipped it on. Brushing her long hair out off the way she admired how it nestled in her cleavage sparkling in the light. S he was so entranced by it she didn't notice the tingling numbness creeping through her extremities,not until her legs stopped obeying her commands. They folded under her, dropping her to the carpet with a thump. "The hell?" She gasped struggling to right herself " What's happening to me? I can't control my legs... Hey stop that!" She squealed in protest as her hands began to move on their own. They roamed over her body ignoring her increasingly frantic protests as they groped her breasts and backside. "No please, stop"  she begged, feeling the invisible force that controlled her invading her mind. "I won't go, you ca...

No going Back

"Oh my god Jeff, why are you naked!?!" Sandra shrieked walking in on her transformed boyfriend. "You know what doctor said, any kind of sexual activity will aggravate your, uh, condition. He said if you orgasm you might never be cured!" "Oh Sandi," Jeff moaned caressing his transformed body "You know I'll always love you but there's no way I'm ever giving up this body. You can keep your cure. Now, please excuse me I've only cum twice so far and I want to try one more just to be sure." 

Part swapping fun

jiggle jiggle jiggle "Hehehe" Nat giggled shaking his ample new assets. "Seriously?" Becky asked trying to keep the whine from her voice "you get amazing body part swapping powers and all you want to do is steal my tits?" jiggle jiggle bounce "Hey, are you even listening to me?" Becky damned as Nat continued playing with his new toys "come on, give them back. You know I've got a date tonight..." jiggle grope bounce "Uhg, fine!" Becky snapped "have your fun you perv. I can stuff my bra for now but you better give my boobs back soon or else..." She flounced out slamming the door behind her. Nat smirked having far to much fun to think about giving up Becky's jugs. Knowing that there was nothing his roommate could do to force him. She did have a point though, there was so much more he could do with this power. "Hmm, I wonder... " he mused "what would a pussy feel like?"