Two Million Request Fest: What's Hot to Wear

Dee Mentia How about a teen who took a wrong turn in a Mall store like Macy's and ended up getting high-jacked by two sales ladies who throw him into a "haunted" dressing room that changes him into a professional woman .. or a hot teen whose mother is taking her clothes shopping "Blast!" Alex muttered "this place is a fucking warren." He'd intended to make a quick trip to the mall to pick up some smart shirts. He was off to college soon and hoping to pick up a part time job to help pay for all the partying he planned on doing. He figured a more corporate wardrobe would help his chances. Even if it was only a call centre a proper shirt would surely impress more than his usual assortment of faded band shirts. Besides he'll be dating college girls soon (he hoped) a sophisticated new look might be just what he needed. All of which dubious logic had brought him here, to Evelyn's, the big old style department store that occupied the western end o...