
Showing posts from February, 2023

Body Queaned: Best Man

  Finding my new wife blowing the caterer on our wedding day was a hell of a way to learn she's into body queaning. Not that I hated the idea of her surrendering control of her body. That part's actually pretty hot. It's just that I want to be the one swapping with her, not my best man!


 The more you cum in my old body the longer it will take us to switch back.   So keep jerking that pathetic little cock like the worthless simp you've become.  Worship this ass so I'll stay your busty blonde goddess forever

Body Quened: Full Potential

 Well, isn't this what you wanted when you asked me to body quean you? I'm living your life better than you ever could. I'm the kind of hot gold-digging bitch you secretly want to be. That you always could have been if you'd just had the nerve. Now you're asking me to give that up and go back to being your loser brother so you can get the benefits of my hard work?  I don't think so! Cry about all you want, I'm never giving this body back and if you even mention it again I'll have one of my boyfriends beat the crap of you

How About Now?

cindy landolt   "Okay, how about now?" Cindy asked tapping a few keys on her laptop. I blinked, just for a moment there it had felt like I should  be seeing something but the feeling passed as quickly as it came.  "No nothing," I told her honestly "Everything looks just the same." "Really? You don't notice anything different about me, nothing at all?" She asked pushing out her chest and looking over her glasses at me as if she'd given me an obvious clue but I couldn't for the life of me think what she might be hinting at. "Honestly Cindy," I sighed "You look great, you always do, I don't know what else you expect me to say. Did you change your hair or something, because I really can't tell." I expected her to pout at that, Cindy was a sweet girl but she could be a bit touchy about her appearance, but instead she favoured me with one of her dazzling smiles. "So, you really don't remember knowing a b...

Who I am

Please, can't we just forget who I was?  I might still have his memories, but your wish changed everything else about me. My body, my mind, the true core of who I am.  So, accept me for who I am now. Your gorgeous, loving girlfriend, who desperately wants you to fuck her.  

Almost Ready

  Oh no no no, I'm changing into a girl.  Impossible, but it's happening to me. I can't look away and I'm getting hotter by the second.  My breasts are so big.  My pussy, getting so wet.  Mind... changing...  I have to stop this before... before... Goodness, what was I thinking?  Can't sit here all evening admiring my lovely new lingerie. I have to finish getting ready before my bf arrives. He'll want me to look my very best before he fucks my slutty brains out! 

Bully's Return

 "Mom, what the hell?" I goggled at the sight of my mother dressed like a lingerie model. "Ha, hell is about right, but Mommy isn't here any more, buddy boy." My heart froze as I recognised the incongruous male voice she spoke with. "Ethan?" I gasped,"but you can't be he, you, you're..." "Dead?" My old high school bully laughed an eerie echoing laugh."As a doornail! But don't worry, I made a little deal with the folks downstairs, and now I'm back, Buddy boy. I won't bore you with the details but this sexy milf body is all mine now and I've got to say I'm liking it so far." I tried to protest demanding he leave us alone but my pleading, threats, and prayers were met with the mocking sneer I remembered so well. I felt utterly helpless as he paraded my mother's body for all the world to see and I knew with a suck certainty that much worse was to come...

True Motivation

  "Damn, I've missed this pussy. I can't believe I'm actually getting to fuck it again," he groaned pumping hard into my needy new cuntā¶, "You actually turned yourself into a copy of my ex and agreed to be my slut for the night because you lost a stupid bet." I responded with a lustful moan and buried my face in the pillow not yet ready to admit the truth. That I'd lost the bet on purpose   More importantly that I wasn't a copy of Allison at all but instead possessing her real body while she was trapped in my old male form. There'd be plenty of time to explain what I'd done and why after he'd cum inside me. After that it wouldn't matter, the swap would be permanent and I'd finally have it all, her perfect body, perfect life and of course the perfect man she'd been stupid enough to let slip away.