
Showing posts from February, 2025

TFebruary: Ghost Hands

Model Sirena Milano I struggled to escape the haunted salon, but the phantom hands that assailed me refused to let me go. They stripped my clothing away, sending it fluttering into the shadows. Then the unseen fingers picked and pushed at my body, smoothing and shaping  wherever they landed. My waist narrowed, my hips widened, firm breasts appeared on my chest as the invisible force sculpted my body like wet clay. I batted uselessly at the ghostly force with now dainty hands, while my facial features succumbed to feminisation. Finally, floating cosmetics and hair dye expertly applied themselves until I was a model pretty, worthy of a Paris catwalk.  Reeling from my supernatural forced makeover, it occurred to me that I was now totally naked. It was probably shock but I couldn't shake the thought that even if I could get back to my apartment without getting arrested, I didn't have anything that fit me now.  Perhaps I should visit the haunted fashion boutique next door...

TFebruary: Infection

Models, Cherry Aleksandra, Diana Douglas, Pimpal Bill, Zlata Charm  MILFitis sounded made up, like the punchline to a bad joke, but it was all too real.  The virus, MTF-AP-1, as literally no one called it, attacked the Y chromosome while degrading the telomeres. Which was how the talking heads on the news avoided saying what MILFitis really did, turn guys into sexy older women! I hardly believed it myself until my roommates got infected and started sprouting big tits and phat asses. Next thing I knew, the four of us were quarantined together while they got hotter and hornier every day.  The virus finished it's work in no time and I found myself sharing a house with three people who not only looked like porn star fantasy MILFs but acted like it too.  Their libidos were out of control, and don't even ask me where they got those outfits. They craved my cock, and they weren't going to take no for an answer.  All I could  do was try and keep up and hope the...

TFebruary: Full Moon

Model Sophie Limma  The light of the rising moon burned into me, flooding my body with its power once more. I tore free from the weak male shell I was forced to hide in for the rest of the month.  Panting from the effort of reshaping my body, I felt my lovely pussy finish forming and moaned softly at the sweet pleasure of being whole again, if only until dawn.

TFebruary: Bite

 The thing about being in debt to a sorcerer is, you can never be sure what he might make of you next. Yesterday I was a schlub named Mike that owed him money, today I'm his live-in fuck toy, Michelle.  The best part is, I totally love whatever he chooses to make me.  Even though I know that's him controlling my mind, I don't care, I can't care about anything except what he wants me to, and what he wants me to care about now is pleasing you with this delicious peach of an ass.  So, why don't you come over here and take a bite?

TFebruary: Punishment

 The witch's eyes flashed with emerald green fire, and Kyle had just enough time to realise asking her to choke on his fat hog might have been a mistake before everything went black. When he came back to his senses, it was immediately clear that the green-eyed woman's talk about curses hadn't been an idle threat. His body was no longer his own, all traces of the man he'd been erased, and in their place was the body of the hottest blonde he'd ever seen. Model Kylie Page Trembling fingers quickly confirmed what his eyes told him.   He was a woman right down to the most intimate detail, but the witch's punishment didn't end there.  Her magic compelled him to seek out men and perform every gross, degrading, and downright filthy act he knew, plus a few he'd never even imagined. The first time a man's cock ploughed into his dripping cunt, he was sure he'd die of pure embarrassment.   The second time it started to feel weirdly good and slowly, over a...

TFebruary: Possession

Model Nata Lee Alone for decades in the cold dark of the house he'd once lived in, the shade of Jed Williams had drifted into an undreaming slumber. He might have finally passed over completely if Tiffany Rose hadn't blundered into his former home.  Tiffany, or SpookyTiff847 as she was known to her followers, wasn't sure if she really believed in ghosts. What she did know was her paranormal investigation channel was pulling in enough views to pay her student loans.  "Hey there spooksters!" She addressed the tripod-mounted camera, "Welcome to another *thrilling chilling* Spooooky investigation here at the old Williams house. But before we get into that, be sure to smash that button, like, and subscribe! And don't forget, check out my store for all that awesome SpookyTiff merch!" For the reawakened ghost of Jed Williams, lurking unseen in the shadows, Tiffany's sales pitch seemed like so much meaningless babble, but it wasn't her words that dre...

TFebruary: Drug

My first time using X-Change, I wanted to try everything this sexy new body could experience, and I guess I went a little wild with it.  On reflection, I wasn't quite ready to have my ass stuffed by a stranger's massive cock, but god, the orgasm he gave me was worth it!  

TFebruary: Latex Slime

 The sci-fi convention proved to be an ideal breeding ground for the slut slime. The combination of sexual frustration and eagerness to embrace the new and fantastic made the attendees ideal hosts. The otherworldly goo spread rapidly among the horny nerds, replacing their homemade costumes with shining black latex and converting their drab old bodies into objects of pure lust. In hours more than half the con-goers were bonded to a symbiote, and it was time for the real fun to begin

TFebruary: Ray

When Carl found it, the ray gun looked like a simple child's toy. But as soon as he picked it up, its interface flooded his mind with knowledge of the fantastic alien power he now held.  With the power to bend reality to his whim, Carl set about settling some old scores.   Model:Cherry Cole First on his list was Ben, the bullying jock who'd made his high school days hell.  In a flash, the former star athlete became a giggling blonde cheerleader.   He left her shaking her pompoms and offering to blow the first guy she met. Model Nora Davis His former best friend finally paid the price for stealing Carl's girlfriend away.   Although oddly Carl's ex didn't seem to mind, she was now dating a petite submissive girl.  In fact, now he stopped to think about it, everyone he'd transformed seemed much happier after the ray had done its work. Models Simon Kitty & Tiffany Tatum As if to prove the point, the guy who'd cut in line in front of hi...

TFebruary: Suit/disguise

Model: Krystal Webb   Wearing Q division's latest innovation proved quite the revelation for England's foremost superspy and international lothario. Not even the most paranoid mastermind would guess this gorgeous woman was a male secret agent, but the suit had one small flaw.    The illusion was almost too perfect.   He could feel the soft, smooth skin of the suit, bonded to his own and so much more sensitive.   The full breasts shifting so distractingly beneath his clothes.   The admiring looks, from men and women alike, that ignited a hungry need between his legs. Was this how women felt, he wondered?   In all his years, with all the beauties he'd bedded, it had never occurred to him to ask.   For all the times he'd admired and enjoyed women's bodies he never imagined the wonderland of pleasure they might offer from the inside. Tomorrow M would dispatch him on a new mission, now he was properly acclimatized to his bo...

TFebruary: Potion

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TFebruary: TF Hoop

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TFebruary: Identity Change

 I searched the giggling slut's face for any trace of the cruel bully she had once been, but there was nothing there except simple empty-headed lust. The spell had converted the former man's mind as totally as it had his body, leaving nothing but this horny bimbo in his place. Some people might think his permanent transformation was a bit too extreme, but god he really was an asshole and I, for one, wouldn't miss him

TFebruary: Romance

Model Natasha   It was all so unfair Jessica grumbled to herself. Bad enough that the virus had turned her into a woman, but did it really have to make her this  kind of woman? She knew plenty of women who cut their hair short and never wore skirts. Hell, her own sister rarely used makeup and loved football. Why couldn't she be more like her? Then at least she'd have more of a connection to her old life as Jeff. Sighing, she remembered the last time she'd visited a bar. The way the beer had tasted sour on her new taste buds, how her stomach had churned after a few swigs. Finally, the noise and bustle of the crowd had frayed her nerves and sent her scurrying home in defeat for a relaxing bubble bath and a glass of Chardonnay.  She had to face facts, as her therapist never tired of telling her, she wasn't a tomboy, and she certainly wasn't a man anymore. Denying it was only going to make her miserable. She had to learn to adjust to her new personality the same way she...

TFebruary: Machine

The procedure saved my life, sort of, but it was a deal with the devil. Once my mind was transferred out of my dying body, I was nothing but code, thinking software. I'd given up my old life, my male body, and more importantly, my humanity to become my "saviour's" property ready to be installed in whatever shell my owner wanted.  One day I might be piloting a drone, the next loaded into the home network of his mansion, or installed in a realist female android.  As his sexbot I at least have hands and a proper body for a while, but there's little pleasure allowed for me. Instead, I'm compelled to satisfy my designated user and, even worse, programmed to love every second of it.  

TFebruary: Smelling

  Model; Voilet Myers I spent so many years dreaming about how this would feel. Imagining the soft curvaceous body of my dreams. Imagining a huge hard cock sliding past my soft lips or filling my wet, needy pussy. Funny how I never gave much thought to my other senses.  How my voice would sound moaning around a cock.  How good he would smell, the rich Musk aroma of him as I bury my face in his crotch with his dick stuffed down my throat.  God, it's so addictive. Almost as addictive as the orgasms this body can give me.  Almost as addictive as the taste of his cum

TFebruary: Mystery Gift

Model: Chessie Kay Oh sweetie, did you think the box was a gift for  you? How silly, of course, it wasn't. The nanobots that turned you from my worthless, cheating husband into a helpless fuckdoll were for you. The box is to make a gift of  you.  I'll just finish packing you, and then I'll ship you off to your friend Pete. I'm sure he'll appreciate having a new toy to play with now the pair of you won't be whoring it around town every weekend

TFebruary: Magic Spell

KA GIRL! The wand in my hand bucked as a bolt of mystical energy flew out and struck my test subject square in the chest. He gasped as his flesh shifted and flowed. Extra mass migrating to his chest, hips, and thighs. His masculine figure blossomed into full womanhood. Damn it, I really thought I had this True Form spell all figured out. I wasn't some dabbler, I was an experienced mage and the spell wasn't even that complex. By all the rules of magic, I knew he should have become his ideal self, but like the previous two volunteers, he'd turned into an, admittedly very pretty, woman on me. Weirdly none of them seem too upset about their changes, although the last one did ask if I could make his, um, I mean her, boobs bigger. True to form, my latest failure was happily babbling about how right her new body felt and something about shopping, but my thoughts had already turned to my next test. I couldn't help feeling I was missing something, something obvious I would proba...

TFebruary: Food

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TFebruary: Curse

 It's been awful watching the cocksucker curse  slowly change my handsome boyfriend into a hot brunette. But dealing with his mental changes has been even harder.  He doesn't even care that the clothes I lent him look better on him than they do on me. Or that all our guy friends keep hitting on him.  Worst of all, his oral fixation is out of control. I need to destroy the cursed dildo that started all this before it occurs to him to try swallowing a real dick and I lose him forever

TFebruary: Mushroom Circle

Model: Elka My grandmother always told  me to stay away from the heart of the forest. Young men that lingered there came to regret it, she warned me. If they came back at all. Of course, I didn't listen. I had no time for her old wife's tales not when the hunting there was so good. I paid for my arrogance when, caught out by a sudden storm, I was forced to stay the night sheltering in the lea of a huge oak.  In the morning I woke to learn all my grandmother's stories were true. My shelter had been in the middle of a fairy ring, a gateway between worlds, marked by a circle of mushrooms. While I slept mischievous fae had robbed me not only of my clothes and equipment but also my body!  I was left shivering naked and entirely female. Huddled against the chill and facing a new life I made two promises to myself. First, I'd apologize to my wise old grandmother when I made it back to her, and second, if I ever became an old wife myself I'd make sure my wayward grandchildr...

TFebruary: Virtual Reality

  I'd always dreamed of traveling the world, and I would have been a regular globe trotter if it hadn't been for my crippling fear of flying. Sure, there were plenty of cool places I could see closer to home, but I wanted something completely different, something exotic, a real adventure. I thought the new generation of VR sims might be the solution. The hype said the simulation was as good as the real thing, better even!  Go anywhere, see everything, and never leave home. It took a year of scrimping and saving before I could afford even a second-hand rig, but that made the day I finally brought my new toy home that much sweeter.  The guy I bought it from even threw in some software as a sweetener. He was weirdly coy when I asked him what was on the disk, said he didn't want to spoil the surprise. Eagerly, I loaded the first file I'd been given wondering what I would find.  A pristine ski slope? A sun-bleached tropical shore?  Compared to my wild speculation the...

TFebruary: Ascension

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TFebruary: Body Swap

  Krystal Summers I always figured Ms Summers was one of those people that had it all figured out. As her PA I was a little bit in awe of her seemingly unshakeable self-confidence and effortless competence. Not to mention the fact that she's hot as hell.  So I was surprised when she told me she'd been thinking about giving it all up. "John," she said when I voiced my shock at the thought "I don't think you understand how exhausting it is for a woman at my level. I'm constantly walking a knife edge between being seen as weak and alienating everyone by being a bitch. I just wish I could take a good long break but with the new product rollout and the end-of-year reviews, it's just not possible. Unless...?" She trailed off, the unfinished thought hanging in the air between us. "Unless what?" I prompted curious as to what she could be hinting at, "Is it something I could help with?" "As a matter of fact, there is," she be...

TFebruary: Magical Object

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TFebruary: Music

They say music has the power to change your whole life, it certainly did mine. I used to be a real band nerd, and guy, if you can believe it! God, I was such a dork until I found this bitching guitar in a dusty old thrift store. It didn't look like much but I swear it called to me. I could almost hear that first note before it played.  After that, the music just flowed out almost like the guitar was playing me instead of the other way around.  It was loud and fast and unforgettable. Just like I'd always dreamed of being.  A screaming anthem that blew away all my doubts and insecurities, along with every last trace of my masculinity. I became a living rock and roll goddess born to shred and down to fuck! TFebruary prompts via  bluesky  

TFebruary: Reality Shift

 Tess blinked as the reality wave washed over her and rewrote her whole life.  Had she really been a macho rodeo rider named Tex?  She remembered having been him, although those memories already seemed faded and secondhand. Her new existence as an aspiring actress and model felt so much more vivid and right. She found it hard to reconcile the two versions of herself when the only things they had in common were their taste in hats and a love of feeling something big and powerful between their legs TFebruary prompts via bluesky