Pay attention 007!

 Pay attention 007!

You are now wearing the very latest Q division nano-enhanced body suit. As you can see it replicates the female form in every way and integrates with your nervous system to provide full tactile feedback. You are, to all practical intents and purposes, now fully female.

This particular model has several additional features I'm especially proud of. The breasts can change size on command and lactate useful compounds, including a truth drug. Internal software automatically adjusts your posture and body language to be suitably lady like as well as a few other minor tweaks like raising the pitch of your voice and suppressing your gag reflex.

Now if you'll excuse men Miss Moneypenny will be briefing you on the details of your mission and instructing you on some of the finer points of being a woman. Oh, and do try and return this equipment one piece for a change Bond. Only, we've found these suits can be rather difficult to remove if they are damaged!


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