Almost complete

Bailey giggled as the hot water ran over her smooth skin, it feels so good. 
She thinks back remembering how scared she had been when her transformation had first started. Now looking back at it she couldn’t for the life if her imagine why the idea if becoming a girl had been so frightening to her. 
She shuddered at the thought of how irrational she had been about it, cutting her lovely long hair every morning only to see it grow back by evening. Wasting hours in the gym trying to replace bulky muscles even as they softened to pleasing curves. Even strapping down her wonderful new breasts to try and contain their relentless growth. Slowly though as the baleful influence of all that testosterone started to fade her mind had begun to clear. 
Becoming a woman wasn’t a curse but a wondrous gift she should embrace it not try to deny it. Once she decided to accept her true self the changes seemed to accelerate. After just a few short days almost nothing of the old Bailey remained and just a few more even that last small remnant will be gone and she will finally be complete.


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