Chatformation: Bound
Chatformation: Bound
My continuation of gulliblePixie’s super awesome interactive story. Part one HERE
Thoroughly disorientated Amber has no choice but to pick a direction and hope for the best. She passes door after door stopping occasionally to press an ear to a door hoping to get some clue as to what’s inside, all she hears is silence. The thought of repeating her experience with Steve frightens her but eventually she is forced to admit that she is going to have to enter a room if she wants to get out of here.
“Fuck it, they can’t all be perverts” she tells herself.
Taking a deep breath she pushes open the door.
In the centre on the bare red room a woman about Amber’s age squirms against the ropes that bind her tightly. She looks up at Amber with a pleading look in her eyes, only a muffled whimper escaping around the ball gag in her mouth.

Amber gasps and hurries to free the unfortunate woman hoping she can get her out before the creep that had trapped her here comes back but as soon as she enters the room she feels the dizzying wave of a transformation sweep over her.
She looks down and sees what the room has done to her. She is wearing an outfit that would make a burlesque dancer blush. Her breasts are pushed up and out by a tight black corset. Her hands and arms are covered almost to the shoulders by black latex gloves. Thigh high boots with spiked heels force her to adjust her stance moving her legs apart and sticking her bare butt out. She is so shocked by her new clothes that she almost doesn’t notice the physical change the room has made to her. It’s only when she notices the bound woman staring at her crotch wide eyed that she thinks to look past the deep valley of her cleavage to see what has got the other woman so interested. She almost screams when she sees the familiar yet utterly alien object jutting from between her legs.
“Holy Shit!“ She yells “I have a cock!!”
The swollen member is already fully erect, long and thick, it is by far the largest she has ever seen outside of a porn film. She stares at it watching it bob slightly in time with her heart beat. Carefully her gloved hand explores down there finding no trace of her pussy just a cleanly shaved set of balls and this magnificent cock. Touching it sends a shiver through her body, it feels so strange having it sticking out of her like that but good too. It makes her feel strong, powerful…. horny.
She she thinks of all the men she has known, how ridiculously proud they had been of their little friends and how not one of them came close to matching her now.
The bound woman makes a small soft noise and Amber’s attention shift back to her. She remembers that she was going to help the other woman but suddenly there doesn’t seem to be any hurry. She walks around her, her heels clicking on the tiled floor, admiring the way the tight little dress shows off the girl’s body. Arousal fogs Amber’s mind subtly shifting her attitude. Thoughts of domination fill her mind and her heart races at the thought of using her helpless body to satisfy her own mounting lust. Deep inside Amber a small quiet voice objects to the idea but is overridden by a much louder voice that simply wants to fuck.
She stands behind the bound girl and hitches up her dress exposing her firm ass and the swollen lips of her pussy peaking out from between her thighs. The girl becomes almost frantic at Amber’s touch twisting against her bonds and moaning around her gag. She looks back over her shoulder with a pleading look in her eyes. Amber can’t resist a second longer and with growl she takes hold of the girl’s hips and forces her cock into her tight pussy. The girl throws her head back as she is penetrated and Amber grabs a fist full of long dark hair for extra leverage. She fucks her hard and fast focused only on her own pleasure. She marvels at the intensity of feeling her cock produces, the way all her sexual energy seems focused in that one organ, so different from how she normally feels. She loses herself in the moment, hips pistoning without the need for conscious control, until she feels the girls pussy spasm around her cock and a gush of hot juices splash against her. The sudden realisation that she has made the other girl cum is enough to trigger her own climax. She groans as her thick cum fills the girls pussy. Amber is left feeling light headed and thoroughly satisfied but also disgusted with herself for taking advantage of this poor girl. Still a little shaky she unbuckles the gag allowing her playmate to speak.
“Oh my fucking God!!” the girl gasps in a surprisingly deep voice “that was amazing, you were amazing. Seriously you handle that thing like a pro, I swear I was beginning to think I’d trussed myself up like this for nothing but you made it so worth the effort.”
“Wait, you mean you did that to yourself? On purpose?” Amber asks the girl incredulous
“Of course, it’s a little kinky I know but what’s the point in having a virtual playground if you aren’t going to be a bit adventurous?” she looks down at herself seeming to remember her situation “Oh, hold on I’ll reset…”
Reality lurches again and Amber is relieved to seem her normal body restored but she is shocked to see the young woman she had been fucking turn into a middle aged man.
“You, you’re a man!” She gapes at him not quite believing her eyes
“Well sure.” He says with a shrug “and a minute ago you had a dick, you can be anything in here, that’s kind of the point. I guess you must be pretty new at this?”
“You could say that my stupid boyfriend insisted i try this crazy game and now I can’t find a way out” she explains “could you help me? I need to find someone with system admin privileges”
“I’m sorry” he says shaking his head “I don’t really know much about how all this stuff works. I’m strictly a plug and play kind of guy.”
Amber sighs disappointed as the man continues
“Uh listen I have stuff to do so I’m going to have to run. Real nice playing with you, look me up sometime, ‘k thanx, bye”
He hustles her back through the door shutting it behind her with a click. Amber finds herself back out in the hall exactly where she started.
What is next for our hapless heroine? Only you can decide.
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