That Ass

Oh shit will you look at that ass! I can hardly believe that just an hour ago it was mine.
I suppose this make me a bit egotistical but damn, my body is hot!
I thought swapping bodies with my boyfriend for a few hours would be fun but I had no idea how good having a dick would feel. I know I’ve always been a big fan of cock generally and of Rick’s in particular but it feels way better having it sticking out of me than it ever did with him sticking it in me.
Of course he was a huge pussy about the whole thing “Wah! I don’t want to be a girl” and “Boo-hoo, these tits are really heavy”. Lucky for me casting a minor enchantment fixed that, now he thinks he is me and is quite happy bouncing on this wonderful cock.
Fuck, there is so much I want to try. First I’m going to cum in this eager little cunt then later I think I’ll try getting a blow job and at some point I really have to try anal…
Hehe, I guess it’s going to be a while before we swap back
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