Siege Perilous: A new beginning
Legend tell of the golden court of Camelot and of the wise and just King Arthur and how he created and order of knights dedicated to honour and virtue. Arthur in his wisdom knew that even the best of men might be tempted by his own achievements to become proud and boastful so he had the wizard Merlin create an extra chair for his round table, the siege perilous. Any knight with even the slightest trace of vice in his heart that dared to take that enchanted seat would be transformed in such away that all the world would see the sin that was within him. For as long as Arthur ruled no knight dared try the siege perilous for each knew that as valorous as they were they remained merely men and as such could never claim to be completely free of sin. And so it was the knights were reminded of their own limitations and kept from the temptations of hubris.
In time Camelot fell, the round table was broken as the knights fell in battle or were driven into exile while Arthur himself was taken to Avalon and most of the wonders of that age were lost. The Siege Perilous however survived like any object of true power it persisted, reappearing through the ages from time to time to spawn new legends.
Alex encountered it in the back of an abandoned storage unit, half hidden behind boxes of junk. He pulled of the dusty sheet that was covering it and groans as his hopes of making a big score from this unit are dashed as sees the throne like chair. It was clearly old and well crafted but so large and impractical he doubted he would get much for it. He sighed frustrated he had planned to spend his profits at the Titty Twister club that night but instead it looked like he would be jerking it in the comfort of his apartment.
“Damn” he grumbled rubbing himself through his jeans “The girls in that place are so fine I just wish I could see them for free.”
He sits on the chair to take a break and a shock runs through him as the magic of the Siege Perilous reaches into his very soul. He groans his cock stiffening in his pants as the magic brings his deepest flaw to the surface, his base, animal lust. A moment ago he had been merely horny now he is consumed by passion. He tears off his clothes and strokes his painfully hard cock, he cums almost instantly but his erection doesn’t subside instead his arousal increases. He keeps masturbating coming again and again, his mind so fogged by lust that he doesn’t even notice his body changing with each orgasm.
He shrinks as his skin becomes smooth and hairless. He throws back his head and gives a low moan as long hair tumbles over his bare shoulders. Small perky breast swell on his chest perfectly complement his firm round ass and long shapely legs. Through the whole process his manhood dwindled until instead of gripping the shaft of his thick cock he is rubbing at a sensitive nub nestled in the folds of a brand new pussy.

The new girl throws back her head and screams as her body quakes under the force of one last orgasm.
“Fuck yeah” she sighs “that should take the edge off for a while but what I really need is a man, or two, or even three.”
She thinks back reviewing her memories from before her change and grins wickedly as she recalls her old self’s plan to visit the strip club.
“Oooh yes!” she giggles “I should definitely go there except I won’t be one of those poor saps paying through the nose to drool over the sexy girls. I’ll be the one taking their money and their cocks as well!”
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