
Showing posts from September, 2018

Sweet Dreams

Jeeze what a fucked up dream.  I dreamt I wasnā€™t in control of my own body. I was laying in bed and my hands just started moving on their own. I tried to stop them but it was like I was just a passenger.  I felt them roaming all over me groping my breasts and working their way between my thighs. I wanted to scream as my fingers pawed at my pussy but instead I heard myself speaking. ā€œOh yeahā€ my voice said ā€œI always thought you had a pretty hot body Sis but I had no idea it would feel so good from the inside.ā€ In one of those strange leaps of logic that only happen in dreams I suddenly knew that the force controlling my body was my dorky brother. I could feel my body responding despite my shame and disgust, my nipples grew hard and my pussy got wet as my fingers pushed inside me. One questing finger found my clit and a sultry moan escaped my lips. I struggled desperately to take back control but before I could even think of what to do my hips started ...


Progress Waking up in a womanā€™s body was quite a shock. You struggle to adjust for months, not just to the big things like finding yourself suddenly much smaller and weaker or needing to sit to pee. No, itā€™s the small differences like having to worry about make-up and clothes and adjusting the way you walk and talk and even stand that really bother you, all to avoid feeling like a fraud every time you stepped outside. Still you manage to cope and even sometimes enjoy it once you work up the nerve to start experimenting with your new body. You slowly grow more confident in your new self as you discover the pleasures only a woman can feel. You spend your nights working yourself into a frenzy until your body explodes in pleasure. You soon graduate from fingers to toys, amassing quite a collection of dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes to play with.  You hardly notice as your fantasies change you no longer think about being with the hot popular girl instead you want...

Room with a view

Helen woke up with a start to find herself in an unfamiliar room. The room was small and cluttered, dirty laundry strewn on the floor. The walls were decorated with posters of girls in bikinis and the whole place reeked of stale sweat and the distinctive musk of teenage boy.   She couldnā€™t figure out what had happened, she had gone to sleep in her own bed as normal and then she was here, it didnā€™t make sense.  She sat up trying to get her bearings and almost screamed as she saw her body was not her own. Her chest was broad and flat with no trace of her perky breasts, her body was long and lean, her pasty skin covered with coarse dark hair. Most shockingly instead of the soft mound of her pussy an erect penis rose from between her legs. ā€œWhat the fuck!ā€ she yelled her voice cracking as she finds she is now a baritone ā€œThatā€™s a cock! Why the hell do I have a cock?ā€ She leapt from the bed as if trying to get away from it but of course it was attached, it bounces and slap...

X-change; Look on the bright side


Ultimate Power

I was a man, an old man, a man who sought knowledge above all else. I never had a family or even friends and I never felt a lack because of it as long as could keep gathering more knowledge, more secrets, more power. I was particularly proud of my latest acquisition, an ancient leather bound book inscribed with arcane runes. Maybe ten people in the world could decipher the spidery scrawl fortunately for me years of devoted study meant that I was one of them .  I cleared my throat and read the first page aloud, the words of a long dead language hanging heavy in the air. My skin crawled and the words seemed to try and choke me but I found I couldnā€™t stop speaking. The incantation, spell, whatever, poured out of me changing my body as it went.  I grew younger, slimmer, my aged and weathered skin becoming soft and smooth. I could only watch a helpless passenger in my own body as perky breasts grew on my chest and my manhood was drawn into my body leaving me with a hot wet pussy....

Welcome Home

I arrived home late after a long day at work expecting to be greeted by my loving wife instead I found my house in darkness. Not that I expect her to be waiting with pipe and slippers you understand just that she usually gets home before me and makes a point of asking me how my day went. At first I wasnā€™t concerned, I assumed she had simply been held up or was visiting a neighbour, it was only when I turned the light on and saw the state of disarray our house was in that I began to be concerned. Furniture was tipped over drinks hand been spilled, womenā€™s clothing was strewn about the place, some of it looking torn as if it had been ripped off. As it dawned on me that something terrible might have happened I heard a sound from upstairs and that is when I made my mistake. Instead of calling the cops or going to my neighbours for help I ran up stairs calling my wifeā€™s name. As I approached our bedroom I heard the sound again clearer now, not the sound of struggle as I had  first th...

Bad Education


She said, Brandi you're a fine girl, such a good wife you'd be...


Double meaning

Ha! So, you're one of "those" genies then. For the record, when I wished to become a sexy woman with a sweet little pussy between my legs this is not what I meant. I guess things worked out okay this time but I'm going to be extra specific with my other two wishes.

Elixir; Lesson Learned

Anna loved her boyfriend, Kenny he was sweet, funny and dynamite in the sack but there was was just one thing she would change about him, his time keeping. If it was something he wanted to do then he was always punctual but as soon as she wanted something from him he was full of excuses. She had lost track of the time spent waiting for him, missing the start of movies she wanted to see, standing in the rain waiting him to pick her up for him to arrive late him with a sheepish expression and some lame excuse. The problem she decided was he just didnā€™t understand what'sā€™ important to her, she wished there was some way he could make him understand her better. It seemed like an idle wish, the kind of thing women have been saying since the dawn of time until one day her friend Rachel told her about elixir. According to her It was a new designer drug that could turn anyone into an air headed bimbo. Apparently the more you took the dumber, sexier and hornier you got. Anna was understan...

Body Suit Advice


Good Sissy


Baby Blues


Believe it or not


Punishment by the numbers

Thinking about it that should by nine holes really ;)

In her panties

Alex slid his hand down over his neighbours flat belly towards the warm mound between her legs.  He is thrilled that his possession spell has actually worked and he has a chance to explore the womanā€™s body from the inside. It hadnā€™t been easy translating the spell or finding the exotic ingredients. All for just a few minutes as a girl. Maybe next time he can set a longer duration assuming it lives up to the hype. His fingers slip under the waist band of her underwear and he opens his mouth to make a crack about always wanting to get into her panties but at that moment he brushed against her clit. Instead of a glib remark all he manages is a low sensual moan of pure bliss. His knees shake as a warm tingle of pleasure washes through his borrowed body. All the hard work and preparation that went into the spell suddenly seem worth while.  Even as his mind drifts into a haze of sexual pleasure he is already planning for the next time he castes the spell and what he is going to do...

Happy Harem

Many novice warlocks use their new powers to transform their enemies, reshaping their bodies into whatever form they find most pleasing  and enslaving their minds.   As fun as that is it often means that they soon find themselves with large harems of hot horny girls without thinking about what exactly that means. For example buying clothes for all those new sluts is expensive and even with magically enhanced stamina keeping them all entertained can be something of a chore. Fortunately a little forward planning can help with the entertainment part, provide them with some physically stimulating but mentally undemanding, a private bowling alley is ideal. As for clothes, well letā€™s be honest they donā€™t really need them anyway.

Great Shift; Nostalgia

Landing in my hot neighbourā€™s body after the great shift wasnā€™t as bad as you might think.  I get to play with a fine pair of titties and a sweet little pussy whenever but sometimes I miss my old equipment. I miss standing when I pee and having something to fill out my boxers but most of all I miss jerking off.  Not that I donā€™t enjoy rubbing my clit but there is just something about jerking my cock, the way it fills my hand all hard and smooth and stroking it until I loose my load all over my belly. Lucky for me my unshifted friend Tom is only too happy to help me relieve ā€œthe good old daysā€.  I must think of an appropriate way to thank him 

Successful Experiment


Maria's Secret

  The first thing Alex noticed after hopping into Mariaā€™s body was the feeling of cool air blowing across his borrowed pussy. It was strange and exciting, reminding him both of what was missing down there and of what he had gained. He didnā€™t waste any time in hitching up his skirt and confirming that his borrowed body isnā€™t wearing any panties. His full lips twisted into a smirk as he thought about all the times she had played the good girl while hiding this naughty secret. A pleasant tingle started between his legs as he wondered what other sexy surprised he might uncover while in her body.
Hey want to chat with me and other transformation fans then why not drop by my discord


You may think perfection will always be out of reach but one day you may find it is right in front of you. Then all you'll have to do is take hold of it with both hands.

Failed Punishment

Jack was sick of the neighbourhood kids sneaking onto his property to use his hot tub so he laid a hex on it. Anyone who used it with out his permission would be in for quite a shock. Turns out he was the one in for a shock, his hot tube is more popular than ever. Despite his repeated warnings half the boys in the neighbourhood have used it, happily transforming themselves into girls. Itā€™s getting so bad he can hardly use it himself. Just this morning he went out onto his decking to find a pair of newly transformed miscreants frolicking in the bubbling water. He has a good mind to put the former boys over his knee and deliver a sound spanking but from the mischievous looks on their pretty faces theyā€™d probably be into that!
When sex as a woman feels this good why would you ever go back to being a man?

App fun

Carl bit his finger, unconsciously falling into a cute sexy pose as he pondered what to change next. The miraculous reality warping app had already done so much, shaving 20 years off his age, replacing his thin greying hair with luxurious chestnut locks. More dramatically he shed 150 pounds and switched his gender, curious about experiencing life as a woman.  At first he had been nervous about being seen in a womanā€™s body, expecting to be  accused of being a cross dresser or a freak but the app did itā€™s job perfectly. Physically he was completely female, even his voice and mannerisms were suitably feminine. Everyone he met accepted him as the young woman he appeared to be, even his closest friends only seemed to remember him as a girl. Being a woman was even better than he imagined and the female orgasm was better than he could have believed. After a particularly enjoyably session of self exploration he feels ready to having some fun with a partner, he is confident ...


ā€œCome on get a move on in thereā€ My girlfriendā€™s voice came from outside the bathroom door ā€œWe need to get moving if you donā€™t want to be late.ā€ ā€œOkay, okayā€ I grumble watching the last of my body hair washing down the drain. I still canā€™t quite believe Iā€™m going through with this, but a betā€™s a bet I guess. I towelled myself off quickly amazed at how effective the depilatory cream worked there is not a trace of body hair left below my eyebrows and my skin feels incredibly soft and smooth under the rough towel. I open the door with a grin and step out Lucy is waiting impatiently looking equally parts annoyed and hot as hell in her Sexy Ghost costume. ā€œRelax honey with donā€™t have to be there for hours yet.ā€ I try and reassure her ā€œWe have VIP tickets so itā€™s not like we have to queue to get in.ā€ ā€œWe have an hour and half and we have hardly started on your costume.ā€ She counters ā€œWell maybe if we had just gone with my choiceā€¦?ā€ ā€œNo way buddyā€ she cuts me off ā€œ I won the be...

MAU: The cost of revenge

The three burly men leapt up from the card table scattering cash and cards as the basement door burst in. Framed in the doorway stood a pretty young woman in a mesh top and heels and not much else. The men are so startled by here sudden appearance and by the sight of her generous breasts spilling from her flimsy top they almost donā€™t notice the pistol she is carrying. ā€œAgainst the wall dirt bags!ā€ she commands with as much authority as she can manage in her high breathy voice ā€œNo funny business or will drop your ass right here, right now!ā€ The tallest of the men has the presence of mind to go for his own gun and receives a bullet in the shoulder for his trouble. After that the others comply, assuming the position as she relieves them as of their own weapons. ā€œHa better,ā€ she says ā€œI bet you fuckers thought youā€™d seen the last of me, you probably thought that giving me this slutty body and selling me to a brothel would get me out of you hair for good. Well Iā€™ve got news for you cocksu...


Pygmalion was a young man dwelling on the island of Cyprus a sculptor by trade and blessed by the gods with remarkable skill. Under his hands a simple block of marble could become a horse so lifelike youā€™d swear you could hear the clatter of its hooves. He could shape ivory into the semblance of a woman so flawless in her beauty men would fall at her lifeless feet and pledge their undying love If she would just step down from her pedestal. He could even shape a humble stick of wood into a carving of a snake so frightening even a hardened soldier would run from it. Word of Pygmalionā€™s prodigious talent soon spread and he was flooded with commissions from across the civilised world. It was said that no temple or palace was complete without one of Pygmalionā€™s works. As demand grew for his work he found that he had become an extraordinarily wealthy man. Success did not go to his head and he remained  humble and pious. So he lived in great comfort with the respect of his neighbours...

Cautionary tale

Warlocks, Witches, wizards, the gifted whatever you want to call them you probably think you know all about them even though chances are youā€™ve never actually met one. You learn all about them in history, his they lived among us for centuries, the events that forced them into the open in the forties. Youā€™ve seen the PSAs about the treaty they signed in ā€˜47, you think youā€™ve got a pretty good handle on the rules. You can sleep at night because you know they canā€™t use their powers on an ordinary human unless; There is an immediate risk of physical harm. They are ordered to buy a court of law They have permission from the person affected. But like I said everyone knows this stuff so why am I telling you? Well thing is those three simple rules you learned arenā€™t actually that simple, there are a lot of caveats and loopholes that can trip you up if you are not careful. For example the permission thing, did you know that if you give a gifted permission to use his power on you he h...