Elixir; Lesson Learned
Anna loved her boyfriend, Kenny he was sweet, funny and dynamite in the sack but there was was just one thing she would change about him, his time keeping. If it was something he wanted to do then he was always punctual but as soon as she wanted something from him he was full of excuses. She had lost track of the time spent waiting for him, missing the start of movies she wanted to see, standing in the rain waiting him to pick her up for him to arrive late him with a sheepish expression and some lame excuse. The problem she decided was he just didn’t understand what's’ important to her, she wished there was some way he could make him understand her better.
It seemed like an idle wish, the kind of thing women have been saying since the dawn of time until one day her friend Rachel told her about elixir. According to her It was a new designer drug that could turn anyone into an air headed bimbo. Apparently the more you took the dumber, sexier and hornier you got. Anna was understandably sceptical but Rachel insisted it was for real, she claimed to have tried it herself and spent a weekend as a giggling airhead with breasts as big as her head. Anna could kind of see the appeal of letting go for a while like that but what really got her attention was the fact that it works just as well on men.
That is when the idea first germinated in her mind, not that Anna wanted to turn Kenny into a girl, she was rather too fond of his cock for that but perhaps the elixir could still be useful. She reasoned that Kenny’s problem was he just didn’t care about Anna’s interests, perhaps this exlir could help him see things from her point of view for a change. After quizzing Rachel about the drug and learning all she could about its physical and mental effects she was confident she her plan would work. She asked her friend if she could borrow a few doses and Rachel gladly agreed.
Just a couple of days later Anna sees a chance to put her plan into action. She adds a few drops of elixir to Kenny’s morning coffee, not enough to transform him she thinks, just enough to help him get in touch with his feminine side.
“Sweetie, could you take me to the mall?” she asks knowing he would usually find an excuse to avoid shopping
He looks like he is going to say no but as a he finishes his coffee he seems to change his mind
“Sure that sounds great honey” he agrees cheerily “Ooh, maybe I could help you pick some new shoes!”
Anna hides a smirk at behind her own coffee certain that her plan is working.
They head from the mall and spend a delightful morning shopping and hanging out.Anna feels she is getting the best of both worlds, her handsome charming boyfriend who also finally understand the importance of of designer shoes.
As the the day goes on however she begins to notice other changes, he seems overly cheerful and easily distracted. His conversation shifts from sports and movies to clothes and gossip while his attention seems to drift. Several times Anna thinks she catches him staring, not at her or at a pretty girl but a cute boy or a handsome older man passing by.
Concerned she tries to cut the shopping trip short but Kenny insists they make one last stop. He steers her away from the designer boutiques toward the lower rent area of the mall and into the kind of discount store she would normally never think of visiting. He giggles and chatters picking out different outfits for her to wear each one trashier than the last. She decided it would be best to humour him but when she emerged from the cubicle he has disappeared. After a frantic search she finds him in a changing cubicle wearing a pair of fuck-me heels and tight leggings.
“Kenny!” she gasps as as he squeezes his broad chest into a black bra “What the hell are you doing?”
“Oh goody” he giggles “you’re back. Sorry I ran off but I just couldn’t stand to wear those ugly old jeans a minute longer. Now which top should I get?”
Anna gapes at her boyfriend as holds up a boob tube in one hand and an almost see through number in the other. She shakes her head in disbelief, for one thing she thought he had better taste than that, but before she can form a response something else gets her attention.
“Wait, what’s up with your hair?” she asks as it starts to grow.
The change is subtle at first but soon accelerates until it tumbles past his shoulders shifting from sandy blond to candy-floss pink.
“Oh God, Kenny I’m so sorry” she says as his body changes before her eyes “This is all my fault, that damned elixir…”
“Oooh, is that why I feel so yummy?” he coos his voice pitching up from a baritone to a pleasant alto “It’s okay honey, I don’t mind I’m having sooo much fun”
As he speaks his body changes, shrinking, growing slimmer and more feminine until his female clothing fits him snuggle instead of being stretched out of shape. A pair of breasts grow to fill the bra and he arches his back as his butt plumps up. Anna can only watch open mouthed as the familiar bulge in his crotch shrinks until it is completely flat.

“Oop, there goes little Kenny” he, or is it she now, giggles rubbing at her new sex “this feels so much better though. Aw, don’t look so disappointed hun we can still have lots of fun and if you really need a cock tonight… Well I’m sure a pair of hotties like us won’t have any trouble finding one to share”
Anna stared at the new girl hardly believing this horny minx was really her boyfriend. Clearly she had underestimated how powerful the elixir could be. She knows the effects will wear off eventually but in the meantime she had to decide, will she try to keep Kenny from going wild or will she join in the fun?
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