Stealing a new life

Stealing a new life
Time has run out for you, your health is failing your enemies closing in but you have one last card to play. Summoning the last dregs of your power you wrench your spirit free from your body and go in search of a new home. An invisible insubstantial wraith you fly through the city until you find what you are looking for.
A young woman, barely more than a girl to your eyes, practically glowing with youthful vitality. A shiver of anticipation runs through as you focus your will and step into her body. You flow into her filling her form and imprisoning her soul before she even knows what is happening. You take a deep breath relishing the feel of air filling clean healthy lungs and almost giggle at how good it feels.
Some might say that what you are doing is wrong, evil even but you have no patients with such moralising fools. Power gives you all the justification you need.
Still others might wonder at your choice of host. Why choose to live in the body of a woman when you have lived seventy years as a man? If you felt inclined to answer such a question you might point out that the girls family connections would be extremely useful when it came to rebuilding your empire. And that your enemies would be unlikely to suspect you of hiding behind such an innocent face.
Her beauty, like her family’s wealth and your arcane power is simply another asset to exploit. Experience has taught you to use every advantage to it’s fullest.
Still you can’t help smiling as you look down and admire your smooth skin and the firm breasts that now adorn your chest. It does feel good to be young again, even better than you remember. You feel your new nipples hardening and a warm tingle start in the unfamiliar space between your legs. Perhaps it would be wise to spend some time familiarising yourself with your new body. After all even with your great knowledge and power this is uncharted territory.
Certainly rebuilding your empire can wait a few hours or days or even longer suddenly there doesn’t seem to be any rush. This stolen life has made you young again, you have all the time in the world.
A young woman, barely more than a girl to your eyes, practically glowing with youthful vitality. A shiver of anticipation runs through as you focus your will and step into her body. You flow into her filling her form and imprisoning her soul before she even knows what is happening. You take a deep breath relishing the feel of air filling clean healthy lungs and almost giggle at how good it feels.
Some might say that what you are doing is wrong, evil even but you have no patients with such moralising fools. Power gives you all the justification you need.
Still others might wonder at your choice of host. Why choose to live in the body of a woman when you have lived seventy years as a man? If you felt inclined to answer such a question you might point out that the girls family connections would be extremely useful when it came to rebuilding your empire. And that your enemies would be unlikely to suspect you of hiding behind such an innocent face.
Her beauty, like her family’s wealth and your arcane power is simply another asset to exploit. Experience has taught you to use every advantage to it’s fullest.
Still you can’t help smiling as you look down and admire your smooth skin and the firm breasts that now adorn your chest. It does feel good to be young again, even better than you remember. You feel your new nipples hardening and a warm tingle start in the unfamiliar space between your legs. Perhaps it would be wise to spend some time familiarising yourself with your new body. After all even with your great knowledge and power this is uncharted territory.
Certainly rebuilding your empire can wait a few hours or days or even longer suddenly there doesn’t seem to be any rush. This stolen life has made you young again, you have all the time in the world.
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