GirlDoll Beta Test 5 by me
GirlDoll Beta Test; Part5
After that guy finished with him there was another, and another. Then those guys had a couples of friends and wouldn’t she like to come to their party…. Before he knew it he had lost count of the number of guys that had cum in him.
A part of him still protested that he was a man inside and that he should try and resist what was happening to him. But as the night wore on that part was getting harder to hear. His inhibitions slipped further into the distance each time he gave into his body’s needs he felt a fresh thrill of excitement.
He sucked cock, relishing the feel of a hard shaft sliding over his lips and the salty flavour of his reward.

He welcomed the feel of his pussy being filled from every angle and when it was free he continued to play with it making it quiver with renewed need.

The first time one of his nameless playmates decided to take his ass he screamed in shock but the GirlDoll soon adapted. His tight hole stretched to accommodate the man after a brief moment of discomfort he felt pleasantly full as the man bounced him on his dick. He soon came from the rough butt fuck and found himself begin the next guy for more of the same.

The night went on and on, one at a time and in groups he must have serviced fifty guys. Hour after hour of mind breaking orgasms left him a quaking mewling wreck until he could barely speak.

His artificial body was inexhaustible but in the end he still need to sleep. He exchanged a blowjob and his phone number for a ride home. Finally collapsing into his bed as dawn broke outside.
He slept for hours and when he woke up his fingers were once again buried deep in his pussy. He sighed not wanting to fight it until he brought himself to orgasm a few times. Then he showered, cleaning the dried spunk from his skin and taking the opportunity to inspect the current state of his body.

He looks like a teenage boy’s fantasy of a hot girl. All his sexual characteristics exaggerated to comical proportions. His already generous ass and breasts are blown up like balloons and his lips form a constant sexy pout.
He stares at his reflection for a long time trying to identify how he feels about his new look. He is surprised to find he is feeling… satisfaction, pride even. As strange as it is to be in this body his own actions have shaped it and he has to admit he is starting to enjoy using it. He thinks back over the last couple of days and all the deliciously slutty things he has done and can’t quite remember why he felt bad about them at the time. It all felt so good how could it possibly be wrong?
“Fuck I’m one hot piece of ass” he purrs to his reflection “It would be a crying shame not to share a body like this.”
He is already getting turned on by the thought of all the cock he is going to get when a noise from his front room interrupts.
He pulls on a robe and walks out to find a tall man with a clipboard inspecting the stasis pod that contains real his body.
“Ah, you are up, good. This should take long.” He says in a warm baritone
“What? Who you hell are you? How did you get in?” Andy protests trying his best to sound angry with his breath bimbo’s voice.
Even as he objects his sizeable bulge in the man’s pants draws his eye and feels his mouth start to water.
“Nothing to worry about Andy.” he reassures him handing Andy a business card. “We’ve been getting some… unusual data from your GirlDoll so the company sent me to check it.”
He smiles a salesman’s smile showing a row of dazzling white teeth. Andy blushes and he giggles and glancing down at the card.
Rebecca Smalls
Cybernetic systems engineer
It reads, Andy’s blue eyes go wide as he reads.
“Wait, you mean your a girl?!?!” he gasps
“Oh yes” he (or should it be she?) chuckles “I’m using a GuyDoll, the latest model, good isn’t it? I must say I’m enjoying being so tall and having guys look me in the eye when we talk is a nice novelty. And of course this thing is sooo much fun. I don’t know how you guys get anything done.”
She gives her manly crotch a squeeze and laughs as Andy licks his swollen lips hungrily.
“Haha, I can see you’ve been busy with your own unit.” she says looking him over. “That would account for the readings we’ve been getting but I better check it out anyway. Just slip that robe off and we can get started.”
Andy clutches his robe tight. Despite his adventures the previous night he still has enough residual male ego to baulk at the idea of stripping for a stranger.
“Oh so now you are shy?” She grumbles “fine we’ll do it the hard way”
She makes a few notes then turns back to Andy.
“Executive override Alpha seven” she intones “Password, Crimson, Eleven, Delight, Petrichor.”
As soon as she finishes speaking Andy’s arms drop to his side.
“What the hell! I can’t move…” he yells, at least he tries to but his body refuses to obey him.
He can only stare head as the woman in the male body peels away the robe to inspect his voluptuous female body.
“Wow, you just went all out didn’t you.” She teases giving his full breasts a squeeze “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone modify their unit quite so dramatically. I’m surprised you can even stand up straight with these jugs.”
Andy feels his nipples go hard under Rebecca’s roaming hands. He blushes as she continues her inspection his body responding to the touch of her warm strong hands. She orders him to bend over and his body obeys as she examines his rounded backside. She opens his mouth and pokes and prods his sensitive lips until he starts to drool on the carpet. She covers every inch of his artificial body chatting to him in an impersonal d sort of way. Like someone talking to a pet or a someone in a coma, with no expectations of getting a reply. Dispite his embarrassment his body responds to her attention. His pussy heats up making him wish he could touch himself and get some relief for his aching cunt. His body is not his own to control and the more Rebecca prods and teases him the hotter that gets him. He would beg for a fuck but he can only stare ahead. His face blank, mouth hanging open and pussy juices trickling down his thigh.

“Well will you look at that.” Rebecca mutters “Somebody is enjoying themselves, you are literally dripping down there.”
She pushes his legs apart and runs a finger across it’s swollen folds. Andy shivers but can’t so much as turn his head to see what she is doing.
“You know I haven’t had a chance to test my new equipment yet.” she muses “How about you and me try it out?”
Andy hears the sound of a zipper and of the heavy fabric of Rebecca’s pants hitting the floor. Then a sudden pressure against his pussy as she enters him. He feels himself stretched almost to the limit by the GuyDoll cock wondering how big it must be to test even his limits. She takes hold of his hips and starts pumping him from behind. It occurs to him that he hasn’t actually consented to this. Rebecca has no idea whether he wants to fuck and seems not to care at all.
“And why should she?” the thought steals into his head “This is what this body was made for. I’m just a set of warm holes built to please, why would my opinions even matter?”
Andy’s train of thought shocks him even as he thinks it. He has always been a strong believer in consent but there is no denying the thought of being a helpless fucktoy is a huge turn on now. He wonders where he went wrong, how he could have come to love being so degraded. Is there is now any way he can ever go back to the man he was?
He is locked in a downward spiral, the more thinks about being used the better it feels, the better it feels the more he wants to be used. His last coherent thought before surrendering to the inhuman pleasure of his artificial body is to wish that he could stay this way forever, nothing more an object of pleasure a toy for others to use. Finally a titanic orgasm washes away the last trace of his free will and he stops thinking at all.
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