GirlDoll: Beta Tester, 1
GirlDoll: Beta Tester
The first part of a cooperative story between me and @agesavage
Phase one
Congratulations on being selected as a Beta tester for our exciting new product the series 3000 full functioned adaptive telepresence unit, GirlDoll™ model.
The purpose of this trial is to test the effects of long term use of a GirlDoll™ artificial body in conjunction with the Layzee-Dreams medical stasis pod™.
Please be sure to follow all instructions in this booklet carefully and be sure to complete the provided diary every day so that we can customise your GirlDoll™ experience to your specific needs.
Chapter 1
Installation and use of your Layzee-Dreams medical stasis pod™
Begin by running a system diagnostic while in standby mode. To access standby mode first enter your user id code as shown on page ten of this manual….
“Blah blah blah” Andy groans skimming through the thick instruction manual “this shit is worse than flat pack furniture. Avoidance of feedback reinforcement during calibration. System power mapping back ups. Quantum exchange manifold connections. Holy crap do they really expect me to read all this? I just want to get to the good part.”
Andy had been waiting for weeks for today, ever since being accepted as a beta tester for the next generation artificial body and now it was finally here he had to do homework! He struggled to digest the densely written text but it was just giving him a headache.
“And another thing” he grumbled tossing the manual aside “I’m a guy, they can’t seriously expect me to use a GirlDoll, that would be just weird.”
He considers just backing out of the whole deal but reading the small print on the contract he has already singed makes him wince. Not only would he not get paid for being in the trail he would also be on the hook for all shipping and handling costs. After doing the maths he swallows hard and decides that a week is not such a long time, he will just have to man up and be a girl for a while.
He takes another stab at the manual still not understanding half of it but satisfied he has got a grip on the basics. He breaks open the first box revealing a shining chrome pod slightly taller than him. He hooks up the power and the plumbing and performs the recommended checks as best he can strips naked and taps the green button marked OPEN.
“Here goes nothing then” he sighs climbing into the pod.
The pod hisses shut and for a long moment he lays in the dark with the sound of his own breathing and the smell of plastic. Just when he is starting to think this thing must be broken an electric jolt runs through him and everything goes white and then black again. He jerks and thrashes in the dark groping for the release switch on the inside of the pod but instead of smooth plastic his fingers scrabble again cardboard and Styrofoam beads. He bursts out into the light, showering the room in packing material. He shakes his head trying to get his bearings while his brain struggles to catch up. He is is sitting up in the wreckage of the other box while he stares at the gleaming surface of the stasis pod that houses his body. After a minute everything snaps into place….
“Holy crap!” he squeaks in a much higher voice than he is used to “It worked, I’m a chick!”
He clambers out of the box his misgivings about using a female body forgotten in the rush of excitement. Once he is standing the first thing he notices is that his apartment looks huge now, obviously his new body is a lot smaller than he is used to, by comparing himself to a doorway he estimates he is around 5’4”. The second thing he notices are his tits, small and perky they sit high on his chest wrapped in a lacy blue bra, as a lifelong fan of tits he has to admit they are a pretty nice pair even if they aren’t as large as he would like. He gives them and experimental prod feeling the supple flesh give under his finger
“Weird” he grumbles “but kind of nice. I wonder what the rest looks like?”
He hurries to his bedroom to check himself out in the mirror. Even just the simple act of walking feels subtly off in this body, his hips won’t move right and even though his current form is slim and well toned he is acutely aware of things jiggling every time he moves. He grits his teeth until he reaches his goal then any thoughts of strangeness or discomfort are driven out by the vision in the mirror.
She… He… no she, he can’t possibly think of her as anything but female. She is gorgeous, long blonde hair frames her beautiful face, her blue eyes wide with shock and excitement. He twists and turns admiring her firm ass and long legs and particularly the smooth flat space between her legs.

He is practically panting with excitement by the time he has finished his inspection, the idea of spending a week in this body no longer seems like a hardship and he is already thinking of fun ways to “test” it. After all he wants to do his bit for science….
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