
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Sceptic

Anonymous asked: ok then, wright me a caption and turn me into a woman, bet you can't, there's no way :P The anonymous poster lent back in his chair, adjusting the sunglasses he habitually wore and hit send. He chuckled at his joke, knowing that nothing could happen to him. This was the real world after all, not some perverted internet fantasy.  His Laughter died on his lips as the first tingle of his transformation swept through his body. He gasped as his skin darkened from its normal pale shade to a deep even tan.  ā€œNo fucking way this canā€™t be realā€¦ā€ but even as he tried to deny the evidence of his senses he heard his own voice pitching higher, Becoming more feminine with every word. He shook his head still not able to accept the reality of his situation only to feel soft hair brush against his shoulders. He had only had it cut to a smart grade two a week ago and now it tumbled down to the small of his back. He saw blonde highlights streaki...

X-Change; Bounce

X-Change Xtra Strength: Bigger Holy crap will you look at the size of these fun bags! I canā€™t believe Iā€™m stuck with a pair of monster knockers for the next thirty days. Why did I ever agree to taking X-Change Xtra strength? I expected to get a pair of perky Bā€™s like my sister, maybe a nice full C cup like my mom but somehow Iā€™m fucking huge. I mean, I bought a stretchy top just in case and it barely fits me. I donā€™t even know what size these tatas are, J? K, maybe? Are those even real sizes? I guess buying my boulder holders off the rack is out of the question, Pretty sure Victoriaā€™s Secret donā€™t do beach ball sized. I will have to get custom made unless, maybe I could go au-natural, let my puppies run freeā€¦ *experimental bouncing* Ow Ow Ow! Nope, fuck that. Definitely going to need a bra to keep these jugs in check or risk knocking myself out next time I run for a bus. -Charlie, bigger than expected. Tags:  Xchange   x change   tg caption   pin...

X-Change; Hustler

Sometimes Youā€™ve Gotta Hustle For What You Want. My friend Alan likes to gamble but normally he has terrible luck. At least he did until a few weeks ago. Thatā€™s when he hit the greatest hot streak of his life. First, he cleaned me out at our weekly poker game. Then, his streak continued the following week and I ended up promising him a week at my familyā€™s beach house. The week after that my biggest loss yet, a whole bottle of exchange Iā€™d acquired during a recent trip to Vegas. It went on like that until I was in the hole to him pretty deep. Thatā€™s when he decided to cash in the beach vacation I owed him. We drove up to the beach house listening to the game on the radio when he suggested a way I could recover my losses. If I could pick the winning team heā€™d let me off the hook for what I owed but if I lost Iā€™d have to take some of those pink pills and spend the whole week as a girl. I laughed and said that I was so confident of winning Iā€™d not only take the X-Change but ...

Discord qick cap challenge; My favourite part

I love this moment. After the transformation but before they've had a chance to understand what I've done to them. The slowly dawning realisation that this is real. That the beautiful sexual goddess in the mirror is truly them. Waiting to see if they'll embrace the gift I've given them or whether I'll have to force them the to accept it.

That ass

Oh shit will you look at that ass! I can hardly believe that just an hour ago it was mine. I suppose this make me a bit egotistical but damn, my body is hot! I thought swapping bodies with my boyfriend for a few hours would be fun but I had no idea how good having a dick would feel. I know Iā€™ve always been a big fan of cock generally and of Rickā€™s in particular but it feels way better having it sticking out of me than it ever did with him sticking it in me. Of course he was a huge pussy about the whole thing ā€œ Wah! I donā€™t want to be a girl ā€ and ā€œ Boo-hoo, these tits are really heavy ā€. Lucky for me casting a minor enchantment fixed that, now he thinks he is me and is quite happy bouncing on this wonderful cock. Fuck,  there is so much I want to try. First Iā€™m going to cum in this eager little cunt then later I think Iā€™ll try getting a blow job and at some point  I really have to try analā€¦ Hehe, I guess itā€™s going to be a while before we swap b...

Happy couple

Happy couple ā€œTo the happy couple" the note reads ā€œhave a great anniversaryā€ ā€œHuh? Looks like Ginaā€™s finally warming up to me,ā€ you comment to your girlfriend Becky, recognising the handwriting. ā€œNice of her to finally admit the better man won.ā€ ā€œOh please.ā€ she says rolling her eyes ā€œJust because she had a little crush on me back in college doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s trying to get in my pants now. Honestly, I donā€™t even think Iā€™m her type.ā€ You arenā€™t so sure, youā€™d seen the way Gina looks at Becky when she thinks no one was looking. No matter how much Becky insisted they were ā€œjust good friendsā€ you were sure Ginaā€™s ā€œcrushā€ was still very much alive. It had reached the point where had become the cause of some tension in your relationship. Becky accusing you of jealousy and you insisting you were only looking out for her. In the end, youā€™d decided not to push it. You trusted Becky and that was all that mattered. As long as you had trust no one else was ever going to come between...

More like her

More like her Mitchā€™s eyes flew open as he felt someoneā€™s mouth pressed against his in a tender kiss. Confused, he struggled to understand what was happening as stubble scratched at his soft skin. Pulling away he found himself faced with an impossible sight, his own father! But it couldnā€™t be, this tall tanned young man was barely a couple of years older than Mitch. Not only younger but fit and tanned, bursting with cool confidence. He couldnā€™t be more different from the balding, pale, middle-aged office drone Mitch had grown up with. His mind raced, where was he? How had gotten here and why was this man (whoever he was) kissing him?!? The last thing he remembered he had been saying goodbye to his mom as he packed up his car. He was ready to head off and start what he hoped would be a new and better life. His parents didnā€™t approve of course they thought he was throwing his life away to chase a pipe dream. He should stay at home, play it safe finish college marry his girlfriend ...

Bimbo Salon


Day at the beach

Day at the beach Guy gasped as air filled his lungs releasing a breath he hadnā€™t know he had been holding. He blinked up at the ceiling taking a moment to confirm it had worked. The ceiling swam into focus as he lay there. It was a perfectly ordinary white ceiling like ones in homes all across America only one thing was different about it. It was not the same ceiling he had been looking at only a few moments ago. ā€œIt worked!ā€ he giggled at the sound of Meganā€™s voice coming from his mouth. ā€œI canā€™t believe I found a body-switching spell on the internet and it actually worked" Sitting up he felt a soft weight shifting on his chest. He looked down to see twin lumps pushing out a soft green night-shirt. He had breasts! He had Meganā€™s breast! He reached for them with a trembling, dainty hand still not quite believing what he was seeing. He groaned feeling the pleasant pressure of his own touch as he squeezed them through the fabric of the top. His free hand slid down his flat be...


sleepwithgiggli : This totally looks like a hazmat technician fashion photoshoot. When the tg virus outbreak began the CDC was quick to respond. The crack team of scientists and investigators was on the scene in a matter of hours. But even with all their skill and state of the art equipment they quickly succumbed to the virus just like every other man in the country soon would.

Femme-ray frat

The girls of Delta Delta Phi had just about enough of the frat bros at Kappa Alpha Nu. The boys drove them to distraction with their constant partying and a succession of ā€œpranksā€ that amounted to sexual harassment. They tried to reason with the fraternity only to be told to lighten up. They complained to the school authorities only to be told boys will be boys. Finally, after enduring yet another pantie raid the girls decided they needed to take matters into their own hands. Fortunately, the Delta girls weren't just pretty faces, in fact, several of them were outright geniuses.  With access to some of the physics departmentā€™s store of exotic matter, it was a relatively simple matter to cobble together a single use wide beam femm-ray. They set it up on early on Sunday morning confident the hard-partying Kappa boys would be sound asleep. They retreated to a safe distance and watched as the soft pink beam enveloped the entire frat house. After a few minutes, ...

Twin Dilemma

Brad gaped in astonishment at the the two girls kneeling on his sofa. They were twins, identical in every detail, except he knew they couldnā€™t be. He knew because he had know girlfriend Tina since they were kids and he knew for a fact she was an only child.  ā€œTina?ā€ he gasped incredulous ā€œWhat the fuck, whoā€¦ How?ā€ ā€œOh hello sweetieā€ on of the girls with Tinaā€™s face said ā€œisnā€™t this fantastic? I always wanted a sister and now I have my very own twin.ā€ ā€œWhat are you talking about?ā€ Brad asked ā€œI donā€™t understand any of this.ā€ ā€œI donā€™t blame you honeyā€ the other girl answered with exactly the same tone and inflection as the first ā€œJeff explained it but to be honest I didnā€™t really understand him.ā€ ā€œWait Jeff? My old college roommate Jeff?ā€ Brad interrupted ā€œHe was here?ā€ ā€œYesā€ the second girl said rolling her eyes ā€œAre you going to let me finish explaining or not?ā€ Brad nodded and took a seat. He knew thereā€™s no use in hurrying Tina when she was in a story tellin...