Happy couple
Happy couple
“To the happy couple" the note reads “have a great anniversary”
“Huh? Looks like Gina’s finally warming up to me,” you comment to your girlfriend Becky, recognising the handwriting. “Nice of her to finally admit the better man won.”
“Oh please.” she says rolling her eyes “Just because she had a little crush on me back in college doesn’t mean she’s trying to get in my pants now. Honestly, I don’t even think I’m her type.”
You aren’t so sure, you’d seen the way Gina looks at Becky when she thinks no one was looking. No matter how much Becky insisted they were “just good friends” you were sure Gina’s “crush” was still very much alive. It had reached the point where had become the cause of some tension in your relationship. Becky accusing you of jealousy and you insisting you were only looking out for her. In the end, you’d decided not to push it. You trusted Becky and that was all that mattered. As long as you had trust no one else was ever going to come between you. Or so you thought.
Hell, part of you even felt some sympathy for Gina. You know from personal experience how much being stuck in the friend zone sucked. You hoped that note and the gift that came with it were a sign that she was finally moving on
“Oh shoot” Becky interrupted your reverie “Come on sleepy head. We better hurry or we’ll miss our reservation.”
You don’t give Gina or her unexpected gift any more thought as you hurry to the waiting cab. It whisks away you to your favourite restaurant to enjoy a fantastic anniversary meal. The meal is almost as delightful as the company but you are so nervous you hardly taste it. You fell almost sick as you pulled the small velvet box from your pocket during dessert. Then, your nerves vanish you sink to one knee to ask her the all-important question. Delight replaces anxiety as her face splits into her most dazzling smile and she says yes.
The rest of the night is a joyous blur. You make out in the back of the taxi then once safely home you made love until dawn began to creep over the horizon. Eventually, you drift off to sleep entwined in each other’s limbs.
So when you wake up a few hours later you are surprised to find yourself alone in bed.
“Becky?” you croaked trying to force your bleary eyes open “Bex? Where’d you go honey?”
As the room swims reluctantly into focus you are shocked to see it is not the room you had fallen asleep in.
Laid out on a bed in a small messy studio apartment and wrapped in a tangle of cotton sheets. Sunlight streams in through the open blinds striking colourful patterns as it hits a set of dangling glass crystals.
“What the fuck" you squeak “Where the hell am I?”
You coughed, clearing your throat as your voice cracked and squeaked like a teenage boy’s.
“And what the fuck is wrong with my voice?”
Trying to get your bearings you sit up causing a strange shifting on your chest. For a moment you assume the weight was simply an extra pillow but instead of falling away when you move it seems to cling to your chest. You looked down giving a high girlish scream at the sight that greeted you.
Hell, part of you even felt some sympathy for Gina. You know from personal experience how much being stuck in the friend zone sucked. You hoped that note and the gift that came with it were a sign that she was finally moving on
“Oh shoot” Becky interrupted your reverie “Come on sleepy head. We better hurry or we’ll miss our reservation.”
You don’t give Gina or her unexpected gift any more thought as you hurry to the waiting cab. It whisks away you to your favourite restaurant to enjoy a fantastic anniversary meal. The meal is almost as delightful as the company but you are so nervous you hardly taste it. You fell almost sick as you pulled the small velvet box from your pocket during dessert. Then, your nerves vanish you sink to one knee to ask her the all-important question. Delight replaces anxiety as her face splits into her most dazzling smile and she says yes.
The rest of the night is a joyous blur. You make out in the back of the taxi then once safely home you made love until dawn began to creep over the horizon. Eventually, you drift off to sleep entwined in each other’s limbs.
So when you wake up a few hours later you are surprised to find yourself alone in bed.
“Becky?” you croaked trying to force your bleary eyes open “Bex? Where’d you go honey?”
As the room swims reluctantly into focus you are shocked to see it is not the room you had fallen asleep in.
Laid out on a bed in a small messy studio apartment and wrapped in a tangle of cotton sheets. Sunlight streams in through the open blinds striking colourful patterns as it hits a set of dangling glass crystals.
“What the fuck" you squeak “Where the hell am I?”
You coughed, clearing your throat as your voice cracked and squeaked like a teenage boy’s.
“And what the fuck is wrong with my voice?”
Trying to get your bearings you sit up causing a strange shifting on your chest. For a moment you assume the weight was simply an extra pillow but instead of falling away when you move it seems to cling to your chest. You looked down giving a high girlish scream at the sight that greeted you.

Jutting from your chest are a pair of breasts. Large and firm, just how you like them. In other circumstances, you’d probably take a moment to admire such a nice pair. Finding them attached to you overrides any potential erotic appeal they might have.
Acting on an irrational impulse you grab one in both hands and attempt to yank it off.
“Ow!” you yelped as the sensitive new flesh proved to be as attached as any other body part “Mother fucker! It’s real. It’s a part of me. Holy shit I have tits!”
Instinctively, you scrambled back, as if you can escape your own body. Kicking off the remaining bed covers in you stare in horror and shock as the rest of your new body is revealed. She, it, you? (You struggle with a sudden bout of existential angst before settling on calling it your body for now.) Your body is slim with a full set of soft curves. Your skin is pale and smooth except where it’s covered by colourful tattoos. You’re naked apart from a pair of lace fringed panties that hugged the slight mound of your new sex tight enough to show the outline of pussy lips. You raise a shaking hand to your face and find it smooth and free of your usual stubble. Your features are noticeably more delicate and studded with cold metal. Your ears nose and tongue are all pierced.
Somehow, impossibly you have become a woman in the night. For a moment you tried to rationalise it. You are still dreaming or suffering some strange Freudian hallucination. Only to dismiss the idea, it all feels so vivid and you know you don’t have that much imagination. It takes a while but you do manage to compose yourself enough to try and start figuring out what had happened. You rise from the bed and spend a few minutes exploring the small apartment. It didn’t take you long to locate the bathroom and a simple look in the mirror answered most, if not all, of your questions. Staring back at you from the glass is a familiar face.
“Gina?” you gasped recognising you fiance’s best friend “That crazy bitch. She’s put me in her body!”
Gina always did have some pretty out there beliefs. She’d even claimed to be able to do magic once after a few too many drinks but you’d never imagined she could do anything like this. After all, magic isn’t real, is it? The reflection of a half-naked tattooed lesbian looking back at you from the mirror would seem to suggest you should reassess your views on that subject. Shock turns to anger as it occurs to you that if you were in Gina’s body she was most likely in yours. She has finally found a way to get closer to Becky stealing your life in the process. You clenched your dainty fist in a rage wincing as your long nails dig into your palms.
As you stand there cursing the day you met Gina you hear a buzzing. Half buried in a pile if underwear you found Gina’s phone. Surprised, you see Becky’s number on the screen and without thinking you answer.
“Gina!” she greats you before you can even speak “I need to see you. I have huge news and… no, I’ll tell you all about it when you get here “
You want to tell her who you really are. Somehow convince her that Gina has stolen your body. Ask her for help even though she’d most likely think you’re crazy.
“Sure no problem babe.“ you hear yourself saying instead “I’ll be over in as soon as I’ve made myself presentable.”
Desperate, you try to retake control but your mouth and body refuse to obey. Instead, you exchange pleasantries with Becky. Little more than a passenger in Gina’s body until you hang up.
“Shit!” you curse suddenly back in control “What the fuck was that?“
Trying a different tack you attempt to send Becky a message but only succeed in sending her a string of emojis and a cat meme. Trying to contact some of your other friends and family ends much the same way until you give up, almost sobbing with frustration.
It seems you are free to do or say whatever you like while you are alone but you can’t do or say anything to reveal your true identity to others.
You slump on the sofa wracking your brain for a way out and coming up empty. It doesn’t help that you aren’t wearing a bra and the movement of your unconfined breasts causes a constant distraction. You try holding them still but that just leads to a new problem. Your sensitive nipples respond to your touch growing hard against your hands. They feel like a pair of miniature erections on your chest. You can’t resist giving them a rub and gasp as you feel a jolt of pleasure shoot from them to between your legs. The realisation that your body is becoming aroused shocks you out of further exploration. Disgusted by the warm wet feelings coming from down there you grimace at the thought that you may be stuck feeling this way every time you get turned on.
“Fuck that” you mutter “That bitch is switching us back.”
You grab Gina’s keys and head for the door not caring you are still mostly naked, it’s not your body on display after all. You’d consider flashing Gina’s tits at the world a small act of revenge but as you reach for the door you find yourself unable to turn the handle. The same sense of compulsion that had prevented you from revealing your identity earlier now forces you to dress in Gina’s clothes. Even putting on make-up before you can leave the house. It takes almost an hour of trying on different outfits before the silent presence in your mind seems satisfied. Only then are you are able to drive across town to the suburban house you share with Becky.
Hoping to catch Gina off guard you park around the block and walk through your neighbourhood. Stay focused on your goal you do your best to ignore the appreciative looks and comments of the guys you pass. In your head, you curse Gina with every click of the heels you’ve been forced to wear.
When you reach your home you sneak around the back and peak in through the window. You hope to find Gina alone and demand she reverse the switch but instead, you see Becky and your body very much together. You watch in sick fascination as he straddles your familiar form. Lowering herself on to the hard cock that had been your pride and joy mere hours ago. The imposter in your body grunts as her pussy envelops him. Rocking his hips in time with her’s. Making her moan with pleasure. You want to rush in and stop them but you can’t move from your hiding spot. Can’t make a sound, can’t do anything to give yourself away. You can only watch as your beautiful fiancee makes love to her best friend in your stolen body.
Anger wars with jealousy inside you and under it all a steadily building arousal. Your new nipples harden in the bra you were forced to wear and your cunt gets hot in your panties. Biting your lip to suppress a whimper you reach under your skirt and begin rubbing yourself through the thin fabric of your underwear. You hate yourself for being so weak as you watch them making love. Memories of being with Becky flood your mind and the desire to touch her body once again is too strong. You moan out-loud as your fingers find their way into your aching pussy. Helpless to resist your own arousal you finger yourself with a desperate urgency.
As alien as your new parts feel the sensation of using them is the most intense thing you’ve ever felt. Tears of shame fill your eyes as you masturbate, a voyeur on your old life. Finally, the couple cries out in ecstasy as they cum together and you cum with them your first female orgasm washing through your body making your eyes roll back in your head and your hips buck uncontrollably. Shaken by the experience you take one last look and prepare to slip away. Becky will have to wait to deliver her "big news”, you can’t face her now. As you straighten your skirt you notice your old body is looking directly at you. He doesn’t say anything but he locks eyes with you and smirks over Becky’s shoulder. He doesn’t say anything but at that moment you understand that he has no intention of giving Becky up. He has claimed your woman and your body and left you a pathetic horny mess.
Deep inside you still hope that you can reclaim what’s yours but for now, at least he has won. All you can do is compose yourself and try to pretend you are still Becky’s friend. Maybe one day she’ll see the truth and realise that you are hopelessly in love with her but given how long the real Gina waited you’ve got a feeling that could take a very long time.
A request for dorian-gray-28
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