
Showing posts from April, 2019

Chyoa image; sexy witch

A newly minted witch gets a magical make over

Wonder-Jessica; Screen Test

Source   Original art from Following the untimely death of studio founder R.K Maroon in 1947 and subsequent revelations about his involvement in the so called Clover Leaf scandal, control of the studio passed into the hands of the Toon Town chamber of commerce. While investors were initially sceptical about the viability of a Toon owned and operated studio Maroon soon proved itself one of the great success stories of post war Hollywood. This period is rightly remembered as a golden age for the comedy shorts that made the studios name but it is also worth noting some of the ambitious feature length projects that were developed at the time. Perhaps most interesting of these is the planned Wonder Woman feature. Slated to star the multi-talented Jessica Rabbit as the titular heroine and intended as the first in a series of films staring well known Toon actors as golden age heroes. The project was ultimately shelved in favour of a ...

A grade student

My history professor was about to fail me and force me to flunk out of school.  Lucky for me I'm better at sorcery than I am at history.  A quick transformation spell, a little mental adjustment and he is now a she.  A rather pretty she at that and helplessly in lust with me and my cock.  She is only too happy to give me straight As and anything else I ask for.  As long as I keep up with our extracurricular study sessions 


To the casual observer she looked like an ordinary woman sat at the bar waiting for  a friend or even a date. A more astute observer might note that the steel necklace she's wearing looks almost like a collar. A true student of human nature might wonder why she was watching the door so intently. Was it excitement or apprehension that flashed in her eyes each time a new customer walked in. However, it's very unlikely anyone would ever guess the truth. That the pretty young woman wasn't a woman at all. That she was until quite recently a grad student called Greg. Her pretty face and womanly figure the result of trillions of nano machines swarming in her blood all controlled by the harmless looking collar around her neck. Only the man she now called master can remove the collar or change it's programming. Greg can only wait for him and try to obey whatever perverted commands he has next.  Maybe if she pleased him enough she'd win her freedom or (much more lik...

No Happy Ending

Prince Eric should have know better than to enter the sea witch's cave but he was desperate. So desperate he ignored the warnings and his own deep forebodings but h e couldn't get the mysterious mute girl out of his head, he had to find her. Deep in the gloom of the cave the witch listened to his story, her self satisfied smile hidden in the shadows. When he had finished telling his tale she agreed to reunite him with his lost love. They would be together, body and soul. All she asked in exchange was for the Prince to surrender his claim to throne. Driven by desperation he agreed and signed the witch's contract without a second thought. There was a brilliant flash of light and the next thing Eric knew he was sprawled naked on the sand while a man that looked exactly like him stood nearby. "Oh good, you're awake" his doppelganger said a cruel smile on his handsome face. "As you can see I have upheld my part of our deal, you and that foolish girl ar...


So peaceful, it almost seems a shame to wake him. I guess I can let him sleep a little longer, he'll find out that last night's transformation is permanent soon enough.

Finished reposting

Sunday's post marks the end of my re-posts from my Tumblr, a little over five-hundred posts! So what next for this blog now that particular well has run dry? Well, the good news is I'm not done making captions and stories yet. And naturally any new material will be posted here for you all to enjoy as and when it is completed. The bad news is I'm not going to posting quite so frequently as I was. :( While you are waiting why not drop by my discord to say hi

Emma: Daddy

Anonymous asked: hey it's Emma again... and iv'e been waiting... you still haven't swapped me back. did you change your mind? is this some kind of vacation to you? Because my life isn't that great so give it back! and what did you do with my boss! what did you do to my dad! Okay okay, no need to get your panties uh, my panties in a bunch you can have your body back. But first I want you to know what happened to your dad was totally not my fault. I mean I like him heā€™s a great guy but he was getting super controlling just because I was having a bit of fun. Telling me what to wear and what to do. I mean Iā€™m a grown ass woman if I want to dress like a hooker get wasted and let the football team run a train on me I totally can. He just wouldnā€™t see what a jerk he was being. ā€œYoung lady,ā€ he said in that huffy condescending tone he gets ā€œYou may not be a little girl anymore but I am still your father you will give me your respect!ā€ Well, I just saw red ā€œWhatever dad...

Post swap message

Anonymous asked: Hey, what did you do to me? Why do I have bigger breasts? Why am I drunk at a bar? What, you donā€™t like your little welcome back to your body gift? Your boyfriend certainly likes themā€¦ And your boyfriendā€™s friend Chrisā€¦ And Chrisā€™ dadā€¦ And your friend Brittanyā€¦ Yeah, you should probably have a talk with Brittany, sweet girl but I think maybe the two of you to define your relationship more clearly. Anyway, what are you worrying about itā€™s a party! You are supposed to be having fun. I know I was. Oh, just a heads up for you I may have promised those guys a threeway. So, um, good luck with that and if you ever need anything else you know where to find me ;)

Emma; Appointments

Anonymous asked: Hey itā€™s Emma again, any chance I can get my body back?! You better not have given me an std or a tattoo or something! I had a family dinner with my boyfriend last night I hope you didnā€™t skip it or ruin it! What? No, Iā€™m actually a very considerate guest. Also needles, eek! Iā€™ve been making a point of keeping all your appointments.  The family dinner you mentioned, (btw your dad is pretty hot for an older guy). No problems there. Ate dinner, made small talk, blew your boyfriend under the table while your parents did dishes. Perfectly normal evening The performance review you had at work, aced it! You are totally getting a raise, You're welcome. Just, um, donā€™t worry if your boss seems a little friendlier than normal. Girlā€™s night out. Had a blast! May have gotten a little tipsy. Managed to stay out of custody this time. All your friends were really impressed with my ping pong ball party trick. Itā€™s probably time for me to move on anyway so s...

Spot the difference?

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Be better

Anonymous asked: Can you caption powers make me into the bustiest bimbo? Well maybe not the bustiest bestest bimbo, that position is taken by the incomparable  @bimbohearts  :)  But maybe I can help you start on the path to self improvement.  You should have got the package I sent you by now. The pink bottle, got it?  Good, all you have to is drink it and the process will begin. Just one sip and your body will start to change.Drink to whole bottle and there will be no going back.  But to truly achieve the body of your dreams it needs a catalyst. A certain mixture of proteins, hormones and other naturally occurring chemicals that can only be found in one place. Not to be crude about it but, you need cum. As fresh as you can find and as much as you can get as often as you can get it.  Every load you take will enhance your body just a little more. Every satisfied man you leave in your wake will leave you just a little gigglier. A little happi...

Emma, Appologise

Anonymous asked: This is Emma, the woman of the body you stole today, and wanted to ASK you why you took my body and what did you do that put you in jail. Oh um hi Emmaā€¦ Gosh this is awkward. Sorry about that whole stealing your body thing. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m setting out to mess with people I just get these ideas and feel like I have to write them down and then *poof* they happen. As for why Officer Reno felt the need to take me downtownā€¦ Did you know you (your body that is) have a really low tolerance for alcohol? Because it does. I was out with  a few drinks and I couldnā€™t have had more than two or three before things started to get a little hazy. I know at some point we ended up at at a strip club and I guess I kind of maxed out your card. (Iā€™ll pay you back I swear) It must of been about then that some suggested I could make a little cash on the side and the next thing I know Iā€™m up on the stage shaking what your Momma gave me. Iā€™m not much of a dancer but I guess you must ...

What you really want

Anonymous asked: I bet you canā€™t turn me into a punk girl with tattoos and piercings and a problem with authority I hear what you are asking but is that what you really want?  You say you want to be different, to stand out in a crowd, even to shock but I sense something else beneath that desire to rebel.  Do you truly want to strike out at the stifling restrictions of ā€œnormalā€ society or are you attempting to break free of something else?  I think you know the answer as well as I do. What you are so desperately trying escape is your own overpowering need be controlled. You want more than anything else to surrender and who can blame you?  Thinking for yourself, making decisions, freedom? Theyā€™re exhausting. What you need is someone to help you become who you were always meant to be. A weak, submissive girl with no will of her own.  I realise this may be hard for you to accept at first. Iā€™m sure you'll cry and plead. Youā€™ll in...

How many

Anonymous asked: how many bodies have you been in or possessed? maybe you could put me and you in a couple of twin bodies. (: Oh gosh, I canā€™t honestly say. Between the possession the swaps the various types and degrees of transformation Iā€™ve rather lost track. Not that Iā€™m complaining thatā€™s just the sort of thing you come to expect when you spend so much time around witches, body hoppers, naughty pixies and mad scientists. ;) Twins eh? You know I think Iā€™ve got just the pair for us and best of all theyā€™ve got a private poolā€¦

Witch Swap

Anonymous asked: you're not the only one with magic, I'm a witch and as you read this we have swapped bodies and you are now stuck as me. Oh sweetie, you say that like itā€™s a bad thing ;) By all means, take my rather average body and the life that goes with it. Iā€™ll be over here enjoying your lovely body and all of its power.


renos-captions  asked: Good afternoon, I'm Officer Reno and I've been receiving reports that you've been using your captions to transform people. You're going to have to come with me to the station for questioning, turn around and put your hands behind your back. Bloody ā€˜ell itā€™s the rozzers.  I ainā€™t done nothinā€™ luv.  Oo says I ā€˜ave?  You canā€™t prove I did it anyway.  Me briefā€™ll ā€˜ave your guts for garters.  ā€˜Arrrasment is what it is. Iā€™m the real victim ā€˜ereā€¦ Arse! Looks like be answering the rest of these ask in Holloway ;)

Stormy Night

Anonymous asked: maybe you could make me a girl as well, preferably someone famous?(; You sent the message not really expecting a reply. You went on with your day running various errands just like you usually did until later that evening as you were driving home from the store you began to feel strange. You felt distant, hollow, it was like you were fading away. It became hard to focus on the road. You could no longer feel the wheel in your hands. Darkness swallowed you and for a long timeless moment, you floated suspended between one place and the next.  Abruptly light and sensation returned dazzling you with the sudden intensity of it. A bright light dazzled you. Voices you didnā€™t recognise clamoured for your attention. Unfamiliar scents filled your nostrils, sweat and leather and sweet floral perfume. But the thing that commanded most of your attention was the object that filled your mouth. Something hard and smooth, it tasted strange but somehow familiar as ...

The Sceptic; Think before you wish

Anonymous asked: ok you were right, you can change people with your captions. you've had your fun now pleas change me back! (: Oooh, sorry my anonymous friend if you wanted the kind of transformation that can be reversed you really should have said so. Iā€™m afraid you're a girl for the long haul now. But hey, being a woman isnā€™t so bad and letā€™s face it you clearly arenā€™t the smartest. At least this way youā€™ve got your looks to fall back on. You shouldnā€™t have too much trouble finding a nice man to take care of you. Hopefully, heā€™ll be able to stop you doing anything as foolish as this again in the future ;)