Starz in their eyes

No one was terribly surprised when the technology to remotely transfer a human mind into another body at a distance was almost immediately banned. The potential for abuse was obvious to everyone but once the genie was out of the bottle there was no putting it back. 

A thriving black market soon emerged. Back alley shops offered temporary access to the body of anyone you could think of. Celebrities, sports stars, the girl you had a crush on in high school, they could all be yours to control, the ultimate voyeurs fantasy. 

The authorities responded with harsh punishments for offenders, including forfeit of their own bodies. Despite this and dark rumours circulating about unscrupulous operators stealing customers bodies or trapping clients in virtual slavery business continued to boom, adverts like the one pictured becoming as common as adds for slimming aids and dating apps. 

Only the development of hyper-real virtual environments began to impact their popularity. Even today attractive celebrities live with the knowledge that their bodies could be usurped at any time...


  1. She has a million dollar smile like G.lightfoot said "puts the sun to shame"!


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