Dear Diary

Dear diary. 
Welp, eight days of quarantine and I think it's safe to say the tg-flu has run its course and I'm still trying to get my head around the idea that I'm really a girl now. My tits finished growing in a couple of days ago (god that feels weird to say "my tits" I don't know I'll ever get used to it.) I already looked pretty feminine at that point. My hair was growing faster than I could cut it and I'd lost so much weight. (When I think about all the time I spent at the gym just to end up a petite 105 pounds, ugh.) 
So, that was about the same time my cock started shrinking. I knew what was coming of course but it was still a shock to watch my best little buddy dwindle away to a sensitive nub. That was last night and when I woke up this morning it was all gone. (Well not gone exactly just rearranged)
Either way what I've got now doesn't look or feel much like what I had before. I don't look much like I did before. 
It makes me wonder. I still feel like me inside but now I can go outside again is that how people will see me? Will how people see me change how I see myself? Either way the prospect is scary and maybe a little exciting too. 

I should probably say something deep here about endings and new beginnings but the truth is I’m mostly just looking forward to getting out of this place!


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