
Showing posts from October, 2020

Kinktober 2020 Day 24. Flexible

  You know, a week ago I was one hundred percent sure I was a totally straight cis guy. If you'd even suggested that one day I'd be taking a nice thick cock and loving every inch of it I'd have probably punched you in the face. But since I swapped bodies with my neighbour's niece I've been rethinking a lot of the things I was certain of before. Turns out that when it comes to sex I'm a lot more flexible than I always assumed. 

Kinktober 2020 Day 23. Spread

      "Oh god I can't believe this is happening," Greg whined from inside his busty new form "this isn't right I'm a man damn it!" "Oh stop moaning," Darren bit back impatiently "if I hadn't transferred your mind into this experimental android you'd have died in the accident." "Android?" Greg huffed "Why not call it what it is? It's a sex bot! You put me in this thing just to humiliate me didn't you, you might as well admit it." "Fine yes," Darren admitted "she was built for that butā€¦ oh, forget it I'm not having this argument with you again. User override; mute." Darren snapped the command and Greg's complaints abruptly ceased as his vocal unit shut down. "I don't know, I try and help a guy out and this is the thanks I get," Darren muttered "user override; strip." Greg's body moved on it's own discarding the baggy jumpsuit that had been pr...

Kinktober 2020; Day 22. Hands

I'd never thought of myself as being a particularly big guy. I mean, I've never had any complaints but I'm not vain enough to think I'm all that special. That is until I swapped  bodies with this girl. She's so petite my own cock feels huge in these dainty hands. More importantly being in this sexy body has me horny as hell. I never thought I'd be thristy to get ploughed by my own dick but here we are. She says that if we fuck we won't be able swich back but I can tell she wants it as badly as I do. I think a little longer with this hand job and she'll be ready to give me what I want and I'll stay a hot little bitch forever

Kinktober 2020 Day 21. Water

  Skinny dipping in his neighbour's pool was just the thing for John to cool off on a hot summer's day. If only he'd thought to ask his neighbour's permissions he might have been warned about the feminising chemicals in the water. The cool water washed away every last trace of his masculinity. The new girl emerged feeling cleansed and refreshed wondering when her neighbour was coming home so she can get hot and dirty with him.

Kinktober 2020; Day 20. Calligraphy

  ā€œTerrance,ā€ Alex gasped, hardly able to recognize the sexy woman his friend had apparently become ā€œis that you?ā€ ā€œItā€™s Terri now, but yeah this is me now,ā€ the former man grinned ā€œlike what you see?ā€ ā€œI, I, sure your, um, really hot!ā€ Alex stammered, taken off guard as she struck a provocative pose for him. ā€œBut, how? Why?ā€ ā€œOh thatā€™s easy,ā€ Terri said with an expressive shrug ā€œRemember that girl Jenny I was screwing around with? Well, turns out her boyfriend works at  the tattoo place I like, (small world, right?) and heā€™s some kind of warlock! Turns out he can tattoo you and your body and mind will change to match it and he thought it would be fitting to give me thisā€¦ā€ She turned, displaying her rump and the for letter word written there in indelible script. ā€œSo you're....?ā€ Alex couldnā€™t bring himself to finish the question. ā€œA slut?ā€ Terri finished for him with a flirtatious laugh ā€œOh, yes! Iā€™m absolutely filthy. Iā€™ll do things thatā€™ll make a hooker blush and I love them...

Kinktober 2020; Day 19. Furniture

  Mateo eyed the dresser warily. The last time he'd been in this room almost two years ago the peculiar lighting setup on his aunt's dresser had transformed him into a sexy blonde woman before breaking and leaving him stuck like that for six extremely awkward weeks. Not that it had been all bad. Wearing borrowed women's and dealing with lustful stares from men had sucked but the experience had brought him closer to the women in his life and he'd certainly learned a few things during the long hours he'd spent alone in this room getting to know his female form.  Honestly he was a little surprised his aunt was willing to leave him alone with her dresser again after he'd broken the last one. He never did get a straight answer about where the miraculous beautifying mirror had come from but replacing it couldn't have been cheap. So, for this visit he'd expect to either stay in a different room or for the dresser to have been moved at least but there it stood i...

Kinktober 2020 Day 18. Dimorphism

  It's funny, the lab accident changed my sex but I don't feel like I'm all that different now. Obviously there are differences, I'm smaller and softer than I was. I didn't have these puppies on my chest before and I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to pull off this lingerie but really that's mostly a matter of fat being moved around. And there's the "big" difference of course. But if I'm being honest it was never all that big in the first place. No, it's fine. The word may see me as a woman and I don't mind playing the part but when I look in the mirror I still see me no matter what others might say.

Knktober 2020 Day 17. Group

Aaron didn't know that the dusty old book was a real grimoire. He thought it would make a cool prop for his D&D game. If only he could've guessed at the wonderful chaos it would bring into his life when he found it. His regular group met later that week in Aaron's basement. He'd gone to extra effort creating a suitably dramatic atmosphere that week. Blankets draped the plasterboard walls and electric candles flickered in the corners. That night would be the climax of the campaign they'd been playing for most of a year and he wanted it to be special.  The adventure proved to be everything he hoped. Minions were defeated, traps evaded and banter exchanged until the party fought their way into the big bad's lair. "You force open the heavy oak door and enter the warlock's in most sanctum," Aaron narrated describing the scene for the party "you see the cloaked figure of the warlock hunched over a lectern. He looks up and greets you with a humou...

Kinktober 2020 Day 16. Posterior

  Oh fuck you did it," Carl gasped feeling John pull out at the last second to spray his cum across Carl's plump womanly ass "You turned me into this PAWG then used me for your sick pleasure. I've never felt so used, so humiliated, so, so, horny!" John responded with a smug smile standing back to admire his handiwork. He loves how "Carli" turned out, especially her shapely posterior. From the way she's talking it sounds like the new girl is coming around to the idea too. Just a little push and she'll be begging him to fuck that fine ass. Then they'll be no going back for her.

Kinktober Day 15. Games

  Carl had a habit of picking female characters in games. He didn't see anything weird about it. If he was going to spend a hefty chunk of his leisure time staring at a computerised butt it may as well be a sexy one, right? So when he chose Merleana the elven reaver as his avatar in the VRMMO Realm of the Dragon Lord it was mostly for the look.  He donned his new VR rig and entered the simulation. It was only then, as he  materialised in the palace of the Sylvan realm, that the full implications of his choice hit home. The strange new sensations of having a lithe female body hit him all at once. From the slight movement of his small breasts inside his tight costume to the sudden absence of his normal equipment from between his long legs.  He'd heard the hype about this game, how it made you feel like you were really in the world but this went far beyond what he'd ever imagined. With a gesture he dismissed the lower part of his costume marveling at the incredibly deta...

Kinktober; Day 12. Creamy

  The effects of Professor Greenwood's formula were nothing short of miraculous. Just a few drops wiped thirty years of his apparent age restoring his health and youthful vitality, even helping him shed a few excess pounds.  It felt good to be so young again, bursting with so much energy he could hardly sit still and, and... Oh god he was horny. He couldn't remember ever feeling this desperate need before. Some unanticipated side effect of the formula perhaps? The rational part of him wondered if testing the formula on himself had been an entirely good idea but it was difficult to care while he felt so amazing. His achingly hard cock strained against the cotton prison of his boxers until he couldn't stand it any more. With a groan he freed it wrapping his hand around it. Desperate for relief he pumped his shaft until with a gasp he came thick ropes of jizz. His head spun with the force of his climax and he had to grab the edge of the work bench to keep his balance. Panting,...

Kinktober 2020 Day 11. Cheerleader

  After I lost us the big game Coach thought making me take X-Change and go train with the cheerleaders would embarrass me and motivate me to try harder next time. Clearly he has no idea what kind of things the cheerleaders and my teammates get up to after practice or how much I enjoy being on the receiving end of their attentions.  If he's planning to make this "punishment" a regular thing I may never score another point again. Andy~Taking one for the team

Kinktober Day 10. Pain

  God I love it when Jack comes home and just takes me. It's so hot to be wanted this much. To know that he literally can't wait to have me because he finds me so desirable. It's just the biggest turn on. I love it, I love him, but I do sometimes wish we'd at least make it to the bedroom. As fun as it is to be pounded in the kitchen these marble countertops are hell on my knees!

Kinktober 2020; Day 9. Porcupine

  Pete was a prickly sort of guy. Good looking enough but hard to get close to. Most people bounced hard off his gruff exterior. Porcupine Pete, they called him around the office but I sensed there was more to him than that. So, when he tried to push me away I kept trying to get closer. Slowly I chipped away at his shell until we became first friends and then lovers.  Only then, in the comforting darkness of our bed, was he able to fully open up to me. He told about his life, how he'd never felt comfortable in his own skin. How he'd slowly come to realise that he was not the man he presented himself to the world as. How, unable to admit the truth to anyone he had shut himself off from others afraid to let anyone in that might force him confront the lie he was living.  I held her in my arms as she dropped her last defenses and said out loud for the first time the secret she had been destroying her all these years. She was a woman, she might have a male body but that didn't...

Kinktober 2020; Day 8. Strip

  "Just a friendly game of strip poker"  It gets them everytime. I'll get them back to my room and loose a few hands before I raise the stakes. Occasionally they'll get smart and call it quits at that point but usually the sight of this body in nothing but the sexiest of lingerie is pretty effective in shutting down the male brain.  After that it doesn't take me long to get them out of their clothes and empty their wallets while I'm at it. (A girl's still got to pay the bills, even if she is a witch). "Double or quits?" I'll ask, a picture of sweet innocence.  After some negotiation I'll offer them back everything they've lost plus a sexual favour to sweeten the pot if they'll wager their masculinity. I just love the look on their faces when I win and my amulet drains away their manhood. Like this poor guy, I figure I'll let him have his little freak out before I offer him one more hand but something tells me his luck is not g...

Kinktober 2020; Day 7. Dare

  "Truth or dare?" Jerry demanded with a grin. "Really?" Carl rolled his eyes "What are we, eight?" "Come on,ā€ Jerry wheedled ā€œItā€™ll be fun.ā€ ā€œFine,ā€ Carl sighed ā€œThen truth, I guess.ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s your weirdest sexual fantasy?ā€ Jerry asked casually ā€œWell, I suppose that would be when I imagine what it's like to be a girlā€¦" Jerry said blushing furiously  "hey! Why did I say that? I've never told anyone about that." "Oh that's  simple enough," Jerry laughed producing a gold necklace for his pocket "I found this magic necklace in a yard sale and I'm using it to enhance our little game. And since that's the truth it counts as your turn. Truth or dare?" "What? No!" Carl protested "That's not fair. I, I'm not playing!" "Oh you're giving up your turn" Jerry said smugly "then you'll have to pay the forfeit, two dares. First I dare you to turn into the sexiest...

Kinktober 2020; 6. Furry

  Stealing his sister's costume and crashing her sorority's Halloween party was a great idea. All he had to do was keep his mask on and not say too much and he'd get to spend the evening surrounded by drunk cheerleaders. What he hadn't counted on was her boyfriend dropping in unannounced. Damn but that guy was persistent. Despite Jack's best efforts to give him the brush off he still managed to get him alone and things were about get really awkward for both of them!

Kinktober 2020; 5. Costume

  Alan had seen some pretty weird stuff as an urban explorer but nothing quite as surprising as this. Hanging on a peg in the basement of a long abandoned hospital was what he could only call a super suit. A white body stocking made of some kind of spandex along with a red cape and a pair of boots and gloves. The costume seemed out of place with its surroundings. Where the basement was dark and dusty the suit was spotlessly clean. So white it almost seemed to glow in the gloom.  Alan searched around for some clue as to the suit's origin but found nothing but empty boxes and cobwebs.  Scratching his head at the mystery he was struck by a thought, what if he tried it on? He dismissed the impulse at first but then again, why not? The suit looked big enough to fit him. The boots might be a little tight but it wasn't like he was planning on hiking in them. And there's no one here to see him. Before he can change his mind he's stripped off his own clothes piling them neatly o...