Kinktober 2020 Day 18. Dimorphism

 It's funny, the lab accident changed my sex but I don't feel like I'm all that different now.

Obviously there are differences, I'm smaller and softer than I was. I didn't have these puppies on my chest before and I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to pull off this lingerie but really that's mostly a matter of fat being moved around. And there's the "big" difference of course. But if I'm being honest it was never all that big in the first place.

No, it's fine.

The word may see me as a woman and I don't mind playing the part but when I look in the mirror I still see me no matter what others might say.


  1. Its strange since that lab accident changed me into a girl. I don't feel any different now.
    I know there are the differences, I'm smaller and softer than i was. It seem normal that I have breast, my wait is thinner, my hips are wider. It amazing I'm wearing these lingerie like I done for many years. Other than a few short weeks.
    I should be confused, even shocked, but I'm okay with it!
    Thou the male self, is gone. I'm a female now, and I'm check myself out in the mirror again. Thou I'm go to live as a girl now. Tomorrow I start being one!

  2. I love this one! I'd hope to mostly be me, just look like a girl. I know some mental things might change, but, I'd just want the body and my life experiences and memories and stuffs to go with the new body. So, yeah, I'd still see me, just the hotter, girl me! ;)


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