Final stages

"Oh god now my hair too?" Carl moaned through soft pillow like lips "Please, haven't you done enough. Just stop this, change me back I'm begging you."

Carl's desperate plea fell on deaf ears as the invisible force continued to torment him. 

The baggy sweatpants he'd been wearing transformed into a pair of black fishnets and his already too tight boxer morphed into a thong exposing his cartoonishly large ass. 

The sudden appearances of a pair of four inch stripper heels on his feet forced him into an ungainly squat to avoid falling on his pretty face.

Cursing he felt between his legs relieved to find the sadly diminished remnant of his once proud manhood still there. As pathetic as those last limp few inches might be they represented all the hope he had left.

Perhaps it was just wishful thinking or perhaps it was woman's intuition either way he just knew that only once that last trace of his manhood was gone it would be all over for him.


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