Mother Knows Best?

 Theory and practice of magic: A beginners primer for novice practitioners of the arcane 

Alex groaned feeling the weight of the of the heavy tome he held. Even the title was boring and this was supposed to be the the easy stuff, the equivalent of spell casting for dummies. 

He tried once again to make some kind of sense of the dry dense writing.

"In order to match the vibrational frequency of the target object it is vital to first align the second and fourth chakra in accordance with Bernolli's principle..."

Alex slammed the book shut again, tears of frustration stinging the corners of his eyes and threatened to streak his pale cheeks with magically applied mascara. Why did he have to learn sorcery? He'd have been perfectly happy as an accountant or a mechanic but noo, his mother wouldn't allow that. 

"Mundane professions might be fine for the lesser people," she'd told him in that haughty tone of hers "but you my boy have the blood of mighty wizards running in your veins. It would be a terrible crime to waste your potential on a mere trade."

And that was the end of the conversation as far as she was concerned. He would learn sorcery and he would excel at it, failure to master the Art was simply not an option. When Alex protested that he lacked both the talent and the interest to follow in his mother's footsteps she'd lost her temper. She was tired of his excuses, he was a lazy, indolent, ungrateful boy. He better shape up and if he need more motivation to do it she was happy to provide it!

Infrablack energy crackled from her finger tips. Unnatural darkness enveloped him and when it faded again he had been transformed. He was no longer a tall athletic young man. He'd been transformed into a petite blonde. He found himself wearing a short pink dress that exposed his shoulders and pair of shapely legs. 

He'd stared in horror at his new body not quite believing that his own mother would do this to him. When he'd been little she had joked about turning him into a frog if he didn't behave but this went beyond all reason.

"Don't whine!" His mother had dismissed his objections sharply "This is a simple enchantment, you should be able to break it easily if only you'll apply yourself to your studies."

Now Alex faced a simple choice, either he could try and make some sense of this damn book or learn to be okay with sitting to pee and kissing boys. Honestly,  he's beginning to think the whole girl thing for the rest of his life might not so bad compared to one on more hour studying fucking magic.

Model: Chloe Foster


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