Play time's over

"Oh hi honey you're, um, back early?" Alan squealed as his wife walked in to find him still in the body of a girl "I thought you were staying at your sister's until tomorrow..." "And you thought the pink pills would have worn off by then?" Helen answered seeming to take the sight of her handsome male husband transformed into a slim brunette in stride "Well, that was my original plan, to let you have a little privacy to enjoy you "hobby." Helen made a sweeping gesture taking in the stained and rumpled sheets, and the well used collection of dildos strewn around. Alan felt a crimson blush spread over his pretty face at the realisation that his wife knew everything. "But then I thought, why should you have all the fun?" She produced A bottle of blue pills with a theatrical flourish and a broad grin "What do you say, ready to stop playing with toys and try the real thing?"