Time for Tea

 As far as Professor Richards could determine the accident had blasted his consciousness completely out of his home reality and into some strange alternative version of history. 

In this world he found himself inhabiting the body of a beautiful young woman and forced to live her life as best he could. 

Prehaps with enough time and access to the right equipment he might have been able to find a way back to his home but the rules of the pseudo-victorian society he now had to live by made that almost impossible. 

As a member of "the fairer sex" he was expected find a husband and be a good wife. Any kind of academic pursuit was out of the question. 

He shuddered at the thought of what he might have to do just to avoid being thrown out on the street. But at least he could take some comfort from the fact that they served truly excellent tea here.


  1. What is the saying, roads not taking. Somehow , someway he is someone else. He didn't travel in time, he cross the veil. He moved, but didn't move at same time. Sound confusing, it is sorta.


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