The Price of Success


When you've been in bussiness as long as I have spells and curses are just part of the price of success. 

There's always some jealous competitor or hard done by rival ready to employ the dark arts to make a point. Which is why I employ top of the line magical security. 

Still no security is perfect and every so often some bush league warlock will slip an enchantment past my people. Nothing dangerous or long lasting but inconvenient none the less.

 Like, just as an example, turning me into a  petite blonde girl and giving me an insatiable craving for cock. I know some less experienced guys that have a hard time handling these situations but like I said, this is not my first rodeo.

I'm confident my people will have me back to my normal manly self by Monday morning. Until then, I may as well enjoy the ride.


  1. They will probably make a business decision to pimp you out to all cocks coming to collect the money instead of paying your salary! Don't expect to go back without a contract as you have made a firm commitment and I'm coming with a BBC to seal the deal!


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