Kinktober 2021: Day 12. Celebrity


Marty had to hand it to the makeup artists they'd done an incredible job. From the tips of his painted toes to the elaborately styled hair piece fastened to his scalp he looked every inch the glamorous model. He doubted his own mother would recognise the shy skinny boy she'd raised in this get-up. 

He suppressed a smug smile as he paused to strike a pose for the cameras. After the hours of squeezing shaving plucking padding and tucking he'd endured actually impersonating Bella on the red carpet was proving to be a cinch. All he had to do was not fall on his carefully padded butt and remember to keep his mouth shut. 

Visually the illusion was perfect but the sound of his husky baritone coming from those glossy lips would surely give the game away. 

He may have been reluctant at first but this was like nothing he'd ever experienced. He found himself drinking in the adoration of the crowd and loving every minute of it.

 Prehaps, he thought in the privacy of his own mind, the next time one of the agency's clients got food poisoning Marty might volunteer to cover for them again.


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