Should Know Better


Ed blushed and quickly averted his eyes as his roommate walked in wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. Once again Ben's recently acquired breasts were on full display a fact that didn't seem to bother the transformed man at all.

Ed groaned caught between the desire to sneak a look at his friend's lovely new body and his embarrassment at feeling attraction to someone he still thought of as a man. 

Honestly, he thought to himself, it's been nearly a month Ben should really have learnt to cover up properly by now. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was trying to get me to stare at his tits!


  1. Well Ed, your former friend "Ben", now going by the name Bea, not just wants you to stare at her tits, she wants to get laid by you - and you are (still) too naive to think of this. Wake up, she wants you to experience the joy of mutual sexual pleasures!!! Wake up and give in to her call!!! - Tom -


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