
Showing posts from April, 2022


 "For crying out loud Dad, can't you remember to lock the bathroom door?" Mark complained shielding his eyes from the sight of his father's mostly naked and currently very female body. "Ooh I'm sorry Marki," the former man giggled "I guess I forgot again. Ever since I swapped with Emily I've been such a ditz!" Part of him, or her as she increasingly thought of herself, admitted that it wasn't fair to keep teasing poor Mark like this. He'd been so supportive since the accident but he was just so gosh darn cute when he blushed like that.  More importantly, if the younger man really wanted her to stop he should be more subtle about the way he was peeking at her between his fingers. She couldnā€™t wait to see how he'll react when she "accidentally" drops the towel. 

No going back

 There's not even a trace of my little buddy now, just a wet little slit down there.  I guess I thought as long as something of the old me was left I might still change back but I can't deny it anymore. I'm a girl, time to face facts and figure out what that means to me.


Alexis couldn't understand why her diet wasn't working. She'd been so careful, denying herself even the tiniest indulgence but the needle on her bathroom scales stubbornly refused to drop. She was only trying to shift a few pounds, it really shouldn't be this hard. Prehaps if she knew her boyfriend was secretly possessing her at night things would make more sense to her. Of course she's never going to lose weight when her body is gorging on cakes and sweet treats while she sleeps. So far she's blissfully unaware of his plan but it won't be long before she begins to pile on the pounds and his secret fantsy of dating a sexy curvy goddess is fulfilled. 


 Fuck!Fuck!Fuck! I can't believe I'm  going to have to tell my wife she's right, size really does matter. Shit, but if I tell her that she might decide I've "learned my lesson" and change me back into a man.  No way. I'm not going back to being her tiny-dicked cuck of a husband, not now I know how much better fucking is as a woman. I guess I'll just have to convince her what she really needs is a slutty new BFF instead!

Magical Panties

  I still couldn't tell you where the panties came from. They just appeared in my sock draw one day, Two ounces of delicate black lace ready to explode in my life like half a pound of dynamite.  At first it was just a puzzle. I lived on my own and did my own laundry so I couldn't blame them on a flatmate's prank or a simple mix up in the wash. It had been longer than I'd like to think about since I'd enjoyed any female company so there wasn't much chance they'd been left there by an ex. For days I wracked my brain trying to solve the mystery. I'd find myself staring at the silken scrap of fabric wondering who might wear such a thing. Picturing what she might look like as I ran the soft material back and forth through my hands. The mental image of the imaginary panty donor growing clearer and clearer until I could have almost convinced myself she was real. She'd  be slim and petite, the kind of girl that could sit in a guys lap and snuggle against his...


 "Holy crap, is it really you in there Dad?" Mark gasped as the cute blonde stepped out of the strange machine. "Heh, in the flesh, so to speak." She giggled "You did say you wanted to see my transmogrifier in action and I figured turning into Tina would make good demonstration." "Okay but why Tina?" Mark shook his head baffled by the older man's choice of body "I mean your own daughter, my stepsister, isn't it, wrong?" "Hmm, maybe?" The temporary girl shrugged "Maybe the machine is corrupting me, making me give in to my most taboo fantasies or maybe I was always just a big perv. But on the other hand I've seen the way you look at her so I guess what you should really be asking yourself is, do you want to stand around asking dumb questions or do you want to come get a piece of this ass?"

Cursed Again!

Oh for fucksake not again!  Why does this always happen to me? I meet a guy. We date a while. Everything's great until the little shit cheats on me and my family's curse kicks in. Then they turn into, well, whores is really the only word for it.  I really thought this one was different he seemed so sweet. I was sure we'd make a go of it right up until the moment I walked in and found him, sorry, that's her now, getting railed by four well hung studs. *sigh* It's enough to make a girl give up on relationships completely. Maybe I should take a leaf from my ex-boy ex-friend and just enjoy the ride.

Mama likes!

 At first as a teenage boy waking up trapped in the body of my busty MILF neighbour seemed like a horrible curse or a nightmare. But now I've had some time to appreciate being a sexy older woman all I can say is, Mama likes! 

Who's Fooled?

  What are you talking about, I always fix your breakfast like this? I love getting you all excited in the morning. It's the best way to start the day... Now you're being weird, you've never had a flatmate. Why would you need one you when you've got me, your hot sexy wifey? You know I'm happy to pay all our bills and do everything you need from me... What? I don't understand? Are you saying that I'm your flatmate? Your male flatmate? And what, I transformed into your dream girl like one of those silly stories on the internet? That's... Ooh, I see! You're teasing me! Teh-hee,you had me going for a second there until I remembered it's April Fools. Well, nice try Mister. This jokes on you! I'll have to of think of a fun way to pay you back. Imagine, thinking I'd fall for that one. I may act like a bimbo sometimes but I'm no fool!  ( Model: Rachel Cook e)