Request: Inner Voice

Request for @ZachFutureSomething via twitter A plain-jane with a vain, narcissistic alter ego that she resents finds herself slowly changing into her without the need of any potion or elixir. She tries to fight it off while the alter ego slowly corrupts her mind. "Hmm, I wonder how I'd look as a blonde?" Claire mused plucking at her drab chestnut hair " What? No, I love being a brunette! Get out of my head you bitch! " Claire struggled to regain her composure as mocking laughter rang in the silence of her mind. There was no doubt it her other self was getting stronger. She had to stay strong, hold onto herself, or that vain preening bitch would takeover again like she had a few weeks ago. That time she'd shaved her pussy and spent half a week's pay on makeup before she'd been able to wrest back control who knew what that little skank would do next time? Something involving expensive lingerie no doubt, a tiny scrap of black lace that barely covered my...