Real Education

 "What the fuck dad!" Chrissy gasped finding her father half-naked and pawing at his new tits like a porn star "I thought the whole point of you turning yourself into a woman was to teach me some sort of lesson about being a proper lady. What was it you said after you saw the pics I'd posted on Instagram?"

"This is no way for a respectable young woman to behave?" Chrissy's dad quoted himself between lewd moans "Something about needing a female role model now your mother's not around..."

"Don't forget no daughter of mine is going to run around dressed like a cheap tart" Chrissy finished for him.

"Mmm yeah, fuck that noise." The former man groaned pinching his aching nipples "That was before I realised just how good being a woman could feel. Now I say it's about time I forgot about being such an uptight prude. Let's dress up like a pair of sluts and find a couple of studs to teach us all about being proper whores!"

Chrissy could only nod her stunned agreement. Her father's plan was beginning to sound like a real education. 


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