But, why?

Megan Marx & Liz Jordan "But why?" Brad asked too confused by his sudden transformation to be angry right away "You tell me you've found a phone app to reprogram reality, and to prove it you decide to change us into aa pair of bimbos instead of, I don't know, basketball players or something?" "Well, duh!" Helena, as Gary now insisted on being called, giggled, her obvious enthusiasm bubbling out, "Obviously I had to turn us into girls. That's what all guys dream about, right? Take a break from all that itchy nasty body hair and ugly big muscles. We get to smell nice and dress up pretty, I bet we'll have so much fun! Come on, we had to at least try it out." "Helena," Brad said, pausing while a radiant smile spread across his friend's face at his use of her chosen name before continuing as carefully and calmly as he could manage, "I need you to listen to me. Guys. Do not. Wish. To be. Girls!" "C...