Request: Necklace of control

Bree Olson

Request for Coolguy via bluesky

 Alex groaned in satisfaction as his girlfriend suckled greedily on his cock. 

 Amber had always been such a sweet girl, affectionate but not exactly adventurous. The silver pendant glittering between her perky breasts had fixed that. He'd found it on eBay thinking it was nothing more than a pretty gift, but the second he'd slipped it around Amber's neck her whole attitude had changed.

 Suddenly she wanted only to please him. His slightest whim was her fervent desire. The power the necklace gave him over her was a little scary, but he couldn't resist the thrill of ordering her to wait on him. Relaxing while she cooked and cleaned for him. Revealing in claiming her tight ass and cumming on her blank obedient face.

Eventually, though, he grew bored with slender blonde Amber and her blandly pretty face. He found himself thinking more and more about his ex. Now she had been a hottie! 

True, Kendall hadn't been much more than a fling, their whole relationship had only lasted a week and a half. They'd had sex exactly once and she'd ended it after that. 

God, if only he'd had the necklace then. It would be her dark eyes gazing up at him while he painted her glorious tits with his cum. Amber's gasp of surprise snapped him out of his reverie. Glancing over he saw the impossible. She was transforming in front of his eyes. Her pale skin darkening to a rich brown her breasts and ass swelling like beautiful balloons. Even through the necklace's control Amber's shock and confusion was clear as she became Kendall's twin, prefect in every detail, from her glossy black hair to her delicately painted toe nails. 

"Baby, what's happening to me?" Amber's sweet soprano softened into Kendall's warm honeyed tones "My body, my voice! I, I don't understand..."

Her frightened questions trailed of as the power of the necklace flooded her mind. Alex's will overwriting her own. Caring only for his own pleasure he swept away what remained of poor weak willed Amber, replacing her with his own fantasy version of Kendall.

"Sorry baby," the new girl blinked up at him, her new personality taking over, "I must have spaced out a second there. What were you saying?"

"I was saying I really want to fuck your ass slut." Alex smirked, his moral qualms long forgotten, as Kendall rolled over without a murmur of complaint.

The power of the necklace was truly amazing. He could finally do all the things he'd only fantasied about doing with Kendall and after that?

There were so many other women she could be for him.

Ossa Lovely



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