Evil Heels

When Kyle's girlfriend Tina had suggested they try ropeplay he'd been surprised but not worried. She'd never shown any interest in that kind of kink before but he was always willing try something new to spice things up. It wasn't until until he was tightly bound that he caught the wicked gleam in her eyes. The dark power of the shoes had already taken her over corrupting the sweet innocent girl he'd known and leaving something hot and hungry in her place. Kyle struggled against his bonds as Tina forced the cursed heels onto his feet. As soon as they were strapped in place the evil of the shoes seeped into him. Their power twisted his body and corrupted his soul. His shouts of protest became moans of pleasure as tight latex and delicate lace formed around his changing body. Slender limbs and soft curves replaced hard muscles until only the body of a raven haired young woman remained. Kyle resisted for as long as he could but there was no fighting the power of the ...