
Showing posts from July, 2021

Evil Heels

 When Kyle's girlfriend Tina had suggested they try ropeplay he'd been surprised but not worried. She'd never shown any interest in that kind of kink before but he was always willing try something new to spice things up.  It wasn't until until he was tightly bound that he caught the wicked gleam in her eyes. The dark power of the shoes had already taken her over corrupting the sweet innocent girl he'd known and leaving something hot and hungry in her place. Kyle struggled against his bonds as Tina forced the cursed heels onto his feet. As soon as they were strapped in place the evil of the shoes seeped into him. Their power twisted his body and corrupted his soul. His shouts of protest became moans of pleasure as tight latex and delicate lace formed around his changing body. Slender limbs and soft curves replaced hard muscles until only the body of a raven haired young woman remained.  Kyle resisted for as long as he could but there was no fighting the power of the ...

Accidental Intruder

  "Foolish mortal," the weird old lady cackled "You dare defile this shrine to the goddess with your coarse male presence? Let her power strip away your rude male form. Forever shall you be cursed..." She went on like that but I wasn't listening. I was too busy checking out my gorgeous new body. I admired my smooth soft skin and perky tits wondering if sex as a woman was really as good as everyone said it was.  Maybe that cute lesbian at the coffee shop would be willing to help me find out?

Hot Body Spray

  HOT BODY SPRAY, the label in my genius sister's handwriting read.  Obviously I was going to assume it was some kind of cooling spray. We were in the middle of a heat wave and Kelly was alway coming up with useful stuff like that. What else I supposed to think? I know, I know, I shouldn't have taken it but I just wanted some relief from the heat.  How could I have know it was full of body enhancing nantes designed to improve my nerdy sister's looks? It's not like medical grade nanites are common place even in our house. It wasn't until the miraculous little machines had started their work that it even occurred to me that things might not be how I'd assumed.  Before I knew it I was sprouting tits and long blonde hair. The nanites working just as well on my male body as they would have on hers. I might even have turned out a little better than she would have since I had a bit more material to work with. Not even the best technology can make something out of nothi...

The Price of Success

  When you've been in bussiness as long as I have spells and curses are just part of the price of success.  There's always some jealous competitor or hard done by rival ready to employ the dark arts to make a point. Which is why I employ top of the line magical security.  Still no security is perfect and every so often some bush league warlock will slip an enchantment past my people. Nothing dangerous or long lasting but inconvenient none the less.  Like, just as an example, turning me into a  petite blonde girl and giving me an insatiable craving for cock. I know some less experienced guys that have a hard time handling these situations but like I said, this is not my first rodeo. I'm confident my people will have me back to my normal manly self by Monday morning. Until then, I may as well enjoy the ride.

Slut Slime: In The Pink

 Don't be fooled by her innocent appearance she's fully under the control of the pink slut slime now. She might say she's still be your beer chugging sports loving best friend inside but make no mistake, if you drop your guard she'll drain the masculinity right out of you. 

New body, New point of view

 What had long been nothing but a taboo fantasy became shocking reality one morning when Josh awoke to find his teenage mind merged into his Aunt Kelly's voluptuous body. He revelled in the fulfilment of his pervy fantasy as he set slender new fingers exploring her delightful curves and most private depths. It felt incredible, better than he could have imagined, but he wasn't just in her body he'd become her in almost every way that mattered.  He could reach back in her mind and recall her memories as if they were his own. Her whole life was an open book to him from her childhood growing up with Josh's mother to her flirting with the handsome young barrista when she'd stopped for coffee the previous evening.  He discovered new skills with the memories, could type at 120 words a minute, recover a corrupted database and knew more about pleasing a man than Josh had ever thought to know.  Except he found he did want to know all that now.  He didn't just want the sec...

More Than Skin Deep

 Even if his sudden transformation hadn't shredded his clothes there was no way anything Alex owned would fit his curvaceous new body. "Oh goodie," he found himself giggling at the thought "I'm totes going to the mall and buy just the cutest little outfits..." Alexis paused, a slight frown forming on her pretty face at her sudden interest in women's fashion. Clearly her changes were more than skin deep and she wondered what other surprises her new body and personality might have instore for her.

Yes Mistress

"You've missed a spot, just there." Mrs Featherstone snapped pointing to the offending stain "Honestly, you're almost as useless as my late husband." Surpressing a sigh the late Mr Featherstone could only meekly obey the woman she now called mistress.  The new girl wished she could just explain her situation or failing that she could muster the will to tell her former wife to go hang. But that had proved even harder in this life than it had in her old one.  The older woman's cold dominant attitude had driven her old male self into the arms of the sweetly submissive girl whose body she now inhabited.  Dying and waking up in this body had been been a terrible shock but even worse was the realisation that being ordered around by her callous bitch of a wife now made her new pussy wet.   

Into the Woods

 Jason staggered and lent back against the rough brick of the cabin wall for support. With a little daring and a lot of luck he'd escaped the basement lab but not before Dr Feindly's strange devices had finished transforming him. Now even  the short run up two flights of stairs and outside into the bright light of day had left him shaking with exhaustion.  His new body was young  and healthy enough, even if it was the wrong gender. But even allowing for the fact that he was much smaller and physically weaker now he shouldn't be feeling like he'd run a marthon already. Clearly his transformation had taken a heavy toll on his system, one he hadn't had time to fully recovered from yet. Just a few minutes, he told himself trying not to think about how good his hands felt on the soft smooth skin of his new legs. I'll just catch my breath and then, then... Then what?  A dirt track stretched away from the cabin surrounded by thick forest. He could be miles from help. N...

Life Lesson

 Overcomimg his initial shock at his sudden transformation into a busty woman  Alan followed Lisa's lead and pressed his fingers between his legs. His eyes go wide as he explores himself taking the kind of time and care he never normally bothers with when he's with a woman. His gentle probing is rewarded with an ecstatic burst of pure pleasure as found his clit. " Oh God!" He gasped "Thank you so much for this. When my ex told me her sister was a witch and you wanted to see me I was half expecting to get turned into a frog not a hands on first person lesson on pleasing women. It's been a real education and I'll get so much pussy after you turn me back." "Oh sweetie," Lisa told him with smirked that chilled his blood "who said anything about turning you back?"

Univited Guest

 "Hnn, no, stop" Chris moaned, desperately begging the invisible spirit that had invaded his body to stop.  If she, and from the way his body was changing there was no doubt in his mind that the spirit was female, could hear him she gave no sign of it.  He groaned cursing himself for putting on the old necklace he'd found while his body blossomed into feminine curves. His back arched as his hips cracked and his ass expanded. Soft heavy tits burst from his chest and blonde hair tumbled past his shoulders to frame his pretty new face. He could sense the spirit's excitement, it seeped into him like an infection. He kept trying to fight it but his  protests melted into delighted moans as eager hands found their way to the new anatomy between his legs.  He couldnā€™t stopped her deftly probing fingers as they went to work on his new sex. His resistance gradually faded away and by the time his uninvited guest had expertly rubbed them to his first climax as a woman he c...


 "Hey! Occupied!" Ben squealed as the bathroom door swung open "can't a guy get a little privacy around here?" "Oh relax honey," Trica, Ben's sister laughed at his embarrassed squirming "it's not like you've got anything I haven't seen before, which is more than I can say for you, I guess. Still, you should have figured out that your standing to pee days are done. Sit your butt down before you make a mess. Unless you're just hiding in here to check out your new goodies?"