
Showing posts from October, 2021

Kinktober 2021: Day 31. Halloween!

 Halloween is the one time of the year where the rules are supposed to be broken.  Ghost and spirits may walk among the living looking for a body to possess for the night. Magic can defy the rule of science and logic to wreak delightful havoc on the bodies and minds of the unwary. Best of all it's a night for breaking our own rules. There's nothing more intoxicating than shaking off the shakles of the mundane even if it's only for one night.  So embrace the spirit of Halloween and who knows, you might make a change that'll last all year.

Kinktober 2021: Day 30. Silk

  When the group first took him Alex was terrified. They had a dark reputation in certain circles. A reputation for punishing men like Alex in creative and horrorfying ways. Except, they didn't seem to want to punish him at all.  Instead of a cold stone dungeon he found himself in a luxury spa.  Instead of brutal punishment for his womanising ways they were understanding, even sympathetic. Instead of hard faced femminists he was surrounded sweet compliant young women.  Pleasure was what they offered him and pleasure was to be his undoing.  He had more and better sex than he'd had in his whole life before and every time he came in or on one of his enthusiastic  playmates a little more of who he'd been slipped away.  So slowly that he didn't even notice at first they changed him. Reconditioning his mind to make him think only of giving pleasure and reshaping his body until he looked like the kind of girl he'd have used and tossed aside in his old life. B...

Kinktober 2021: Day 29. Collared

At first I felt terrible about this.  The cursed collar was meant for my cheating ex. Imagine my horror when I came home to find my best friend and roommate Brad playing with it.  I tried to warn him but Brad was his usual stubborn self refusing to even consider the idea the collar might really be magical Before I could stop him he'd fastened the pink leather collar around his own neck to "prove what a sucker I'd been" paying so much for a cheap novelty. I could only watch fascinated and appalled as his body transformed.  Huge balloon like breasts burst from his chest. His lips puffed up like two pink pillows and brassy blonde hair flowed past his shoulders almost to his curvaceous new ass. His cries of shock and fear melted into sultry moans as the changes ran their course. Once she began crawling towards me, giggling and begging for my cock I knew there was no way to save my friend. Brad was gone, trapped forever inside this new person that insisted I call her Brand...

Kinktober 2021: Day 28. Piercing

 Life can be hard for a werewoman. Trapped in the body of her male self for all but a few nights each month. Buried deep in his subconscious the  rest of the time. Unable to do more than prod him into buying nice lingerie or a few pieces of jewellery every now and then. Hoping that he'll forget to lock them in for the next full moon and she'll be free to fully enjoy the "curse" for once. Worst of all the constant nagging fear that her male half might find away to "cure" himself. What could be worse than being permanently trapped in the body of a dreary man? For Jeanie, James as he insisted on thinking of himself twenty-eight days a month, the threat was becoming all too real. Somehow the joyless prude she was trapped inside had stumbled on a chest full of old books. Books on herbal remedies and alchemy. Superstitious nonsense as far as Jeanie could tell but among the old wives tales and quasi-religious rambling there was a chapter on lycanthropy.  It describ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 27. Motel

  Normally Dan would have avoided a flea pit like the Sleep Eazy Motel but the road was long and the hour so late he couldn't bring himself to drive on. The clerk behind the counter was watching porn on his phone. Clearly annoyed at Dan's interruption of his evening's entertainment he rattled through the check in process using more grunts and body language than actual words. A room was 49.95 for the night or ten bucks an hour. All breakages to be paid for. Checkout was at ten.  Dan paid cash and kept his thoughts to himself on the subject of motels that offered an hourly rate. He just needed a bed he didn't care what else it had been used for as long as he got to sleep in it. "Here you go, room sixty-nine" the clerk told him with a leer. "The vip suite. Hope you have a nice night now..." Ignoring the clerk's uncharacteristically long speech and the hand held out in expectation of a tip Dan brushed by and slammed the door on him. "See you rea...

Kinktober 2021: Day 26. Locktober

  Oh honey you've been so sweet trying so hard to prove your love for me.  Wearing those pretty dresses I picked out for you.  Letting me tie you up and punish you when you're naughty.  Even agreeing to stay in chastity for the whole of October.  I admire your dedication, I really do. But let's face facts your brother here is twice the man you'll ever be.  I think we'll be much happier if he just moves in and becomes my full time bull. But don't worry I'm not throwing you out. I'm going to keep femininising and conditioning you so you can stay on as our live in sissy maid.  I'm sure that by the end of the month you'll be eager to serve us both.

Kinktober 2021: Day 25. Cosplay

  Arr! Stand too and prepare to be boarded, Anne Bonney is taking command of this leaking scow ye call a body.  That weren't just a costume you tried on it was also old Annie's magical amulet. Now after three hundred years I'm back in the land of the living, you dumb swab. Once I've used its power to upgrade your land lubber's body I'll be away to the bounding maine and find me a salty sea dog to plunder me pirate booty!

Kinktober 2021: Day. 24 Latex

    At first my wife's interest in latex seem harmless enough. It was just a few items at to start with. A pair of platform boot that gave her a confident swagger. A shiny bustier that did eye popping things to her cleavage. A pair of leggings that fit like a second skin and never failed to have me drooling after her arse.  Yeah, I'll admit I liked it when she wore that stuff just for me but soon the latex started to replace more and more of her wardrobe. She would wear it on our date nights, at work, even doing the weekly shop. The sight of her sashaying down the freezer aisle in Waitrose was something to behold but it wasn't just her fashion sense that was changing. The sweet shy girl I'd married seemed to be fading away. In her place grew a very different woman. One confident to the point of arrogance. Demanding, assertive, even cruel. I tried to talk to her about the sudden change in her personality that had accompanied her shocking new style but she just brushed me...

Kintober Day 23. Strap-on

  After the accident switched him into his secretarie's body Alex had optimistically assumed his life would continue much as it was before.  Obviously some things would change. He'd have to learn to navigate the intricacies of female fashion and cosmetics. Sitting to pee and remembering to keep his knees together when he sat. But that was all just trivia really the core of what mattered should stay the same.  He could still do his job as well as he ever had.  His friends would probably rib him mercilessly but ultimately accept his new look.  Most importantly he'd always known his wife was bisexual and had made no secret of the fact that she found Miranda, the petite blonde whose body he now inhabited, attractive. She'd even half jokingly hinted that she'd be interested in a threesome with the girl if she was willing. So Alex had reason to be optimistic about his future love life even purchasing a strap on dildo in anticipation of fucking his wife once again afte...

Kinktober 2021: Day 22. Bra

  Kevin groaned as he tried and failed to hold his growing breasts back from bursting out of the magical bra.  He shouldn't have let things go so far. Should never have put the cursed thing on. Shouldn't even have lifted out of the old trunk it had been hidden in.  Even after he'd given in to his mad impulse and fastened the clasp behind his back he could have stopped it. As soon as he felt his nipples grow hard, swelling up on top of puffy buds he could have torn if off and things might have stopped there. Sure he may have needed to wear baggy tops but he'd have still been a guy, more or less. Instead he'd watch in fascination as the barely noticeable bee stings ballooned into a pert double handful. He'd been so entranced he'd actually played with them delighting in their sensitivity and hardly noticing the other changes sweeping his body.  The long dark hair sweeping over his shoulders. The narrowing of his waist and widening hips. The subtle shift of his ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 21. Genie

 The three friends couldn't believe their luck when a genie came boiling out of the old bottle they'd found in a cloud of blue smoke.  In a voice like rolling thunder he announced that he would grant his liberators three wishes. Since there was three of them he bade them each ask for one wish and he would make it reality for them all. Charlie went first wishing for youth and good health for as long as he lived. Next Dennis wished to be irresistible to the opposite sex. Finally Carl wished that he would always be financially comfortable, working at a job he both enjoyed and was good at. The genie laughed infinite cosmic power crackling from his fingers. The power lashed out engulfing the three foolish men. When they could see again they found their wishes had indeed been granted but not in a way they might have hoped for. As Charles, now Charline, had wished the were certainly young and flush with perfect health.  There was no denying that they were attractive but since De...

Kinktober 2021: Day 20. Accident

  "Hey, gimmie that back butt head!" My dorky sister made a grab for the weird remote but I fended her off easily. "Butt head?" I laughed at the childish insult "Jeeze Kelly what are you twelve? Are you going to run and tell mom on me next?" "Fuck off Brad," her word choice more appropriate for a twenty year old engineering student "Give me that back, seriously. You don't know what you're messing with here." I evaded her next grab and held her at arms length. The days where Kelly could even attempt to wrestle with her little brother were long behind us. I couldn't understand why she was making such a fuss. The thing looked like a perfectly normal TV remote to me except the buttons had labels like swap, morph, and aware/unaware. I'd only picked it up out of curiosity and now she was flipping out like the time I'd pulled the head off her Barbie. "Oooh, is it valuable?" I taunted "Are you worried I'll...

Kinktober 2021: Day 19. Lips

 A simple kiss was all it took. The soft pillows of her lips met mine, warm and firm and tasting faintly of strawberry. She sighed, her lithe body melting against mine in a moment of tender surrender. Then she was gone, slipping away across the crowded dance floor without even telling me her name.  Perhaps I should have followed, would that have made a difference? I can't say but it couldn't have hurt. I might have at least have an explanation for what happened to me. Instead I wrote it off as a dare or an impulsive moment on her part, flattering but not as big deal.  The rest of the night went by as normal. More dancing, more drinking, much more drinking. A few unsuccessful attempts to get a girl's number. A normal Saturday night in short so I didn't notice anything odd until the next morning.  I stumbled to my bathroom focused on brushing away the taste of dead dog and still blissfully unaware of my "condition". It was the altered sensation of the toothbrush...

Kinktober 2021: Day 18. Cock Addict

  Jamie could still tell herself that none of this was her fault. That this slut, this shameless, cock addicted whore wasn't the real her. That she was still James deep down inside. She could pretend her behaviour since becoming Jamie was solely a result of her wildly fluctuating hormones and the gender changing drug still thundering through her veins. But the truth was the drugs had only brought our what had always been there.  This was who she truly was it always had been and the longer she stays this way the less she'll care about anything beyond where her next boy toy is coming from

Kinktober 2021: Day 17. MILFS

 "Oh god yes!" Richard moaned in his husky new voice "Don't stop. That's it. Right there. Right on my clit!" "Mmm, yes your pussy tastes so good. I could eat this sweet peach all day." Alan looked up from between Richard's thighs as his friend shuddered through another toe curling orgasm. "Fuck yes." Richard gasped "I had no idea you were such a cunning linguist. I've literally lost count of times you've made me cum." "So all is forgiven then?" Alan asked gently teasing his friend's still quivering cunt "You're not still mad I traded our teenage bodies and male identities to our sexy milf neighbours." "Oh I'm still mad as hell. You might have been an undateable nerd but I had plans for my dick. Rosa May let me go to second base just last week. I was all set to finally get my V-card punched before you decided we'd be better off as a pair silicone titted desperate house wives....

Kinktober 2021: Day 16. Space

 Ensign Thorne was beginning to wonder if there wasn't something very odd about the USS Tiresias. He'd on board for just over a month and in that time Captian Upton had been in a transporter accident that had left him with the body of a teenage girl.  Then while working on a way to restore the captain's body Doctor Tischenko had her mind swapped with deputy security chief Richard Jacks by an alien artifact. And just last week an entire away team, both male and female, had mysteriously transformed into nearly identical blonde women while surveying the planetiod EV: HY-D.  Thorne had thought the sight of the former away team giggling and posing like Risan dancing girls, instead of the experienced officers they'd been only hours before, had to be the strangest thing he'd ever encounter. That was until today when he'd encountered the nano-swarm. As far as he can tell it was some kind of emergent machine intelligence operating on a microscopic scale. It also appears ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 15. Bodyswap

 If a month ago you'd told James Peterson that soon he'd not only be a woman but a straight woman, happily spreading her legs and taking her boyfriend's magnificent cock, he'd have called you a liar or crazy or maybe punched you in the face depending on his mood. But that had been before.  Before the event.  The strange, still unexplained purple light in the sky that had caused half the town to black out and wake up, different.  When James woke up he'd swapped bodies with Kelly, his girlfriend. He had her full firm breasts her smooth shapely legs and, most shockingly to him, her tight soft pussy.  She in turn was overwhelmed to be waking up with his muscular physique and aching morning erection.  Along with the others affected they spent the next few days adjusting to their new bodies. As James worked at walking naturally with his swaying hips and remembering to wipe when he peed it slowly became clear that they had exchanged more than physical traits. Kell...

Kinktober: Day 14. Machine

  Richard awoke to find himself trapped in the cold machine body of the high end sex-bot.  He'd purchased it after his divorce figuring it was at least more honest than the sports cars and surgically enhanced new girlfriends many of his friends had opted for in the throws of their mid-life crises. She, it was hard to think of the exquisitely sculpted synthetic woman  as an it, was the ideal partner in many ways. She never complained when he looked at other girls. Never demanded new outfits or spent all day drinking chardonnay with her friends. And when he got bored with her he could just shut her off. He'd done that last night after he'd finished using her and now he was her.  Clearly he'd fallen victim to one of the new generation mind hackers the news sights liked to scream out. They must have jacked his body and stuffed him in his fancy love doll for safe keeping. He couldnā€™t understand how they'd managed it but there would be time to figure that out once he was ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 13. Shape-shifter

  "What the fuck, Mom!" Alan yelled walking in on his mother half naked and pressing a buzzing sex toy between her legs "Is that...? Are you seriously...?" He sputtered to a halt too shocked to even finish a sentence.  "Oh hey there buddy" Alan's mom smiled back at him without a trace of embarrassment "I thought I still had a while before you got back. Guess I lost track of the time there." "You think?" Alan squeaked incredulous at her calm response "look mom..." "Mom?" She cut him off with a mocking strangely familiar laugh "Guess again Buddy. Don't judge a book by its cover, isn't that what you always say?" "Sometimes, but only because you always say it to me. And since when do you call me buddy? No one calls me that except..." He trailed off as I occurs to him why his mother's uncharacteristic laugh sound so familiar. But no, it couldnā€™t be... "Charlie?" "Bingo bu...

Kinktober 2021: Day 12. Celebrity

  Marty had to hand it to the makeup artists they'd done an incredible job. From the tips of his painted toes to the elaborately styled hair piece fastened to his scalp he looked every inch the glamorous model. He doubted his own mother would recognise the shy skinny boy she'd raised in this get-up.  He suppressed a smug smile as he paused to strike a pose for the cameras. After the hours of squeezing shaving plucking padding and tucking he'd endured actually impersonating Bella on the red carpet was proving to be a cinch. All he had to do was not fall on his carefully padded butt and remember to keep his mouth shut.  Visually the illusion was perfect but the sound of his husky baritone coming from those glossy lips would surely give the game away.  He may have been reluctant at first but this was like nothing he'd ever experienced. He found himself drinking in the adoration of the crowd and loving every minute of it.  Prehaps, he thought in the privacy of his o...

Kinktober 2021: Day 11. Pregnant

 Look it's not my fault I'm stuck like this. If anything I blame you, my so called best friend. Well you were the one that dared me to try on my sister's underwear. I know, I know, you didn't know it would transform me into a perfect copy of my sister. It's not like she hung a sign on her door.  "Caution witch in training. Trespassers may be transfigured" Okay, yes she does in fact have that sign but I thought it was a joke! I mean how was I supposed to know she'd put a curse on her lingerie? I didn't even know she had lingerie! Believe it or not most brothers don't think about their sister's under things. Fine, Okay, we should both have known better but the next part is definitely on you.  If we'd done like I said and gone straight to Jesse to apologise she'd have lifted the curse right then. I'd be thinking about the big game and hitting on girls instead of prenatal appointments and morning sickness. But nooo, you just had to ...

Kinktober 2021; Day 10. BBW

  I knew my boyfriend cared for me but it seemed like there was something missing in our love life. Some spark that would ignite the true fire I knew we could create. If only I could figure out what it was. I tried everything. Sexy lingerie. Different positions. Kinky role playing and heartfelt conversations about our feelings. Nothing ever changed. Our sex life was, nice. We had fun but that was all. Until one night as we ground through another unsatisfactory encounter I wished on a shooting star. I wished I could be what he truly wanted. His fantasy girl, whatever that was. In a blink of an eye I felt my body change.  My slim figure exploding into voluptuous curves. My newly thick ass and thighs quaked as he thrust into me with renewed passion. My perky boobs swelling into huge heavy tits that swung in time with my movements.  I gloried in my transformation feeling like a goddess as he worshiped my eager cunt.  I loved being his fantasy girl and I knew he'd be equa...

Kinktober 2021 Day 9. Pet

  Mitsy sat proudly showing off her body for the small crowd gathered before the stage. She didn't really understand what all the words they were saying meant or the numbers the funny man with the hammer was shouting but she knew they were making Mistress happy and that was all that mattered.  She hadn't always made Mistress happy. In fact she had made Mistress very sad once. Sad and very angry. She didn't remember what she had done but Mistress said she had so it must be true.  But then Mistress, who was very clever and knew all the things, had done something and she'd stopped being the bad person who made Mistress sad and become Mitsy instead.  Mistress had taken Mitsy in and taught her to be a good pet. Mitsy loved being a good pet but sometimes she still heard the voice of the bad person in her head shouting at her not to be Mitsy anymore. Mitsy didn't like that idea so she always ignored the bad voice until it went away.  The bad voice was shouting at her n...

Kinktober 2021: Day 8. Possession

  Professor Shaw was not a fan of ethical oversight. He was a visionary, a maverick, he refused to be bound by pettyfogging bureaucracy. He was, in short the textbook definition of a mad scientist. So rather than sitting at the heart of a nice air conditioned lab his prototype mind projector squated in his basement surrounded by moldering boxes of scientific journals and vintage porn.   Not that the scenery mattered to the Professor but it would have been nice to hav a lab assistant or two to help connect him to the various scanners sensors and life support apparatus that would monitor and maintain his body while he was away from it.  Finally he lowered the crown of tangled wires over his head carefully rechecking each circuit in turn before hitting the activation button. With a jolt he was thrown clear of his body, his spirit floating free in the centre of a shadow version of the basement. His own body sat where he left it glowing dimly with residual life energy. Lo...

Kinktober 2021; Day 7. Shortstack

  The nanites were supposed to give Alan his ideal body. He'd pictured it so clearly in his mind. He'd be tall. His face broad and handsome. His arms corded with powerful muscles. His cock thick and long, naturally, with the added bonus of voluntary control of his erection.  In short the complete opposite of the short skinny altogether unimpressive figure nature had given him.  So when he'd begun to shrink instead of grow his first thought was that something must have gone badly wrong. By the time he'd called up the diagnostic he was already a full head shorter and sporting a pair of large breasts worthy of a porn star. His hips and ass flared wide while he desperately scanned the control code looking for a flaw. Everything seems to be working correctly, the tiny machines interfacing with his mind, pulling the image of his ideal body from his subconscious but he was still shrinking. He'd always been short but now he was positively petite. His small frame making his ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 6. Cramps

 It's not that I'm not happy master found a spell book in my old library and turned me into his sexy concubine. Really, it's great sucking and fucking for him and his friends. I love it so much, I hardly even think about my silly old life any more.  It's just that every few weeks I get these terrible cramps and I feel all yucky. It makes it really hard to concentrate on pleasing master. I've tried asking him to fix me but he just tells me to stop complaining or he'll turn me back into his stuffy old history professor.  Uhg, I don't think he'd ever be so mean but I'm not taking any chances. Guess I'll just have to learn to live with it like any other woman.

Kinktober 2021: Day 5. Lactation

  A soft happy moo escaped Teddy's lips as the warm white fluid flowed from his huge swollen nipples.  When he'd first contracted the tg virus he'd  thought turning into a woman was the worst possible fate for a man's man like him.  To be forced to watch as the disease ravaged his body. To see his powerful physique waste away over the weeks. Helpless to stop his new curves and feminine features as they developed day by day. And true enough it was almost more than he could bear when his balls vanished inside his body to become ovaries leaving a constantly wet opening in their wake. He couldnā€™t bring himself to look at the shrunken remnant of his cock as it formed  the tender bud of a clit to crown his new pussy even if it's exquisite sensitivity made it hard to keep from touching it. His slow uncomfortable transition to womanhood complete he consoled himself with the idea that at least the worst must be over. He may no longer be a man on the outside but he still ...

Kinktober 2021: Day 4. Moon

 Once more the light of the full moon freed her from the prison of the male flesh she wore twenty-eight days of the month.  Only on this one night could she be truly herself.  Only tonight could push aside the cowardly repressed boy she was forced to be most of the time and embrace all the pleasures of being a woman.

Kinktober 2021: Day 3, Pumpkin

  If Guy had known the house belonged to a witch he might have picked a different target for his Halloween pranks. He crept up to the darkened house and one by one smashed each jack'o'lantern with a swift kick from his booted foot until he came to the last one. Laughing he drew back his foot to strike but before he could the lantern flared, blinding bright. The magical light caught him. Burning away his clothes. The hair on his body. His manhood and any trace that he might once have been male. The new girl giggled the cursed light burning into her mind, driving out all thoughts of mischief and petty vandalism.  There'd be no more tricks for her this year instead she'd spend the next twelve months making sure all the boys received a lovely treat.

Kinktober 2021: Day 2. Slutslime

  The mayor's annual charity gala was the social event of the year. Only the most well connected and fashionable members of high society warranted an invite and the opportunity to flaunt their wealth and prestige in a good cause.  So the appearance of a pair of blonde skanks in dangerously short vinyl dresses and fuck-me-pumps caused quite a stir. No one could understand how the low class pair had gotten their seemingly genuine invites. Nor could any of the great and good gathered that night fathom why the pair would choose to show up dressed like a couple of cheap hookers.  It was hardly surprising that none of the glitterati or the assembled members of the press recognised them as the Mayor and her Husband given the outrageous transformation they'd undergone. A brace of slutslimes had bonded with the normally buttoned up conservative couple unleashing their most deeply repressed desires and sculpting their bodies to match their most perverted fantasies.  It would b...

Kinktober 2021: Day 1. Collector

Jim was proud of his collection. Cosmic-Woman was a pretty obscure character but that just added to the satisfaction Jim felt every time he tracked down a new addition. He had all thirty-seven issues of her original silver age run. The short lived dark and gritty reboot from the nineties. Both the Cosmic-Lass and Cosmic-Lad spin offs. A shelf full of action figures and merchandise. Even a VHS bootleg copy of the unaired TV pilot starring Erin Gray. His latest acquisition was especially exciting. A limited addition twelve inch Cosmic woman action figure. Exciting not only for the incredible detail of the figure but also because it wasn't supposed to exist. As far as Jim knew this entire run of figures had been destroyed in a warehouse fire before any had shipped, yet here one was in his hands plucked from a box of junk at an otherwise unremarkable yard sale. He'd paid the asking price and rushed home with it half believing that it must be a fake. But as he examined it closely ev...