
"I say, Carstairs," the glamorous blonde giggled, her cut-glass English accent at odds with her all-American image "this body exchange holiday idea of yours is working out splendidly. Although, I must ask, how on earth did you persuade this fine pair of fillies to switch with a couple of old duffers like us?" "Oh you know, how it goes Fairfax old boy," the brunette answering to Carstairs said with a wolfish grin, the tones of an Eton education clear in her voice too " a little old world charm a lot of old family money and Bob's your uncle, or should I say Fanny's your aunt in this particular case? Oh, and it's called a swap vacation this side of the pond." "Really, how peculiar," Fairfax allowed a frown to crease her flawless brow for a moment "but when in Rome I suppose. We're just a couple o' down home all American gals sugar, ain't no doubt about it!" Her dark-haired companion winced at her shocki...