
Showing posts from August, 2018

Siege Perilous: A new beginning

Legend tell of the golden court of Camelot and of the wise and just King Arthur and how he created and order of knights dedicated to honour and virtue. Arthur in his wisdom knew that even the best of men might be tempted by his own achievements to become proud and boastful so he had the wizard Merlin create an extra chair for his round table, the siege perilous. Any knight with even the slightest trace of vice in his heart that dared to take that enchanted seat would be transformed in such away that all the world would see the sin that was within him. For as long as Arthur ruled no knight dared try the siege perilous for each knew that as valorous as they were they remained merely men and as such could never claim to be completely free of sin. And so it was the knights were reminded of their own limitations and kept from the temptations of hubris. In time Camelot fell, the round table was broken as the knights fell in battle or were driven into exile while Arthur himself was taken...

Great Shift; first moments

One minute Ben had been sitting at home watch the game the next he was standing out in the street. He looked around in confusion unable to understand how he got there. all around him people were freaking out or acting crazy. A little girl ran up to him babbling   "Please have you seen my wife she was right here. Please you have to help me.ā€œ  He opens his mouth to say something but by the time he can formulate a response she has run off again. Across the street a good looking blonde was tearing off her blouse and pawing at her breasts giggling and muttering to herself the whole time. ā€œWhat the fuck? Did the whole town drop acid or what? ā€ he wondered out loud. "Ahem, what the hell is up with my voice?ā€ It was only then, when he heard the sound of his higher pitched voice that he realised he too had been affected. He stared down at himself hardly believing what he sees. He stares at his slender fingers and the smooth pale skin of his arms not quite believing what...

The Return of Alexis Runestone

James could only watch as his body was transformed by the cursed boots of Alexis Runestone.  He shrank moaning as his tall broad body became slim and girlish, long blonde hair tumbled passed his shoulders caressing his smooth soft skin. His moans pitched higher and higher as perky tits grow on his chest he clutched at his head feeling a new mind invade it. The spirit of Alexis Runestone took control of his body as a wet new pussy formed between his legs. He felt his lips twist into a smile a helpless passenger behind his own eyes as she stood up running her hands over her new skin. ā€œThank you my dearā€ he heard himself saying in a musical voice ā€œIt feels so very good to be alive again. I hope you donā€™t mind I had to make some alterations to your body, I have a lot of work to do before I regain my full power. I do hope you will learn to enjoy it as much as I do.ā€ He cringes as he feels her stroking their pussy, telling himself that he will do everything he can to resist he...

Holy Shit!


Could be worse

Well this isnā€™t so bad, things certainly could be a a lot worse. I should try and focus on what Iā€™ve gained not what Iā€™ve lost.  Iā€™m young again and healthy and even though they are rather heavy I have to admit these breast are absolutely delightful.   Heh, in fact if the female orgasm lives up to expectations I may give up on trying to reclaim my male body altogether.

Chatformation: Bound

Chatformation: Bound My continuation of  gulliblePixieā€™s  super awesome interactive story. Part one  HERE Thoroughly disorientated Amber has no choice but to pick a direction and hope for the best. She passes door after door stopping occasionally to press an ear to a door hoping to get some clue as to whatā€™s inside, all she hears is silence. The thought of repeating her experience with Steve frightens her but eventually she is forced to admit that she is going to have to enter a room if she wants to get out of here. ā€œFuck it, they canā€™t all be pervertsā€ she tells herself. Taking a deep breath she pushes open the door. In the centre on the bare red room a woman about Amberā€™s age squirms against the ropes that bind her tightly. She looks up at Amber with a pleading look in her eyes, only a muffled whimper escaping around the ball gag in her mouth. Amber gasps and hurries to free the unfortunate woman hoping she can get her out before the creep that had trap...

Bikers to bitches

For fuck's sake Bulldog. I can't believe you let those preppy bitches beat you again! Hey it's not my fault , you're the one that bet our bikes and our concert tickets I was just trying to win them back. Yeah, good work with that numb nuts. Now they've got our bodies too and we're stuck as chicks! Uh, guys has anyone else noticed how all the boys look really hot now? It's giving me a funny feeling, you know, down there...? I... um. Well that's just great not only am I a girl now I'm horny for cock too.

Every loser wins

Lord Carington Worthly-Smythe had been born to a life of wealth and privilege, his every need met. Every need except one, excitement. As the heir to a great estate he was not allowed to risk his life seeking adventure or risk his reputation seeking romance. Instead he had to find other ways to fill his day. He soon found what he was looking for at the gaming tables. He became a legend in the exclusive gambling houses of Mayfair wining and losing fortunes on the turn of a card. He seemed to live a charmed life but eventually even his luck and money ran out. When the croupier announced that the house would no longer be extending his credit he pleaded to be allowed just one more chance. He didnā€™t even care about the money he just needed the thrill to go on. Anything to escape the tedium of his life for just a little longer, anything for the adventure to continue. They took him to a private room and sat him at a card table across the green base a young woman sat, her slim fingers shuf...

Delayed Reaction

Bleh, what a night my mouth feels like something died in it. I hope the girl whose place this is wonā€™t mind me borrowing her tooth brush. Whatā€™s her name?  Alice?  Alexis?  Anna!  That was it. Nice of her to let me stay, I was so hammered thereā€™s no way i was going to make it home.   *brush brush brush*   Huh, thatā€™s weird my chest feels kind of heavy almost likeā€¦.   Holy shit!! I have tits!! No way this isnā€™t possible, my face, my bodyā€¦. This isnā€™t me itā€™s Iā€™m her!?!   The girl from last night, somehow Iā€™m inside her body just not in the way I expected when I asked her to dance. How is this even possible? Wait whatā€™s this? A Note stuck to the mirrorā€¦   Dear John sorry about this but I really need your body. I expect thatā€™s not the first time a girl has told you that but Iā€™m sure it is the first time she has meant it literally. I canā€™t tell you much more right now so you are going to have trust me when...


Going to be away for about a week so apologies in advance for the lack of updates. Normal service should resume when I get back

Almost complete

Bailey giggled as the hot water ran over her smooth skin, it feels so good.  She thinks back remembering how scared she had been when her transformation had first started. Now looking back at it she couldnā€™t for the life if her imagine why the idea if becoming a girl had been so frightening to her.  She shuddered at the thought of how irrational she had been about it, cutting her lovely long hair every morning only to see it grow back by evening. Wasting hours in the gym trying to replace bulky muscles even as they softened to pleasing curves. Even strapping down her wonderful new breasts to try and contain their relentless growth. Slowly though as the baleful influence of all that testosterone started to fade her mind had begun to clear.  Becoming a woman wasnā€™t a curse but a wondrous gift she should embrace it not try to deny it. Once she decided to accept her true self the changes seemed to accelerate. After just a few short days almost nothing of the old Bail...

Vain Trifles

Vain trifles as they may seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world's view of us. Virginia Wolf, Orlando

Doctor's Orders

So Ms Chambers what you are telling me is that you are ā€œcursedā€? That you are in possession of, let me see how did you put it ā€œa weird glowing amulet thingā€ and that anyone you spend more than a few minutes alone with transforms into a physically attractive and sexually voracious lesbian that finds you quite irresistible, is that a fair summery? Hmm, well Iā€™m not sure how you think I can help you. You seem medically sound and apart from your harmless delusion and odd instance that I was a middle-aged man when the session started, you seem quite rational to me. Iā€™m going to prescribe a mild sedative to help calm your nerves and then since we still have some time left in this session I think it would be a good idea if I spent the rest of the hour eating your pussy. Does that sound like a good idea to you?

A day to remember

Body hopping best friends Simon and Alan love nothing more than spending a day at the beach in the bodies of a couple of teenage hotties. After a few hours of toasting their sexy buns and driving the boys crazy with their teasing they always like to send themselves some saucy selfies to remember another perfect summerā€™s day

Office policy

Company policy was that single gender offices created a toxic work environment and with Michiyo out on maternity leave that meant that something had to be done. It fell to Haruki, as the most junior member of the team, to step up and do his part. He strips and take the pink pill watching his body shrink and shift, his centre of gravity moving as large firm breasts sprout from his chest and his hips widen giving him a set of feminine curves. His skin has lost all itā€™s hair becoming soft and smooth the last traces of his male self vanishing as his cock was drawn up into his body leaving him with completing his transition into womanhood. He takes a few minutes to examine himself rather surprised to find he has made a very attractive girl. His sensitive nipples go hard a his new pussy tingles making him think that being a girl is not going to be so bad after all. He wishes he could spend more time exploring his new self but that will have to wait, at least until his lunch break. He ...

Right where I want him

Brad used to tease me for not being a jock like him calling me a skinny runt and a weak little sissy. Sometimes I would bite back and sometimes Iā€™d just ignore him, neither option would shut him up until he saw me in my sisterā€™s old cheerleader outfit. Then he was too busy ploughing my hot little ass to say much of anything.

The Phantom's Master Piece

Christian had grown up in the opera house, just one of the backstage brats hanging around and helping out while their parents worked the hundred small jobs that go unseen by the audience. Even as kid he felt music was in his blood he dreamed of being a singer, of standing in the spotlight and basking in the applause. Sadly he knew It was just a fantasy, for all his enthusiasm he knew he wasnā€™t talented enough, by the time he reached his seventeenth birthday he was resigned to the fact that he would never be a performer. That is when it began, at first it was just a voice in the darkness of his room, telling him that he could have everything he had ever wanted, that he could be great, all he had to do was listen and obey. Christian ignored it at first, itā€™s just a dream, he told himself but night after night the voice persisted. Of course Christian knew the legends of the phantom but he had assumed they were just stories to frighten children. Still the voice persisted strange and c...

Heavenly Body

I never even saw the truck that killed me which I guess if youā€™ve got to go is the way to go, quick and painless.  There was a bright light and I found myself standing before the pearly gates, choirs of angels on clouds, Saint Peter in his flowing white robes the whole bit. I was ready to get my harp and halo but Saint Peter explained it wasnā€™t my time yet. He was sending me back to earth to fulfil my destiny and giving me a new body in which to do it. Before I could ask what was so special about me or what my destiny was supposed to be I felt myself falling.  I woke up in a strange apartment in a young, healthy and decidedly female body. I guess most guys would have freaked out about suddenly becoming a girl but i was just happy to be alive. Besides this new me felt right somehow, comfortably. I spent many pleasurable hours exploring myself and learning exactly what this body could do. I  soon realised that there was more to my new self than the physical chang...

Payment due

My body moans and pushes back on him in a semi convincing imitation of pleasure as he ploughs me from behind. My mind wanders back  to how this began. How long has it been, hours? Days? I canā€™t tell, it all just blurs together. I remember my life before clearly enough, being a man named John, my job,  my wife, they left me that much at least. I was in town on business and as usual after more than a few drinks I decided to visit my favorite brothel to relieve a little stress. The girl they gave me was hot enough but not very skilled and when she couldnā€™t satisfy me I lost my temper and knocked her to the ground before storming out. I got maybe ten feet from the door before their security guy stopped me, trying to calm me down and telling me I still need to pay. Between the booze and my frustration I wasnā€™t in any mood to listen to reason and took a swing at him. I only succeeded in tripping over my own feet and sprawling on the floor. He looked down at me with a sneer ...

Hot for teacher


Great Shift; From father to daughter


Getting a grip

ā€œOw ow ow.ā€ Tina complains as she jerks at the thick cock jutting from her crotch ā€œHow the hell do you work this thing any way?ā€ ā€œHeheheā€ giggles Ben in Tinaā€™s voice ā€œWell that was the idea of this whole body swap thing, to learn more about pleasing each others bodies.ā€ Tina feels him pressing his borrowed body against her broad back and she groans as he reaches around her running his hands over her muscular body. ā€œJust relax and let me take care of it sweetieā€ he whispers wrapping slim fingers around the shaft. ā€œOh thatā€™s nice!ā€ She gasps ā€œAll that feeling all in one place, I had no idea.ā€ Ben doesnā€™t answer instead he picks up the pace stroking faster and tightening his grip. Tina squirms in his grasp loving the way her dick feels as Ben pumps it and when he squeezes her balls she almost screams. She can feel a strange pressure building inside her it grows and grows her pleasure growing with it until she canā€™t hold it back any more. She cums with a yell, thick ropes of jizz shootin...

Good to be a girl

Ben should be doing chores but instead he sneaks away to the old barn to enjoy his stack of vintage porn.  He looks through the magazines feeling the familiar stir of arousal as he admired the naked girls posing on the page for him, their full tits, their sexy round asses, their smooth pink pussies, so familiar to him at yet exciting and exotic. He starts stroking himself imagining what it would be like to be with that pneumatic blonde or that athletic red head.  As he gets hard a strange thought steals into his head, what would it be like to be on of those girls?  How would it feel to have soft heavy boobs on his chest?  What would it be like to open his legs and expose a wet hungry cunt?  He gasps as his whole body tingles with arousal at the thought. He groans pumping his dick, sure that he is going to cum any second but instead his excitement keeps building. His body starts to change shifting to match the mental image of a perfect woman in his head.  ...

Brewing up some payback



Linda pouted as her boyfriend finished checking his make-up in the mirror thinking how unfair it was. Transforming him into a girl was supposed to be a punishment for his wandering eye but instead of being embarrassed or upset he has enthusiasticly embraced being a girl.  Borrowing Lindaā€™s clothes and insisting they go to the mall and do other girlie things together. All of which Linda could deal with if it wasnā€™t for the fact that her boyfriend was now prettier bustier and way more popular than her. 

X-Change; Worth every penny

X-Change isn't cheap, especially for a regular user like me but it's worth it to play with this sexy body whenever I want. And if I need a little extra cash...? Well there are plenty of guys who will pay for the chance to play with this body too. -Carl, a wise investor.

Pool Bimbo

The blonde girl canā€™t help feeling something is missing as she climbs out of the pool.Something important, but she canā€™t for the life of her figure out what it is. Her costume perhaps, surely she had been wearing one? If she had there is no sign of it now. Something about her body then?  She looks down at herself and everything seems normal, her body is just as smooth and sexy as it has always been. Or is it? Just for a moment she has the strangest thought,that until she got in the pool she hadnā€™t been like this at all, that she had in fact been a he.  What an odd notion, how could she possibly have been anything other than this vision of female beauty? The more she tries to imagine it the sillier the idea seems. Still the idea nags at her, the idea of having muscles and body hair andā€¦ a cock! The thought of cock drives the strange notion that she was ever anything but a hot piece of ass out of her pretty blonde head. Of course thatā€™s whatā€™s missing, itā€™s been s...

A moment of nostalgia

Ben or Bella as she has taken to calling herself since becoming a woman, bites her lip as she wraps her fingers around her roommate's cock. She relishes the feel of it in her hand. Hot and hard and smooth and big! It is difficult for her to remember the exact details of her life as a man but she is pretty sure was never this big. She holds it against her small body and her pussy pulses in anticipation. The thought of having this monster inside her stokes the fire of excitement in her belly. She allows herself another moment of of nostalgia pumping the dick one last time before straddling him and preparing for the ride of her life.

Checking it out

ā€œLetā€™s see what have we got here?ā€ mused Ben as he inspected his latest body ā€œYoung, pretty, nice rack and plenty of juice in the caboose. Yeah, Iā€™m going to have some fun with this one.ā€ After hearing him make a sexist comment witch had cursed Ben to live in a womanā€™s body until he learned to treat them with respect. He found his spirit randomly shifting from body to body but it seems he is no closer to learning his lesson. He just spends all his time checking out his borrowed bodies and playing around with their sexy parts. The fact is he never wants to go back to being a guy. 

That Ass

Oh shit will you look at that ass! I can hardly believe that just an hour ago it was mine. I suppose this make me a bit egotistical but damn, my body is hot! I thought swapping bodies with my boyfriend for a few hours would be fun but I had no idea how good having a dick would feel. I know Iā€™ve always been a big fan of cock generally and of Rickā€™s in particular but it feels way better having it sticking out of me than it ever did with him sticking it in me. Of course he was a huge pussy about the whole thing ā€œ Wah! I donā€™t want to be a girl ā€ and ā€œ Boo-hoo, these tits are really heavy ā€. Lucky for me casting a minor enchantment fixed that, now he thinks he is me and is quite happy bouncing on this wonderful cock. Fuck,  there is so much I want to try. First Iā€™m going to cum in this eager little cunt then later I think Iā€™ll try getting a blow job and at some point  I really have to try analā€¦ Hehe, I guess itā€™s going to be a while before we swap back


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Summer job

Brandon was already sick of his summer job at the country club. He had figured heā€™d get the lifeguard job,he was in great shape and had first aid training, but instead he was stuck doing scut work for crap money. After just a week he already canā€™t wait for the summer to end. The only reason he had even taken the job was because he had hopped that he would be able to hang out with hot girls. All the hotties at his school spent most of their days gossiping about all the fun at the club but his manager seems to be going out of her way to keep him busy when they are around. For example this morning his assigned task is to sweep the seating area around the pool. In a few hours he knows the pool will be the place to be packed with the prettiest girls in the tightest costumes but by then he will have moved on to the next job. For now it is just him and the piles of discarded paper cups. He sighs and starts sweeping when something catches his eye. A human shape floating in the pool, no no...