
Showing posts from January, 2019

Super Moon

Super moon The curse of being a werewoman was inconvenient at the best of times for Jared. Transforming into a beautiful and incredibly horny woman under the light of the full moon made it hard for him to lead a normal life. At least he had managed to keep himself from spreading the curse by having sex with an unsuspecting man although it took all his will power each month to stay home and not go hunting for a nice fresh cock. But when the super moon came around it was ten times worse than normal. He found himself literally busting out of his clothes as the moon rose over the horizon. His female form was usually slim and girlish but tonight his perky breast blossomed into heavy tits and his cute butt ballooned into spectacular ass. Tonight he wasnā€™t merely a woman but a godess. A beauty no man could resist with only one thought on her lust filled mind, to share her body and the moonā€™s gift with every man she can find. By the time the sun rises she will have finally satisfied her c...

A New Point of View

Hannah missed her fiancee Darryl while he was away on his business trip. She hated that he was away so much but like a good dutiful girlfriend  So she wished on a star that she could be with him right now. As soon as she said the words everything went black she felt like she was falling for a long timeless moment. Then suddenly bright sunlight was stinging her eyes. She felt incredibly disorientated, nothing made any sense. One moment she was at home and the next she was standing outside on what looked like the balcony of their beach house in Malibu. The sun was beating down on her bare skin, she could hear heavy breathing and a womanā€™s high gasping moans. She looked down and was shocked to see Shelly, Darrylā€™s PA, half naked and legs wide as a thick cock ploughed into her. Even more shocking the cock Shelly was taking so enthusiastically was attached to her! For a long time all she could do was stare at it as it slid in and out of Shellyā€™s tight wet hole taking in the seemingl...

Fairy Tale

Bimbohearts said:  Someoneeeee should write a story about meeeeeee Once upon a time in a far away land lived a sweet young maiden named Tess. She lived in a cosy cottage with a brave and kind lady knight who was her best friend and protector and dearest love in all the world. The two of them sang and danced all day and at night the cuddled by the fire and made love under the stars.   Until one day an evil witch came to their cottage. She had heard the stories of the sweet young maid, How she had the kindest heart and the most impressive bosom in all the land and she wished to see both for herself.  So she spied on the happy couple as they sang and danced and made love under the stars and because her heart was full of envy and hate she flew into a terrible fury to see two people so happy. ā€œStop!ā€ she commanded appearing before them ā€œStop being so happy. You make me sick. Iā€™ll make sure you are never happy again!ā€ And with that she cast a terrible spell steali...

Costume gun: Subject 1

The city could be a cold and lonely place, very different from the small town where he had grown up. Since moving here James had failed to make any real connections despite his best efforts. Even his neighbours were still strangers to him, brushing off his attempts to get to know them. Eventually he gave up entirely deciding to focus completely on his work as an experimental quantum engineer. Without the distractions of a social life he made amazing breakthroughs and by the end of the year he was ready to test a new invention. One he hoped would change the world and more importantly change his life. His chosen experimental subject for his first human trial was his neighbour for across the hall. She lived alone alone, more importantly he knew from stalking her Facebook that she was living the kind of life he could only dream about. An endless string of parties and casual hook ups that made her seem impossibly glamorous to James. He knew enough about her routine to be read...


Training Tags:  tg caption   brainwashing   forced feminization   domination

Possession Amulet

A request for @possessionfan  Mark was an older guy and felt like his best years were behind him. His adult children had moved out and he and his wife had drifted apart. He found himself wishing for a grand children to fill the gap in his life unfortunately although his son was married he and his hot young wife seemed in no hurry to provide a new generation. He was resigned to grinding through his midlife crisis like so many of his friends had, a sports car and possibly an embarrassingly young mistress were starting to look like serious possibilities. That is until he found the amulet. He came across it as he was clearing out the garage falling out of the lining of an old book. It didnā€™t look like much, just a battered tarnished necklace, but something about the design is fascinating. He slips the chain around his neck to make sure he doesnā€™t lose it and as he does he reads the inscription. ā€œliberi mei fueris spirtuā€ he reads aloud A shiver runs through his body and ...

Stealing a new life

Stealing a new life Time has run out for you, your health is failing your enemies closing in but you have one last card to play. Summoning the last dregs of your power you wrench your spirit free from your body and go in search of a new home. An invisible insubstantial wraith you fly through the city until you find what you are looking for. A young woman, barely more than a girl to your eyes, practically glowing with youthful vitality. A shiver of anticipation runs through as you focus your will and step into her body. You flow into her filling her form and imprisoning her soul before she even knows what is happening. You take a deep breath relishing the feel of air filling clean healthy lungs and almost giggle at how good it feels. Some might say that what you are doing is wrong, evil even but you have no patients with such moralising fools. Power gives you all the justification you need. Still others might wonder at your choice of host. Why choose to live in the body of ...

Think Positive

Why even fight it? Tags:  tg caption   motivational

Good plan

Iā€™ve had a lot to drink so itā€™s possible Iā€™m missing something, what was the plan again? ~*swig* Really, again? Okay once more. We use your invention to turn into hot girls and get invited to this super fun party. Okay, with you so far. Weā€™d certainly never get invited to these kinds of parties when we were nerdy guys but do we really have to drink so much. ~Ah thatā€™s part of phase two, just a little dutch courage to get us laid! Yeah, thatā€™s the part I donā€™t get. I mean we are girls now and I  donā€™t see any lesbians hereā€¦? ~Ha! You know for a smart guy you have a hard time grasping the obvious. I said weā€™d get laid not that weā€™d get girls. Wait you meanā€¦? Usā€¦.? Weā€¦.? In these bodiesā€¦? With a guy! That soundsā€¦ Weirdly hot? ~I know right! I guess it must be the hormones or something because about all I can think of right now is getting some cock. Well when you put it like that it does sound like a pretty sweet plan! Guys canā€™t resist a slutty drunk girl and we qua...

Give me back my body

ā€œGive me back my body you bitch!ā€ The petite girl yells tackling the young man as he crosses the street. ā€œOh hey Juni.ā€ He chuckles taking her attempts to put him in a headlock in good spirits ā€œI was just about to call you.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t you hey Juni meā€ the young woman complains ā€œthatā€™s your name just like that is my body!ā€ ā€œWell sureā€ the man admits ā€œbut you did agree to swapā€¦ā€ ā€œI said Iā€™d swap for an hour. One singular. That was three days ago.ā€ She cuts him off ā€œHave you any idea what Iā€™ve been through since you ran off with my body. I agreed to do you a favour not to take a crash course in womanhood. Learning to wear makeup and dealing with boys hitting on me was not part of my plan for this weekend.ā€ ā€œOkay okay. Iā€™ll switch us back itā€™s justā€¦.ā€ he looks embarrassed ā€œWell, could you wait until tomorrow?ā€ ā€œTomorrow!!ā€ The girl practically screams ā€œwhat the hellā€¦? Why should I spend even one more minute in your body? What possible justification can you have could you hav...

X-Change; Obsession

Tags:  X-Change   blowjob   bimbo

X-Change; Take a chance


Body Morpher


Bad Idea

The bad idea This is a bad idea. You know it even as he demands you kneel for him. He will never love you, he doesnā€™t respect you, hell he doesnā€™t particularly like you. He wonā€™t be gentle or tender or go easy on you because itā€™s your first time together. He wants one thing from you, your complete submission. Heā€™s been very clear about this, anything less and heā€™ll simply walk away and find another girl to use.  His fingers tangle in your hair and you canā€™t bring yourself to care about any of the reasons why this is a bad idea.  He pushes into you, rough and demanding and all you can do is push back against him. Your mind drifts away into pleasure leaving one last lingering thought. This is the best bad idea you ever hadā€¦


Request for  @xxxstoriesbyme  hope you enjoy it ;) Alex was in love, at least thatā€™s how he saw it. Pretty much everyone else had a different word for it. His friends and family said he was obsessed. The cops and courts said he was a stalker and slapped him with a restraining order Worst of all the object of his affection simply called him pathetic He didnā€™t care though, all he cared about was that Maria was the most perfect woman he could imagine. Not just her physical beauty, although he spent many long hour masturbating to the thought of her long raven hair or gorgeous figure. No, what pushed him over the line from lust to obsession was her personality. She had an air of cool elegance about her, a way of taking control in any situation that a man with Alexā€™s submissive personality found simply irresistible. It all came to a head one night when she found him lurking in the bushes outside her house. She simply sneered at him in a way that made his heart skip a be...

The Choice

The choice Kidnapped, transformed, conditioned to obey. They give you one last chance to win your freedom all you have to do is make a choice. They leave you with a key and a vibrator. If you want to leave and return to your old life all you have to do is use the key. Take off the restraints and walk out the door and they promise itā€™ll be like none of this ever happened. On the other hand if you give in to your needy new pussy and use the vibrator to get yourself off then thereā€™ll be no going back. You will have to accept you are now just a horny little fucktoy for them to use or sell as they see fit. Of course there was never any doubt which you would pick. You just hope your new owners treat you well.

Karmic Correction

Karmic Correction A long over due request for the ever inspirational @demisword Mitch lounges by his pool sipping his drink pulling a face as he finds it has gotten warm in the afternoon heat. He snaps his fingers to get the attention of the gardener working nearby. ā€œHey Pablo!ā€ Hey yells when the man looks up ā€œGet me some ice, pronto.ā€ ā€œMy name is Miguelā€ the man replies as calmly as he can ā€œand your father pays me to take care of his garden not to fetch you drinks.ā€ The arrogant young man sneers at him with the kind of self satisfied expression you can only get from living your whole life without having to hear the word no. ā€œYeah whatever Pablo all you illegals look the same to meā€ Mitch says with a dismissive wave ā€œJust get me my damn ice before I call immigration on you.ā€ Miguel grind his teeth and resists the urge to punch Mitch in his smug face but he knows the boy can make a lot of trouble for him if he wantā€™s. He holds his tongue and stalks off to the house w...

The Portrait of Dora Grey

Youā€™ve probably herd the story  of Dorian Grey. How he had a magic painting that reflected his evil twisted inner-self while he remain young and beautiful. You may remember that the story ends when Dorian is forced to confront his own portrait and is destroyed by his own corruption.   But as is so often the case the story doesnā€™t tell the whole truth. The fact is Dorian wasnā€™t such a bad guy just out of step with the times he lived in. He didnā€™t die either, killing an immortal is not so easy as that. He just faked his death with  a little help from Harry Houdini and slipped away into obscurity.  Ever since his brush with fame heā€™s been a lot more cautious. Enjoying all the world has to offer while taking care not to find himself in the public eye again, even as a work of fiction. To that end he uses the magic of his portrait and the skills of a talented artist to give himself a new look every ten years or so.  Itā€™s worked out pretty well so far a...

Catfish Dad

A request for  hope you like it Tags:  tg caption   phone message   mental change   magical transformation   racism